BoltCarrierGroup 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where are we watching? I’m not using CNN

BoltCarrierGroup 24 points ago +24 / -0

You know who is one of Paris' close friends?

Tiffany Trump

BoltCarrierGroup 0 points ago +1 / -1

How am I being downvoted?

He is Constitutionally allowed to run for president. He was born in Ohio and is a naturalized citizen.

Your parents don’t have to be naturalized citizens, that isn’t a requirement.

BoltCarrierGroup -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why would that matter, he is a naturalized citizen

BoltCarrierGroup 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea I don't want RFK as a president, but I love a lot of the things he talks about.

He knows a lot on our foreign policy alone, but with his knowledge on the environment and the pharma industry is impressive. He cares about the real environment issues like waste water into our rivers, protecting actual natural resources, and clean energy.

Not preaching how the world is going to end because I filled up my lawn mower this morning.

He would be a great FDA head to clean our food and Make America Fit Again

BoltCarrierGroup 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is exactly what Tucker said...

They will build a military with people who don't integrate with our culture, don't follow our beliefs or laws, and literally hate us.

Then turn them against us.

by PepeSee
BoltCarrierGroup 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thats a massive question. I don't know any of the detailed science in this, but if that is possible (I have no clue if it is), this vaccine will literally alter the human race.

BoltCarrierGroup 3 points ago +3 / -0

That study sounds like a bunch of bullshit tbh.

I wish I never got a tattoo, it was my dumb teenage and young 20's self thinking of stupid things while standing post in Afghanistan which I then tattooed on my body with deployment money.

Now that I have them, I'll continue with just the stories of Christ on my arm, but if I could go back, I'd never have gotten any.

(removed tattoo's look absolutely terrible over a large area so I won't do that)

BoltCarrierGroup 6 points ago +6 / -0

Putin is visiting with his allies before the west starts WWIII.

We are ready to start WWIII while our military can't even decide what gender they are.

BoltCarrierGroup 5 points ago +7 / -2

They need to somehow explain the disappearance of billions of Christians when they vanish in the blink of an eye

BoltCarrierGroup 5 points ago +5 / -0

God gave humans free thought. We are in a corrupted world due to satan convincing Eve to break God's only rule.

God also gave his only son to us by him sacrificing himself for our sins.

God wants us to choose him, to choose him over sin, over evil. If he forced good upon us, that isn't love, its forced. But by us choosing him over sin, shows the love God deserves.

If you want a girl to love you, but she refuses, if I hold a gun to her head and say, LOVE ME, she didn't choose to love, she is forced. By having the free will to choose God, and to choose to love him.

God loves each and every person on earth, he craves us to come to him. He will absolve your sin if you trust him and Jesus Christ.

By having the free choice to CHOOSE GOD, we can then live in an uncorrupt, beautiful heaven prepared for us for those who chose God. For eternity, literally forever. Our lives here are so short compared to a millennium, let alone an eternity.

BoltCarrierGroup 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perfect timing. They have until January to go full blown WW3.

Which they will, I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t happened yet.

BoltCarrierGroup 1 point ago +1 / -0

How does this even relate? It says pedesta and it says November

BoltCarrierGroup 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was in Paris last summer, it was filthy. Full of trash, an entire lgbt themed section of the city, graffiti everywhere. The Eiffel Tower area was disgusting.

BoltCarrierGroup 4 points ago +4 / -0

She’s getting ready for the RFK VP announcement tomorrow when he claims her has VP. Next they will do a joint podcast with Joe Rogan followed by Joe saying he is staying out of politics by only hosting RFk and Tulsi and ignoring Trump.

He’ll probably have Obama on by the end of the election cycle and say it’s too dangerous to give Trump a platform.

BoltCarrierGroup 17 points ago +17 / -0

Ok I follow this group for news and shit, never fully believed anything.

But these last couple of weeks, wtf…

Too many coincidences

BoltCarrierGroup 6 points ago +7 / -1

What do y’all think about https://qofficial.net/password?

Just saw this pop up on social media, no info on it at all from the post

BoltCarrierGroup 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like they just tore down their electrical facility....

BoltCarrierGroup 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its weird that those same states labeled as "Blue" on the left side of the chart, are all the states that are most suspect of election fraud....
