They (demon-crats) will say, "Calling us wrong is racist. This study used racist science and can't be trusted, only our science, that only our experts use is right."
Oh that is a great meme!
I told someone it was safer to let their kids smoke crack than to take the jab. They didn't like that.
614.... Thank you for the nightmares I will have tonight LOL.
Lake has more balls than anyone in DC, I'm with you purkiss, I love this woman.
Great find Polly, thank you. Now if we only had a similar cartoon to explain the storm to those around me.
Where is the remote? I need to change the channel in this real reality.
I'm sure he's a member of an alphabet agency and feebs don't want people searching fed directory of agent pictures.
A true Patriot of America. My heart aches for patriots like this that hold their oath to god and country no matter the cost.
2a trumps WHO!
I'm pretty sure there are some DC male hookers that will miss him.
My kids were raised with guns and we went shooting many weekends. Now I go with grandkids and my kids.
That site is creepy AF.
Who would invite the short bald fat F*UCK to a party.
The asshat needs to quit shoving food in that hole under your nose. Nobody cares what he says. When you look at him one wants to get a tow truck and haul the whale back to the ocean.
Something like that comes near me or my family I'm emptying the magazine.
Haven't been to a theater in almost a decade. I think the wife and I are going to the opening next month.
This is good to know thanks.
This is bullshit! Hats off to the citizen helping out others.
She speaks the truth and doesn't care, something that is very rare in DC. I like her but like or hate her MTG deserves respect. She's very good at providing sauce with her views.
At times I wish Cali would just fall into the ocean.
I can't find it on his chan
This is truly a headline I never thought possible.