He said he was wrong about it years ago dude. This is a smear piece the mockingbird media is running.
Hey brother, he said that like 7 years ago. Stop pushing the smear pieces on him fueling the sham trial.
I don’t think that’s going to happen. The plaintiffs attorney requested the text messages, claimed Jones never sent them, but somehow now they have exactly what they requested but received it on accident. It doesn’t sound right, but it won’t be a mistrial. They are out for jones’ blood.
It’s a sham show trial. Complete kangaroo court. They’re literally filming for a movie in the court room
It’s not. I’m not sure if you read the article but it claims Jones admitted on the witness stand sandy hook was real, which isn’t news he said that years ago. And it also says he mentioned “sandy hook” in at least one text message, even though Jones said he didn’t. And the article gave no example of a single text message. This isn’t a court reporting, it’s the texas tribune and it’s mostly just an opinion piece. If this is where you get your news, I’d suggest you look elsewhere.
He admitted it was real like 7 years ago. This isn’t news.
Regardless of your opinion of AJ, you should still be able to acknowledge unfair treatment by the legal system. That should be incredibly concerning to everyone. And may one day effect you too.
As a free speech absolutist myself, I find this trial appalling and a complete mockery of our country.
Sham trial. Kangaroo court. Who cares if he said sandy hook was fake. This trial and how Jones has been treated should be the biggest news story right now
Well they showed up after the fact, and then did nothing but help the shooter. That’s kind of how police work. And sometimes when you call them for help they’ll show up and kill you. Ask Justine damond… oh wait you can’t. But you should google her name.
Tl;dr any fiat currency is fake and can be manipulated.
Depends on your state. For sure oregon, Minnesota, and florida don’t tax food.
There are several states that don’t tax necessities all year long, every day. This is a sham to make him look good. They shouldn’t be taxing much of anything, if anything, to begin with.
And I’ll tell you this now. Oregon, that state you guys bitch about for being too liberal has 0 sales tax. Hopefully this is when you start to see the cross over between two ideologies and realize you’re being played on both sides.
My question to you now is, if they can just stop or pause taxes when ever they want, how do you justify ever having them in the first place?
This is how it’s done. Stop relying on police who aren’t there and won’t help you.
Straight out of 1984
Good. Y’all fat already.
Do some research about the prostate. Have your wife try it on you.
“Do not deny yourselves to each other…” 1 Corinthians 7:5
Ted Cruz is a shmuck who hoots and hollers, and then votes against Americans.
Pretty sure the bbc has always been propaganda. That’s about as much as you can expect from anything run by any government
The 1920-30’s had some of the hottest average temperatures recorded in the last 100 years. We’ve been on a down trend until like the 70-80’s and are tracking slightly upwards now, but still below the 20-30’s. Tony Heller really goes into this stuff, along with historical graphs and news articles. His YouTube channel is self titled: Tony heller, website: realclimatescience.com
Post the video of the camera turning on its own or failing while recording. Because quite frankly, I don’t believe you. But if you’re telling the truth I would think it wouldn’t be hard to get something. Go watch some ghost hunters and then do what they do lol
Remember 3am is the witching hour, so you’re gonna need to pull an all nighter
Set up some cameras. I want to see this.
True royal purple is actually Tyrian purple. It was originally made from the crushed shells of snails found there. It was difficult to produce and is why royals were able to wear clothing dyed in it. It’s not purple as most people would imagine it. It’s actually quite a nice colour.
You’re forgetting the fact that the US engineered covid19 but in China.
And it seems you’re in desperate need of a dictionary. Ad homonym is not an argument.
I don’t think he asked to be sued for 150 million dollars in an adversarial court.