Brent75 2 points ago +3 / -1

I just love how the Brunson Cases keep getting pushed aside without being addressed by thee only court that can even address their cases. Every time it gets brushed off, it tells me the cases are 100% on target, and would have to be upheld per the Constitution. And our current corrupt SCOTUS is too chicken-💩 to remove all the Cabal politicians that would fall by this grand legal sword.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. Even if it came back as a hung jury, the judge will just rule himself, seems like.

Brent75 3 points ago +3 / -0

This isn’t satire at all! 😒 It’s like just true.

Brent75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hopefully Russia will strike the right building soon.

Brent75 [M] 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where can we publically respond to this moron? I’ll do it!

Brent75 17 points ago +18 / -1

More info to add in my friend. Yep it started yesterday and Taiwan is worried about provocation before the U.S. Elections. Very interesting.


Brent75 [M] 2 points ago +3 / -1

That’s why some of us are chosen to Mod for the Anons and Patriots, and some are not. The Awakening on all knowledge levels takes required delicate hands to be empathetic for all levels. Christ bless you on the rest of your week Anon.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I bet keeping certain idiots from causing trouble there.

Brent75 [M] 4 points ago +5 / -1

Here is the key Anon. We Mods choose what is Stickied. If we think it’s relevant for right now or for newer Anons, WE Will Sticky it. Deport all you want, but it may be ignored.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is for sure true! Especially in the farming valleys and the far Northern and Eastern hills/mountain regions. Basically the whole State is Red except: Blue would be half of Sacramento stretched down I80 to San Fran, then just north 101 to Santa Rosa, then back south 101, all the way to Los Angeles, then just color all that blue to the coast/Highway 1, that’ll give you a very clear picture of the Red vs Blue area. Unfortunately the blue area is where the majority of the population lives. But, but people are fleeing those areas too. And all because of the stupid DemoLib laws and policies put in place to allow price gouging, crime, homelessness all over the streets, and just more stupid Libratard stuff.

Brent75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where We Go One We Go All, together with Christ our Lord.

Brent75 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yep, Christ is working to save us over here. Must have faith.

Brent75 5 points ago +6 / -1

Maybe he was just subconsciously admitting he does hate his job? Kek!

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

This I can see the DS doing instead. I can see them taking the quick duck-out so they can still throw media crap at Trump for “not being” exonerated. This allows them to avoid a possible full “front page” loss from a jury that has a solid 50% chance of not finding Trump guilty now. Then they can State they are working to bring the case back “bigger (stupider) and stronger”.

Brent75 3 points ago +3 / -0

GITMO under for him would be a better way of stepping back, in fear from the gallows he is lead to. Sorry brother but I dislike this man extremely. 😒

Brent75 21 points ago +22 / -1

I should’ve wrote a paper a few years ago knowing the COG was in play. Well I guess it’s documented here if my past posts are still around from two years ago haha. I enjoyed this video as everything Derek said is on point of what has come to pass, and what is yet to come. Of course Dave has been hinting much of this, show after show, for 6-8 months. And it’s all to keep us and the newly Awakened apprised of what’s going on.

Brent75 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obviously the guy was too chicken-shit to walk over there and say anything to them. And I bet now he is being Tok-Whipped like the beeeotch he is! Kek!

Brent75 10 points ago +10 / -0

It was reported to be raining heavily in those mountains to as was shown on the first few videos of the rescue staging area with the heavy sheet of fog. Just seems too convenient suddenly all the Sat Weather has been wiped. I wonder historically if that area has sudden odd weather patterns like some rare places here in the US? And if not, what or whom are they covering up for?

Brent75 2 points ago +4 / -2

Agreed. I found it too convenient just the Irani President’s chopper went down, while the two escort choppers made it safely. And it went down in a mining area, with only a mining road and village nearby in bad weather. And from the pictures the tail is laying on the ground still relatively in one piece while the rest of the chopper is obliterated. I’ve seen that look on Airwolf after a missile before.

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