Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +2 / -1

Berberine 3x a day.

Many brands are garbage. Make sure it’s a brand that has been tested and results published.

This is the most common method before metformin that bodybuilders use to fight insulin resistance from growth hormone. It works.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

Obviously these are domestic drones and they are not hiding them. When flying over combat zones, you better believe drones do not use lighting like this. These are FAA compliant.

So who owns them? And is the Biden admin lying when they say they don’t know anything about them?

Is this a military OP being hidden from the Biden admin? Seems most likely.

The Navy has a new drone that’s half helicopter half plane. The video of these looks very similar to those. Flying over water makes it seem even more likely.

My gut says this is military. Only thing that makes sense. And they are complying with lighting regulations to prevent air collisions. Whoever is flying them doesn’t give a shit if people see them.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is Maga. Not the same old thing. We care about our own soil. If it was up to most of us, we would close every foreign base on earth. That money should be spent on Americans.

The US has been the proxy defense force for countries all over the globe. Europe in particular. While we spend trillions on our military, European countries spend pennies. They don’t need a military budget. They have the US. This allows them to have lavish spending on their own social programs. So we spend our money to put tanks and jets on their soil, they spend their money on their citizen.

It’s bullshit. Germany can defend it itself. Why do we have to do it?

Unfortunately, it will never change significantly. Trump may be able to shrink our footprint, but it won’t be huge. Too many treaties have been signed. Too many nations are used to the comfort of knowing an attack on them is going to bring the wrath of the US military.

It is what it is. The best thing we can do is vote maga and try to bring some of our money back to our own soil.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be way wrong. None of this makes sense.

Trump has become increasingly vocal about us being occupied, Nov 5 is liberation day, it’s the only thing that seems to fit.

This isn’t even a real election. It’s a movie. Can’t have an election against Ukraine right? Or against a government that isn’t legitimate in the first place. So what is it? It seems like one big show for optics.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

He may know this happened, but he may have no idea what it was.

Why would he? Why would anyone know that doesn’t need to know? The entire government is the enemy. And it’s spying on itself 24/7. The opsec required for every single thing is tremendous. The CIA itself is spying on Trump and everyone else.

Need to know. Jim Jordan doesn’t need to know.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

It can go both ways.

How do prevent a repeat of the riots during the last trump admin? He didn’t use federal or military resources. What if he does?

It’s almost certain that Soros is going to pay for another summer of love if Trump wins. That directive will make is easier to solve the problem.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve got 700 on Trump via predict it.

My theory is either he wins outright, or there is an attempted steal and shit kicks off with black helicopters and the results are inconclusive and everyone gets refunded.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

11.3 isn’t a date. It’s a legal framework in the Law of War Manual. It’s essentially a day zero type event. 11.3 is when the military takes over control of an occupied territory. It’s the day that power literally gets taken back from whoever has occupied the territory.

Once 11.3 occurs, the rest follow. The clean up. The arrests. The prosecutions. The creation of military courts. Everything.

Read chapter 11 in the Law of War manual. Read it well. Then apply everything you just read to the idea that DC has been occupied by a foreign nation. Once you apply that idea to the manual, the entire plan becomes apparent. And why it had to be done this way.

Boozy_McFuckFace 19 points ago +19 / -0

This is just not true.

I used Twitter before Elon, and after Elon. It’s not even comparable. Twitter now looks like a site dominated by conservatives. The exact opposite of what was happening before. It’s a 24/7 red pill factory.

Boozy_McFuckFace 56 points ago +56 / -0

It can’t possibly be a coincidence that Elon freed Twitter, worked with Space Force to create an independent internet, restored Americas space dominance, and is now actively red pilling millions while campaigning with Trump.

No fucking way all of these things happened in a vacuum. There has been some kind of coordination all along. They needed a civilian to accomplish these things. And they got one.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

There definitely is something here. Wether it’s Kennedy or not, don’t know, but there is an angle here. He definitely looks odd. The wig, the hat, the clothes, he looks like someone disgusting their natural face. He sticks out though. Not trying to blend in. They want people to notice him. Trump himself even calls him out every now and then.

Clearly he knows someone at the campaign or office. Most times he is behind trump in view of the cameras. So he is invited there or has the ability to choose those seats. Or, Trump wants him to be seen. He is not just a guy buying tickets. He has access.

He must also be wealthy. And without major work commitments. Would you be able to go to all these rallies? All over the US? He has been doing it for years. Of course not. We have to work.

There are no coincidences. This is intentional. He is there for a reason. What that reason is, who knows. The Kennedy angle would fit. All of the circumstances of this would make it plausible it’s someone in disguise, but who is also important enough that Trump wants him seen. It’s a taunt to the deep state. Or it’s a message to us. Or both.

Maybe one day we will find out.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0


If we use the same margin of error as 2016 and 2020, the numbers flip completely. Anyone who still trusts these polls after the last 2 elections needs to have their head examined.

Not only have they never apologized for getting it wildly wrong, they never explained why, or what they will do to fix it. Because the polls aren’t there to tell the truth.

