Who originally placed the troops in DC? It sure as fuck wasn't the capitol police, democrats, or Bidan. Any current narrative bs about the NG is some kind of Jedi mind trick for people not paying attention.
He wants to control the food AND own the means of production\genetic patents. He's investing heavily in doomsday seed vaults. Pay more attention.
HBO is an enemy platform.
HBO? Woke central. Might as well release it on CNN.
None of this matters, you're living in an occupied country. Not my President, not my VP, not my AG. If you want to normalize all this criminal activity happening before your eyes that's your prerogative. I don't recognize any of this horseshit as reality or possessing any authority over me or anyone else whatsoever.
How can Bidan be the President? He didn't win the election. How's that normalization working out for you?
Jim Jordan also said Trump 2024. NOPE Trump 2020 Based Trump 2024 Cucked
Stop calling that guy the President
This is about as stupid as making a counterfeit yellow star in Nazi Germany. Why the hell would you want to make a vax card? Just tell anyone asking to see your "vaccination papers please" to FUCK OFF
That's because he's not the President
July? Getthefuggaouttahere
Wordcloud: -The "people"- -"Weston" central bank- -Trumpandthepatriots- Dave lives in his own special world
I propose anyone who takes this DNA altering vaccine be banned from flying on airplanes, entering grocery stores without a blood test passport, henceforth banned from restaurants, public places, or any essential locations deemed necessary to live or exercise free will on planet earth. Their children (if conceived after taking said shot) be banned from public school premises until such time as their DNA can be cleansed of the aberrant genetic GATES operation system installed by said "vaccination".
Step one: Reaffirm oath to the Constitution. Step two: Remove that fraud Bidan and his whole shitbird "administration"
My mask mandate ended March 2020. FUCK YOU JAY INSLEE
I'm down with this. Maybe we can collectively datefag reality into.. reality. SICK OF WAITING
Let's not forget who originally put the NG there in the first place. It's hilarious the Democrats are trying to own this narrative now.
This poll could also be.. "If you voted for President in the 2020 election, did you vote for Bidan?"
Big whoop, do GA and PA
WA will probably never end the mask psychosis mandate. These flailing virtue zombies up here love wearing the submission veil.
Big whoop, for anyone with a pulse the last 6 months VOTING IS RIGGED
Deep state scumbag to Mittens: "Hold the line Mittens!" SMACK
Dear military, launch the missiles!
MItch thinks congress put the troops in DC. That's pretty fucking funny.