BasedPeace 18 points ago +18 / -0

That would be SICK, we can only hope

BasedPeace 23 points ago +23 / -0

I’d give my left testicle for Q to start posting again

BasedPeace 7 points ago +7 / -0

To be honest.

In my view: I am in Trump's camp, COVID was a bioweapon released by the Chinese. It's not extremely dangerous for most people but many people I know had to take off work for 2 weeks, and the elderly are in danger of dying, just like with the regular flu. The problem is unlike the Flu, there was no covid vaccine. This shit is damaging to workplaces, to families to the economy.

The Chinese released the virus to fuck up Trump's stellar economy and policies that lifted millions of Americans.

Trump's Warp Speed developed a vaccine that prevents most of the serious issues, allowing people back to work and trying to protect the weak in society.

Now it's time to hold the Chinese accountable boycott and sanction the fuck out of them, they overplayed their hand and have to be held accountable.

BasedPeace 9 points ago +11 / -2

Ban generic political memes that don't relate to Q, there are 1000's other sources for political memes, only a few real boards about Q.

Be wary of shills. Not the liberal idiot handshakes that come in and get banned in a day, but the ones making Q's look crazy:

For example Flat Earth, Time Travel, Tartaria, Lizard People, Anti-vax (I know, downvote me for not being anti-vax, I'm used to it). These posts will derail the board without being banned due to the rules currently in place.

BasedPeace 8 points ago +8 / -0

Holy shit the comments on that thread are cancer. Making of fun of Trump getting reinstated, can't wait to see them eat those fucking words.

BasedPeace 4 points ago +5 / -1

I got vaccinated 1st shot AstraZeneca, no magnetism.


This video comes to mind when I see people sticking spoons on their skin.

BasedPeace 0 points ago +3 / -3

Trump is the tip of the spear of Q's team, he's the one that verified and confirmed Q's existence. With all due respect, how are you to 'know' what he says is true and what is disinformation? We can't just filter his comms through our preexisting biases and regard/disregard it at will.

Trump wouldn't push the vac if it was killing his constituents, the Left is already pushing it hard enough. He must have his reasons and I trust him.

BasedPeace 0 points ago +1 / -1

That is reassuring, browsing the board here it feels like a lot of folks are very much against the vaccine.

BasedPeace 5 points ago +7 / -2

It's a tough situation. I know I'm in the minority here but I trust Trump, he is the President, has access to critical intel. If you have elderly parents / family members give them the J&J American vaccine.

For younger people I wouldn't bother.

BasedPeace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Scavino keeps ticking my balls I’m ready for it

BasedPeace 3 points ago +3 / -0

One thing I kind of struggle with, when Q said there are no coincidences. In reality coincidences happen all the time though, how do we ascertain when Q is involved and they’re not?

Like this graphic. There are nearly 5,000 Q drops, so any dollar amount until 50$ will have a corresponding drop. We also compare timestamps, dates, Law Of War chapters.

In short how do we know if it’s coincidental or not?

BasedPeace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately we’ve seen a lot of shit in Europe over the past century. Apocalyptic wars, fascism, communism etc.

We’ve been fucked by these Rothschilds and other elites for too long. Their game is played out.

BasedPeace 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is a fair point. Maybe there could be like megathreads or ‘meme-mondays’ or something to organize the board a bit better.

I’m not saying I’m perfect but I still think we need somewhat stricter rules/moderation.

BasedPeace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks mate! I will give it a read. For me this is exactly the type of content I come to this site for!

BasedPeace 8 points ago +9 / -1

I'd love to see a ban on non-Q related memes. Call me old-fashioned but for me they really deteriorate the quality of the board.

There are plenty of places online to see memes, there are honestly only very few with digs, analysis and Q related insights.

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