It’s not a fake image. But what does it prove anyways. The MSM has already run a full cycle debunking the theory that Gates wants to vaccinate us to death. The claim is that vaccines lead to longer lives.. and that studies show when mortality rates are lower among children, it actually reduces the rate of population increase..
My opinion is that what Gates said was in line with what the MSM has claimed.. but it’s all bullshit. Vaccines make money. That’s it.. and why the hell would anyone listen to bill gates about their healthcare choices to begin with? And In general i think vaccines are overly used and anyone taking the Covid vaccine is at high risk for unknown side effects because this drug wasn’t tested … at all!!
All being said.. Gates could give two shits about making the world better and is an evil slime bag.
There are hardly any schools mandating the Covid vaccine. It is happening yes. But it is up to the local authorities to make these recommendations. And maybe this is harsh, but if families go along with this in the areas that are pushing it then that’s their problem. Smart people will continue moving to red states and cities..
Also, the post clearly says it’s a mandate. Which it isn’t.
Can everyone calm down? The CDC doesn’t have the authority to mandate what vaccines your schools require for children. And no, I’m not trying to sound billy bad ass, the CDC has even stated this on their website. This is adding the vaccine schedule that requires them to be offered. I thought after years of misinformation this group above all would do a little research.
That said, the CDC officials all need fired or the CDC needs abolished.
Also, I’ll be positing this repetitively. This is a non issue to get people pissed off.
Can everyone calm down? The CDC doesn’t have the authority to mandate what vaccines your schools require for children. And no, I’m not trying to sound billy bad ass, the CDC has even stated this on their website. This is adding the vaccine schedule that requires them to be offered. I thought after years of misinformation this group above all would do a little research.
That said, the CDC officials all need fired or the CDC needs abolished.
Also, I’ll be positing this repetitively. This is a non issue to get people pissed off.
Under what platform? She doesn’t fit into any party platform other than the democrats. She barely had popularity in their race. Although maybe she had more popularity but they obviously cheated.
She was anti gay marriage (but flip flopped recently to survive politically.. same with everyone else). Voted with Republican to vet middle eastern refugees. Against men in women’s sports. She’s for the Florida “don’t say gay” bill. She voted present, not for trumps impeachment.
I’m not saying she’s amazing at all. I think she might just actually be a real person and is smart enough to jump ship on the sinking Democrat boat. Not everyone is a double or triple agent…
Her flipping now before the mid terms hurts the democrats. That’s all in my opinion. If she tries running for President she’ll have no traction other than if she ran independently and stole votes from democrats.
I don’t think it’s as complex as we’re making it out to be. She was a loser, but joined the winning side. Through experience she grew up from her desire to be a lefty.
And if she’s not genuine, what is her angle exactly? It’s not like we’re about to appoint her to the throne. Calm down.
This timcast should be shared. It’s so obvious Pelosi and AOC knew what was going to happen … subpoena their asses.
If the republicans win majority at midterms we better see a fresh 1/6 investigation (amongst many other committees)
The Pursuit in Seattle does live streams and records all of their services to YouTube. I live in the Midwest. The city I’m in has some nice family churches. But non that I know if that spoke the truth during Covid lockdowns or black live matter. In fact I left my local church after the lead pastor talked about Jacob Blake and his support for BLM. I was so pissed off they gathered to do a social justice protest and hand out bibles, yet would not hold services in person because of county ordinance… and I live in a red county and state.