The polls exist to provide credibility for the results of the cheating.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Blood pressure is a huge component of arterial health. The old guidelines are wrong. Anything above 130/90 should be avoided. Ideally, 120/80 or lower should be maintained as much as possible.

The higher pressure causes scoring and stiffening of the walls of vessels. This scoring allows plaques to adhere. It helps create the related problem of clogged vessels.

There is also an encyclopedia of other problems from high blood pressure. Kidney longevity is a huge one.

If you don’t have a blood pressure cuff to check often, you are messing up. They are 20-30$. New generation medications like Telmisartan are cheap, extremely effective, have no side effects and have multiple benefits. They lower blood pressure, soften the blood vessels, and in extended use help with cardiac remodeling.

You can’t feel hpb. You have to check it with a cuff. Do it now. Today.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you haven’t seen this, you need to. The Iraq jellyfish UFO that was only visible to thermal sensors. They could not see it with night vision or other optics. Just the thermal. And even then, you can clearly see the temperature of the object is cycling, sometimes it becomes almost background, and then it glows hot.

People have said it’s crud on the lens, but that’s not possible because as the camera follows it it doesn’t hold position on the lens surface.

This is the best visible proof that someone has technology that’s undisclosed to the public. It cannot be explained how this thing is flying using traditional


Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course. It’s an insurance policy. And China knows it. The damage would be akin to lobbing a nuke, or worse. I don’t know what they were thinking with that idiotic dam.

CCP knows everything is corrupt. They know a project that big is going to be riddled with corruption from top to bottom. Shitty steel, shitty concrete, swapped materials, shortcuts. Every vendor or contractor at every level is trying to get their piece of the pie. I would be shocked if 20% of the building material was the specification called for.

They already admitted it’s a 100 year dam not a thousand. Which is quite an admission. XI and the top elite are so desperate for clout, so desperate to show the world how advanced China is, they built a guillotine over 500 million people.

One day, that piece of shit is gonna fail. Likely in our lifetime. The damage is going to be biblical. Like nothing anyone has seen in hundred or thousands of years. The amount of people who live in the flood path below it is more than the entire population of the US.

Idiots. They did it to themselves. The Chinese never ending quest to convince themselves they are superior to the west.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw one video that appears these guys shot first and missed a few times. It’s very hard to tell.

What isn’t hard to tell was that it was unforgivable that the shooter was even allowed to obtain the position he was in. Even more so if civilians warned police and secret service and they didn’t do shit. There is video of people screaming he has a gun, 5-10 seconds before the first shot.

The whole thing is baffling. You would expect it to be somewhat difficult to get an elevated position with line of sight so close to the podium. Line it would require some Day of The Jackal pro. Instead, some local antifa retard was able to climb a ladder and damn near kill potus.

I absolutely have to suspect he had shitty protection on purpose. Trump is also at fault. Why no bullet proof glass walls in front? He KNOWS what the stakes are. He knows they are out of options. He knows that plan A requires him alive for this process. He should act accordingly.

God was with him. But he shouldn’t have needed that. The shooter should have never been able to get that position. And Trump shouldn’t have been exposed that much.

by raxlore
Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

The blocking of the algorithm is a space force job. There has been small clues throughout the years. When Trump visited Putin he told him he was creating a new force to safeguard elections for Americas future. When Q mentioned elections he said, how do you do you safeguard future elections? The official nickname of space force is The Guardians. The pentagon shifted 118 million IP addresses for a “security exercise” from Nov to Jan of 2020. What in the hell did they need 100 million ip addresses for during the election?

They did it in 2016. Which means that there is someone capable of doing it, and always has been. They didn’t do it in 2020. Which means they chose not to. Biden didn’t get 81 million in 2020. He got 40. If he’s lucky. The rest were red votes switched to blue.

It’s been in our faces the whole time. The elections machines are basically owned by everyone around the Biden campaign. The name of them is Dominion. Their motto is, “changing the way you vote.” Yes. Literally. They are changing the way we vote.

The elites can’t help themselves. They think they are so smart. They like to shove it right in our faces and get away with it. It’s over.

2024 we are going to finally see the real numbers. What Trump actually gets. A landslide that will provide the optics needed to begin the rest of the cleanup.

by raxlore
Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is how they safeguard the election.

If there is no algorithm running in the machines, Biden gets 1/10 votes. He loses by a landslide.

It’s always been about the algorithm more than the fake ballots. Biden got “81 million” right? Did they fake 80 million ballots? No. They converted trump votes to Biden votes at a set ratio. Hammer+Scorecard. Biden got 40 million and the rest were electronically swapped.

They were not supposed to need the ballots under the table at 2 am. They didnt plan the algorithm aggressive enough and could see as it got late that Trump was still going to win. Obviously the plan was to make it look like a totally normal election, and Trump loses by a margin that made it seem close. But they fucked up. The only reason they got away with it is due to their control of the media and court system. That election clusterfuck was not supposed to happen. They only needed tens of thousands of new fake ballots to put Biden over the edge. He didn’t win by millions. He won by less than 100k in battleground states.

So what happens now if there is no algorithm is that Trump basically immediately jumps to an astronomical lead that is so enormous they cannot possibly have enough midnight ballots around. He wins 100 million to 40 million.

