🎼Get the fck out hiney prancer🎵
I’d prefer the pedos and the commies and the pedo-commies be send to Gitmo on the USNS Torture, instead. Eff this “comfort” crap.
Or, as the French call it, “le dark”. 🤷♂️
Here’s another link for anybody like me, for whom the standard Q post link format on this site always and forever just brings up an error page (at least on my iPhone, which is where I view this site)
You can’t understand the unmistakable divine providence and provenance leading to the creation of the United States, and the founders’ faithful and prayerful adherence to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and not realize that any plan to save God’s providential nation will be directly from an active God, and will necessitate a Christian revival. (And this, make no mistake, is a wonderful thing.)
I understand that there are unbelieving patriots and frens here; all I’ll say is to just be open to the real awakening, because that is truly what this is all about.
Underrated, understated post.
I haven’t seen the Secret Service’s role in “all this” discussed too often.
If any mod wanted to sticky this unassuming post to prompt a closer look or a sharing of information directly pertaining to the Secret Service, 👍.
And I can’t imagine “Joe Biden” was ever a revered figure among the Secret Service, to put it very mildly.
I can’t give you the inside scoop, and the Deep State corruption runs, well, deep and wide, and even more so that I ever could have guessed in 2016, or 2020. But between their unambiguous oath, their direct witness to serial high treason, and their daily experience with some of the most reprehensible people America (and Kenya) has ever produced, if you’re talking motivation to rip out the depraved, traitorous pedo-communist Deep State invasion, root and all, well, the Secret Service most definitely has that. 🤔
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
This is United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office. Their oath is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. Unless I am mistaken, they have no other, higher oath to serve the whims of a lawless traitor just because he has assumed the office of President.
Have they faithfully upheld their oath all along, or have they served as the praetorian guard for traitorous tyrants. From an outsider’s perspective, it sure and sadly appears to be the corrupted latter, but perhaps, to your implied point, we’ll ultimately be pleasantly surprised. And to be sure, if the plan that Q prefigures is true and correct, the Secret Service is, unquestionably, 1776% in on it.
Renegayed 🧐
Purposefully vague statements like the above aren’t prescriptive, they’re paranoiac.
And I truly get where this post’s sentiment is coming from, but as I noted in another comment, if you witness the ceaseless unholy rhetoric today and think that it’s only whitey targeted (and targeted by Satan, to be specific, and accurate), that’s, frankly, mistaken. The anti-white racism of today’s progressivism is but one gambit in the devil’s obsession to destroy us all. And, please note: the explicitly anti-white racism has harmed nobody more than black-Americans, the very people the demons claim to be helping. It helps nobody, harms everyone, divides and destroy. The devil is absolutely real, and this wicked logic is his trademark.
If you think only white people fake shadowy enemies whose malevolence knows no bounds, you’re nuts.
Just one example that plainly trumps the undeniable targeting that progressivism presently has out for white people: Once black Americans were done being legally enslaved and legally discriminated in this country, when their prosperity and participation in this country was growing and beneficial to all, with their families and faith were powerful bedrock from which they could individually partake in the American dream, they and those bedrock values were undeniably, viciously, and devastatingly targeted for purposeful destruction as cannon fodder by the Marxist left, and still are.
Don’t make the mistake of witnessing present depredations and think that Satan and the demons uniquely have it out for whitey. Divide and destroy, it’s a tactic as old as Satan himself.
Elon knows.
It’s fine to give him deserved grief over this, but your post title is spot-on: he’s walking a tightrope right now. Brilliantly, by all evidence. It all seems a bit wild and loose, but trust that it’s strategic, because it assuredly is. And in this, it’s been an unmistakably, curiously, extremely Trump-like performance. 🤔
And yet, still illegal as hell due to a little something called the Bill of Rights.
And this is how they hide their endless fake voters in plain sight, so they can vote every last fake registration while never tripping a duplicate-vote red flag.
They can’t, and they won’t.
Elon knows that; his phrasing was just a clever way to get in that point about their complicity with the criminal Sussman, and open the door to discussion about their extensive treasonous activities.
It’s good, fren.
Oh my goodness, you can’t be serious.
Start at the title.
For the doubters, I totally get your skepticism.
But after listening to Loy Brunson’s story of this case, during which he talks about how curiously eager the Supreme Court clerk seemed to be to have him get his case to them, quickly, with all outstanding questions addressed, it truly seems as if this case is being shepherded in from above. It certainly seems that someone, or someones, at the Supreme Court are particularly eager to receive this case, promptly and perfectly.
I’m not an expert on the Supreme Court, or experienced in predicting their actions based on reading legal tea leaves. And I only have Loy Brunson’s word (and the fact that this case made it to the Supreme Court) to go on here, but he seems genuine and earnest. To me, though, although there’s undeniably a huge chance it’s a nothing burger, it just seems like this case could be providential, and monumental.
"Health Scare"? 🤔
And so, of course, no surprise, Big Pharma has been able to monetize the shit out of it.
Um, folks, this ☝️.
Someone posted some fake-news tweet from some unreliable source, and this place is all instantly "Está a acontecer! O Brasil é livre!"
C'mon now, folks. Have some discretion, and if you got none of that, at least have some sense of shame. I'm certainly hopeful the military does ultimately step in to save Brazil from a stolen election and Marxist tyranny. But to anyone who has spent even a few minutes looking into these serial "news" turds crapped out so far, nowhere is a genuine "It's habbening!" corroborated, and trust me, martial law in Brazil is not going to go unnoticed.
Being forced by a fraudulently-elected senile pedophile to inject poison into their bodies, repeatedly? 🤔
Hey yo, now nobody's getting triggered up in here. It's all coup, it's so damn coup. 😎
Welp 🤷♂️