Fren, what pillow salesman you happen to get your news from does not change whether something you posted is hokum.
Yeah. Unfortunately there are a lot of crap sources repeatedly peddled around here. If anyone is going to (rightfully) deride fake news, it’s necessary to use diligence to ensure your sources are clown-town garbage.
And I remain extremely suspicious about these super low-grade “news”sites (and, potentially, those who link to them) - what possible purpose is there to yet another “news” site ostensibly catering to a “right-wing” audience, but with zero editorial standards, other than to make your opponents look stupid when they link to it.
It took me literally 10 seconds to discover that this story was wildly, misleadingly misdated - any marginally-real news source would do the same, at a rock-bottom bare minimum. And anyone posting here really should damn well do the same.
Username checks out ✅👍
(☝️because robots are good at repetitive tasks 😁)
School choice is the only answer.
We just moved all of our kids out of public schools to a private (Christian) school. It's been the best thing ever, like night and day, and it's nothing less than criminal that our government spends nearly twice on mal-educating and indoctrinating children than we're paying (out of pocket) for a fantastic school with class sizes about half the size of public schools.
The failure of public schools is TOTAL, and it's wicked, and it's intentional. Yes, indeed, take back the school boards now, but only as a stop-gap until the government school monopoly can be ENDED.
I’m often skeptical of screen-grabs, but I just confirmed that this is indeed straight from CNN’s home page right now.
That’s plainly a man.
The gaslighting around this, among other things, is demonic.
Now send this facilitator of child rape to prison, where he can get a taste of it first-hand. And even if the faggot loves getting his colon punched, I doubt he’ll love getting his face pinched at the same time.
(And I don’t generally like to make light of prison rape, because I truly don’t think even most prisoners deserve that, and because I also don’t want any of them who will eventually be released coming out more f’d up than they went it… but this monster deserves every abuse, and also deserves never to see the light of day again. Demons who eff with kids need to know their remaining days on earth will be unending hell, even before hell becomes their unending eternity)
Purge the depraved demons, or depraved demons will purge the decent, honorable, righteous, and good, without end. If it’s not already too late for the military, like it is for the schools, and universities, and the media, Congress, charities, medicine, law, the corporate boardrooms, and even many churches, it will be too damned late very, very soon.
Conservatives’ fatal flaw is tolerance, a questionable “virtue” that the rabidly intolerant lying Left loves to crown themselves with. If this ever all gets cleaned up, it will only be through God’s grace, providence, and mercy, and we can NEVER AGAIN tolerate depravity, NEVER AGAIN let Satan guilt us into allowing him to put his cloven foot in the door, and let his foot soldiers stream endlessly in.
🎼Myr hurart wron’t goohr ohhhohrnn🎵
Better than Sassehole, in all ways.
… and like that, the post was gone. 😆
In case folks had missed it, today wasn’t super-based Elon’s first Pepe.
I believe he pepe’d his cherry back on 11/28 with this one:
Oh, but it ain’t Elon’s first Pepe:
How do you know they’re “Military SF vans” if they’re unmarked. Because local popo these days absolutely love pretending they’re military.
Kinda like how I’m totally working as an “SF operator” this morning because I’m camouflaged in civilian clothes.
“You ain’t black unless you got something totally undeserved from Uncle Joe, darkies.”
Wake me when they’re raiding mansions in Martha’s Vineyard, Manhattan and Medina, not a double-wide in Arkansas.
And do “Special Forces” yell “police!”, and look like they pre-gamed at Waffle House?
Matt Gaetz truly never disappoints.
“lied to them… and poisoned them and their families.”
Ah, thank you, thank you. (since it was a Reply, it wouldn’t have shown up under Tweets, but rather Tweets and Replies👍)
Now I can unabashedly love this. It seems like every day is Red Pill Day with Elon, and he seems unabashedly “Q aware”.
That’s precisely why I said “also”.
Is this real? Can someone link to the actual Tweet? If I trying going to @elonmusk on Twitter, I get the login pop up, but don’t see this in his most recent tweets.
It’s a cool pic, but I’m very tired of fake sht getting dumped here.
That’s pretty much what this Meghan bitch is doing, tho.
However, she ain’t no hero; she’s a selfish cunt peddling social Marxism.
As a west coaster, I can’t disagree.
So, this may be a depopulation scheme everybody can agree with:
Oh ffs. The antidote to fake news is not false news.
Oh, he’s always peddled obscene lies, but the gatekeepers in Big Tech and the media always insulated him from rebuttal. The only way the lying Left can survive is censorship.
But he, and they, are finding out that things are changing.