Of course they will try to cheat. But they are limited by the logistics of these excess ballots. How many can they not only have stashed around; but use plausibly? If Trump votes are not reduced, and he gets 100 million, how do they get Biden to 100 million from 40-50 million? Impossible.

The fake ballots and machine Algos work hand in hand. Without one; the other isn’t much use. The vote has to be fairly close for the excess ballots under the table to be used. Can’t stuff 10 million ballots under a table and run them through a machine at 2 am. You can with 10k.

Boozy_McFuckFace 7 points ago +7 / -0

Who said he didn’t? What was he gonna do? Have the corrupt DOJ investigate itself? Have the DOJ investigate the CIA? He wasn’t given the report that was ordered by Dec 20 until Jan 5th. The Intel agencies slow walked it on purpose so even if it said there was interference, it would be too late to do anything with it.

There is no visible establishment that the Trump team could go to for Justice. None. All 3 entire branches of government were captured. So what would he do with that info?

My feeling is that whatever Ratcliffe was given, was then given to Trump. The mysterious red folder on the evening of Jan 6th. And then that night, Trump flew AF1 straight to the national command center in Texas. Still carrying the nuclear football.

That alone is a clue. Why would the outgoing president fly in AF1 to a military emergency command center? Why did he leave DC with the football?

Whatever happened, is not within our sight. Other than small mysterious clues. And it’s not happening in the regular branches of government, because all 3 have been captured by foreign powers.

Won’t be long now until we get some answers. Someone has to go into that 500 million dollar expansion in Guantanamo Bay.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course they are higher.

If you apply the same margin of error that downplayed Trump in 2016 and 2020, he is in complete landslide territory.

They don’t want to show trump ahead. That’s not why these polls exist. They exist to assist the deep state. To paint a narrative. The fact that they show Trump winning means the numbers are so overwhelming, they can no longer fudge the math enough without giving the game away.

Every single election the numbers end up being way off. And yet know one ever takes accountability. No one ever even admits it. They memory hole it. Remember the pictures of Nate Silver from the last election? How badly he was wrong?

It’s good news. But it means nothing if all of us don’t vote. We have to cripple the cheating by being so far ahead that they will have to come up with tens of millions of ballots. Your vote counts. Every single vote counts.

Boozy_McFuckFace 15 points ago +15 / -0

If this is true, there couldn’t be a better choice. Ratcliffe explains it himself in the last letter he wrote officially concerning the election.

After the election interference EO, ANY interested party could submit evidence to the DNI. Not just civilian law enforcement or Intel agencies, but anyone. Meaning Space Force could pass on anything relevant to the DNI.

As DNI, he was the one guy who got everything from everyone. Obviously, the CIA doesn’t get everything the NSA has and so on. They all hold onto Intel as tight as possible.

Ratcliffe got it all. If he becomes AG, EVERYONE is fucked. There will be no hiding. He already knows where to look. This is basically a huge fuck you to the deep state. They know it and Trump knows it.

If this actually happens, stand by for the media and democrats to instantly go on the attack. They will do everything in their power to kneecap him before he gets a chance to begin prosecutions.

It’s not gonna work, but they gonna try.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

All part of the plan. The deep state is so predictable. Just another example of why it had to be this way. Trump has to the victim. He couldn’t get this done on his own. It had to be done TO him.

All these these doors that they have kicked open for the first time in US history, are not going to hurt Trump. But now that they are open, now that “the seal has broken”, they can be used against all of these treasonous fucks.

This is one more demolition of the standard argument against Q. “They can’t do that! No one has ever done that before.”

Well now it has been done before. And yes they can do it.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just don’t think it happens willingly. I don’t see him volunteering to quit. He’s too proud. In his mind, quitting means he has been defeated by Trump. It means he is weak, a quitter, a loser. With this temperament, arrogance, and cognitive decline, I can’t imagine him agreeing to walk away.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I threw a fucking fit a few years ago when inflation was 7% and my raise was 5%. I printed out charts and told my boss that it wasn’t fair to expect me to do the same amount of work, or more, for less pay. In fact, I have of course been doing more work. That’s the way it goes.

If they wanted to cut my pay, then I expected to be able to deliver less work. Fair is fair. I am very good at my job, reliable, and generate traceable revenue. Since I am not worth paying the same or more, I don’t feel the need to generate the same or more revenue.

The following year, and since then, my raises have beaten nominal inflation. Of course, realistically, they haven’t kept up with actual inflation. But they have been probably better than the majority of the workforce.

I also have a paid off car, no kids, and a reasonable mortgage. I am fortunate to have a good boss who went to bat for me, and a low cost of living.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes I am assuming. The entire point of everything is this election. The final battle. The culmination. Going off trumps words himself. By America 250, our 250th anniversary of independence; the republic will be restored. That is 2026.

There is no more convincing of the sleeping. If people haven’t woken up by November, they never will. All of this pain, this wasn’t for us. We already had vision. The last 4 years, the stolen election, the prosecutions, the chaos, it was for the normies.

It’s unfortunate, but it had to be this way. You can’t tell people, you have to show them.

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