BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

You would have to actually serve to understand the depth and breadth of the bonds between men who have experienced war together and their love for this nation. Most people think they respect veterans, but only veterans have earned the right to judge this nation and its honor; and I can tell you that most veterans believe this nation is in slavery and bondage to Lucifer.

Most people will be thinking about the cost of hot dogs and sunscreen, not the cost of freedom this weekend. For most, it's just another holiday for spoiled generations to practice gluttony. For we who served, it is a reminder that we carry with us the spirits of our brothers who didn't return. And we may be the only ones who will be prepared to defend liberty in the future, when demonic liberal forces bring Civil War to this God-appointed land of opportunity.

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

For an American to be considered a Citizen with full American rights and privileges they should have to serve a set period in the armed forces. God bless you and may he bring peace to your heart that knows such tender compassion for yourself and your fellow warriors.

BasedKungFuMaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Every time an American veteran dies of suicide or even ill health, a random Democrap should be executed so their family knows the pain of our veteran families. They aren't human beings anymore. They're ravenous vampires who kill things on purpose just because those things are good.

BasedKungFuMaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

So true. We're practically in concentration camps already. I get filled with fury when I think of all the precious freedoms we've lost and all the abominations and perversions that others have won. The day may be coming when you must remain in your home, or take up the fruits of the second amendment and join the millions of past Americans who have placed their lives in jeopardy for FREEDOM. Are you ready to answer the call when it comes???

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump will make good his sacrifice.

The days of victory are just beginning!

BasedKungFuMaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for proving my point!

He encouraged us to vote because either: (a) he had no idea there would be widespread voter fraud (seems unlikely since he talked about for a year before the election but okay) and our massive voter participation helped to expose the Big Steal and uncover our enemies' methods


(b)he knew there would be massive voter fraud and Trump played things perfectly. He used our massive voter participation to expose the Big Steal and uncover our enemies' methods and now has made Xiden a lame duck president and will be re-elected in 2024 (which is like having three terms).

Get it?

BasedKungFuMaster 6 points ago +6 / -0

You should take the words of God's prophets with a grain of FAITH!

A small grain of doubt gets you nothing, but a mustard-seed of faith will MOVE MOUNTAINS!

Be encouraged, Patriots!

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your kindness and encouraging words. It is always a pleasure to share with those who never stop believing!

BasedKungFuMaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Beautifully said. Enjoy your Independence Day weekend!

BasedKungFuMaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guess where that comes from? Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006.

Remember: the Bush family is Cabal, y'all.

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Careful, now! Is that a touch of the old green eyed monster jealousy ?

Jordan Sather is a massively influential proponent of Q and has redpilled tens of thousands of newly awakened souls worldwide. His global reach and his promotion of discourse is so much greater than anything any of us have done that it seems strange one would want to simply relegate him to the position of a Telegram clown. He's a pede whose work takes him off the internet and into the real world and in contact with the sort of influential thinkers that any of us would like to meet.

As a researcher and commentator, he isn't perfect (though--dare I say--none of us are likely to be perfect, either) but he is certainly a powerful mover who affects the world in a way larger than any of us here do. No need to be "jelly" of the lad or stoop to insults.

Call out what you disagree with. Discourse as best you are able. But support your fellow Patriots. It doesn't diminish you for someone else to be more important. Remember: WWG1WGA!!

God bless you, brother! Enjoy your upcoming Independence Day!

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +5 / -3

Election fraud is done. It happened the way it had to happen, but it's done now. The lies have been exposed and the political remedies are being marshalled.

Why would anybody vote if their votes weren't going to count? I certainly wouldn't vote in ANY election where my vote wasn't being counted. Nor would Donald Trump, but he is ENCOURAGING me to vote. So how hard is that to understand?

As the most powerful man on Earth and one of the shrewdest, I doubt he would be telling us to vote if the fix was in unless it's to make your vote of even GREATER value. Either way is a win.

BasedKungFuMaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sadly, those who do not come to Jesus are SLAVES to the perversions of the flesh and the ideologies of Satan. It is a war of Light and Dark. There is no third side. In some ways the only freedom you have is the freedom to decide whose slave you will be.

That being said--your voyage toward salvation must be your own. I couldn't FORCE you because you must come to the reckoning with God on your own.

God bless you. May you find the truth that is the source of all the goodness and light behind the cherished ideals of the 2nd amendment, of proper sexual morality and the sanctity of children that underlie all that Q taught and that attracted you enough to participate here..

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel that it's a 2024 return in store, but I HOPE with YOU! Thank you!

One thing I'm encouraging myself and others to do is to "tend our own gardens". Now is the time as the victory grows near to address the sexual sins in our lives, to get rid of even heterosexual pornography, of sex outside of marriage and to address how our wives and children are living--to guide them away from "woke" acceptance of homosexuals, to cut ties with "friends" who support abortion. Men must regain their status as head of their households and women must turn humbly back to their service of their families. Children must receive correction from their parents.

We will see who is serious and who is just following Trump because he's the winning team. The ones who LIVE outside of sin will see the reward, but many will be lost. If we do not live by the morals we profess, how can we be part of the victory? Our sins may be just as costly, even though we know the truth that only perverted liberals doubt, as the sins of the wicked.

BasedKungFuMaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whatever you do, look for the Holy Spirit. Whether the church is doctrinaire according to your hopes or not, it is most important that people at the church (1) want to pray for you (because that's a good thing for you to want and for them to offer others) (2) that the Holy Spirit is there (which you'll know in your heart because it might make you feel like laughing and crying at the same time, or like deep peace, or a recognition that is strictly your own that I can't describe--but if you are asking to meet the Holy Spirit, he's looking to reach out to you)

I would say to look for the gifts of the spirit like moving in the prophetic, or laying on of hands--but there are those who emulate the power without the power. So, the best thing is to take the stress off yourself, and just say:

"God--I don't know what I believe or who I am--but I'm opening this door to learn. If you want me, call me and bring me closer."

God is faithful to answer a simple prayer and a true one. I'm praying for you right now as I type. I truly believe that if you look for God and ask for God to come to you, He will honor that prayer.

We're all dust, brother. But there's incredible joy and a literal eternity of it in God. And we can't get there by being smart or savvy or strong. We get there by asking God to take us deeper a little bit more everyday.

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

It had to happen that way for the bigger victory.

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed--me and mine definitely aren't in retreat. We are WINNING YUUUUUUUGELY!

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

This country lost its morals back when women got the vote, no-fault divorces were allowed and the supreme court refused to rule against films and books that promulgated hateful heresies against the risen Christ.

For a hundred years, the hearts of this nation have been corrupt. Only now, with our new Supreme Court and the return of our GEOTUS in 2024 can we finally move into the morals that made America great.

I foresee the end of freely available contraception, the end of men and women co-habitating outside of marriage, and the return of criminalizing sodomitic acts (and the subsequent imprisonment of men and women who perform sexual perversions with others of the same gender).

It's a glorious day in America for those of us who still respect MORALS! God bless you, fren.

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sick burn on their pathetic lack of zealous patriotism. That's the kind of thing that shames these people and gets in their head. Thank you for reminding us there's always an opportunity to drop a truth bomb and redpill those around us!

God bless you richly on this Independence Day!

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lady at the grocery store this morning told my eight year old nephew "happy 4th of july" and he asked her if she was "too stupid to know the name of the holiday".

I guess he's been listening to his Uncle BKFM a little too much!

For all you doomers out there--don't believe the hype. The next generations coming up behind us are going to be MAGA as hell.

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you, sir! It's been quite a challenge getting anybody to care about these "lower level" signs of enemy movement.

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