Well, is JRE podcast this morning or after the press conference?
Waiting on that drop!
its the same site, just the url swapped
My kids are 10 & 12, My 12 year old doesn't even want to go to college. She is in business mode and is already learning and trying to start an online business.
My 10 year old wants to be a hair dresser.
We have a rule that if they don't have an exact path for college that makes sense, like nursing, law, etc., then they are not going. Plus they aren't going away to school unless they pay for it without student loans.
Only exception is if they go to Hillsdale or another Christian college equivalent that is private, conservative, and weeds out communist professors.
It was TheDonald.win, but like 2 or 3 years ago there was an issue with one of the owners of the domain and he deactivated the site from the domain so the mod team swapped it to Patriots.win.
They no longer own TheDonald.win because of that whole thing, I don't remember all the details that Doggos or -F-B-I- posted (two top mods)
The thing shadow of Ezra posted was from George Santos and it seems he’s full of crap from his last post.
Something about the publication won’t release the footage and he’s going to lawyer up now. Seems he’s still a liar until he proves me wrong.
So I’ve browsed through a lot of the sources posted.
How have I not seen these….WTF!
Very weird posts by Q, some I’m not sure about with the dates about arrests and things like that. I know I’ve seen on here that the dates don’t mean anything, and it could mean a later date in the future, but idk, weird.
A lot of proofs though that can’t be coincidence. Q was 100% on Trumps inner team, that’s a fact.
Idk how I haven’t seen all those. I’ve just seen the Tip Top one.
Hot dog! Insane. I have a lot of time to kill at work today I guess.
I can’t stand Fulton county. I try to avoid it at all costs.
Depends on your state. Georgia opened early voting this week
i didn't realize that post was on 11/5, interesting
Wait in line. No big deal, get a podcast out and listen to it while you're in line.
Thankfully I voted opening day in GA, 3 minute wait.
Make V8’s Great Again!
Do what you can for your country, but your first priority is to your family. Don’t let politics destroy your marriage.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; Ephesians 5:25
I believe he said that is George Washington’s pistol too. Not sure if I remember that correctly
They hate beautiful things they can’t create themselves
You can’t really launch a rocket in a hurricane.
France I think was the only one. They have c130’s helping find people stranded and dropping off supplies
Are we doing another "weapons of mass destruction?"
It’s not a biological lab, it’s a pool supply company called BioLab.
That whole thing was weird.
If a building just collapsed, got it. But why did Israelis take over the clean up and the rescue ops? We NEVER need help from other countries, Israel has never helped us, not a single time with anything. But that? Wtf
He’s gonna buy an f150, start bow hunting, and wear a pair of boots hoping he can fit in
I mean, I fully believe she is retarded, but this sounds fake and gay.
what kinda pedo truckers are voting for harris?
I thought that same way my entire life until 4 years ago.
There is more evidence of Jesus Christ than anything I’ve ever seen. The gospels of Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John are the most researched books in history with more cross-referenced material than any other based on eye-witness accounts of over 25,000 manuscripts dating back to the 2nd century. With new findings proving the accuracy of the text, locations, and details every year.
That, coupled with the actions of the apostles and their extreme doubts pre and post crucifixion to their immense faith after the rising of Christ, are unexplainable any other way. They were ruined in their reputations, tortured in horrific ways (crucified upside down, submerged in acid for example) and maintained their faith for no worldly benefits, even after almost all of them doubting Jesus was before he rose. Then to after he came back, they never wavered in their trust.
From the history and my personal experiences from a huge skeptic and ‘agnostic’ to how out of nowhere, I was pulled into faith; the peace and love I feel in my life now, it would be way harder for me to be convinced it was all fake compared to me having even more faith.
This dude is weird. Ever since he joined up with PBD, he's more open to the MAGA movement. But he's still a slimeball and a liar.
I feel like he's being more honest with himself now, and the loyalty to his family is something that should be admired, but in his case, his family is filthy.
He's someone who can never be trusted because of his old talking points and employer, and his brother and father. But he is a way to drag the lefty's towards the right so he can be used.