bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Okay, seeing the title I was ready to delete it as low quality post, but kekked hard!

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

You probably are. All the older people in my life do way too much texting and do everything on their mobiles even with their declining eyesight, much to my annoyance because I personally prefer using my laptop rather than my phone.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

DJTWW on the best bargain sale for a while now. I love the cycle it goes through, make money each time, kek.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny when you find out which bloodline is actually closer to being Israelites.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is my favourite side plot I hope we will see when the movie ends: The Zionists spent better part of 100 years trying to fake the Bible prophesies of the return of the Israelites back to the promised land, but the fact that 95% of Jews there happen to be fake Jews, and majority of Palestinians happen to be of blood line of Jacob and hence they ended up causing the real prophesy but in the opposite way - they are the villains foretold in Bible that oppresses and eventually will be wiped out to make way for the real God's children.

Not only an interesting plotline, a powerful caution about prophesies.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

On Sep 6th when the decision was to be made, the judge decided to move the decision to after election. Its not mid November (Not the sentencing itself, but the decision whether he needs to be sentenced)

bubble_bursts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Would need some backing to claim Congress can only be arrested when it is adjourned. I remember a while back digging about this, and if they are not headed to the Congress to attend an official proceeding they could still be arrested.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

A tweet of a tweet and some live stream video is not Sauce.

Please repost when there is sauce confirming they are under investigation by SDNY, or else people will think we are fools for claiming stuff like this.

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Calm after the storm? Before the next storm?

No idea what he is going on about

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

So in the video he said "I love the war on drugs" which made me roll my eyes.

Drugs have always been the simplest method used by the Banksters to balance their books. When the British empire traded with the East, they very quickly lost their gold and silver due to the trade deficit. Then they started exporting opium. When Chinese resisted it, they waged two wars. Infact the whole of the19th century history of China, Russia, Japan, Korea was all brought about purely to enable Opium trade to balance their books.

Out of that origination OSS which became CIA. Out of that also originated banks like HSBC and Citibank. And also dynasties like Roosevelts and first millionaires.

Drugs have ALWAYS been the weapon of the Banksers against us.

Now think about the "War on drugs", esp. the efforts by Nancy Reagan.

War on drugs = War on CIA = War on Banksters.

Of course, later on under Clinton and Biden, it was weaponised against our society by making it "war on drug addicts".

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Caution: Do this only if you are betting on Cabal continuing to win

Why do I say this? Because, this whole scheme is predicated on the assumption that the inverse correlation we have seen in the past will continue in the future.

Now, you might ask, why wouldn't that be the case?

Because, simply put, we have never had a free market economy and more importantly, we have had a fiat currency based centrally planned fake economy.

Manipulating precious metal prices is the cornerstone of keeping (the illusion of) this fake economy going. A big part of that is naked shorts, and managing the naked shorts so they have plausible deniability.

The short sell Gold causing it to godown, and take the money and park it, amongst other things, in Crypto - causing it to go up.

As the pressure on the short sells keep increasing, they slowly start buying back gold by selling their cryptos, causing the price of gold to go up, and price of crypto to go down.

A big part of this equation is also the management of the illusion of the lack of hyper inflation as they print more and more dollars. So this cycle is deeply connected to the losing value of dollars as well.

If you are one of those folks, who believe that:

  • Fed based fiat currency will end and we no longer have unlimited money printing presses

  • Markets will become free and value of commodities will be determined by pure market forces

  • Funny money will be removed from the cryptos and that market also will become driven purely organically

Then, no one has absolutely no way of knowing how the market would behave. If you start taking debt and bet on things staying the same, all I can say is good luck, because I for one am sure we will be free.

bubble_bursts 16 points ago +16 / -0

This seems to be the original tiktok post: https://www.tiktok.com/@beautymrked/video/7406726997986135327

Nothing explosive in the comments.

The entirety of the connection (that he is being so coy about) can be summarized as:

Merril Lynch and Black Rock combined together before 2006 and quite possibly the controllers of the financial meltdown in 2008.

Merryl Lynch owns 45+% of BlackRock.

Swift's father was a senior VP in Merril Lynch.

So basically what he is trying to imply is that Swift's father was a major player in the Cabal's financial meltdown in 2008

And further in this video he also points out that Taylor Swift was launched in 2006, same year Blackrock bought over Merryl Lynch.

What he leaves unsaid? Taylor Swift was possibly the money laundering enterprise for Scott Swift to receive his rewards for orchestrating the 2008 meltdown

bubble_bursts 8 points ago +9 / -1

Points made, and counter points to each:

1. Past deep state connections

Every person who is playing the role in this operation have had deep state connections, because you cannot defeat the enemy from within, unless you can get your foot inside. The real question is how far did they go and what lines did they cross. Some people, including possibly Elon, crossed quite a few lines and later changed teams - Q has hinted this in general terms many times.

2. Grandfather being part of the technocratic agenda

This ties to the point 1. Also, a lot of people of younger generation who say what their families do to the world turned against their families and joined the white hats.

3. Twitter being a Limited handout

She complains about being censored and the platform itself still heavily censoring information. However, those of us daily engaged in the digital battlefield can realise that Twitter has fundamentally changed the battlefield in our favour, heavily. When you can openly post the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and call out the Jewish Cabal without being banned - thats an order of magnitude increase in freedom.

Yes, you can still get banned. But honestly, you gotta be totally dumb to do that at this point. If you understand strategy, you will know how to redpill on the platform without crossing those redlines.

Anons also realise that some of the deeper stuff that gets you censored/banned are topics that are not yet ripe and is part of the finetuning timing of disclosure.

3. Electric car

This one is a no brainer. Lets imagine that there is some "Tesla energy" kind of technology that will be released to the public post precipice. Imagine a small device that can create almost free eelectricity. Or even a portable nuclear power generator or hydrogen cells. How long would it take for the world to be energy independant and completely free if there was absolutely no EV technology to hit the ground running?

Yes, Elon is pushing EVs and even talking about "carbon taxes", but the real reason is to build all the EV infrastructure right under the enemy noses so that when we are free, we can simply replace the toxic batteries with these new tech.

4. Starlink and other digital infrastructure

Same thing here. You can build up all this and get the world ready for the freedom post precipice. There is no doubt that the future will be digital, including blockchain based currencies backed by resources. For the world to hit the ground running you need all this infrastructure to be built under their noses.

5. Neuralink

Neuralink has always been for helping paralysed people. I am sure the Cabal is salivating at the thought of pushing it on everyone, but at this point, even they realise its a pipe dream, considering most people wont even go for a covid / monkeypox hoax by now.

Ultimately, the real question to as is not whether Elon is a deep state actor or a good guy. Even this lady understands he is playing a role. The question is, who is directing his role, and that is most definitely the white hats.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

The beauty of Awakening is that, as you can see in this thread, half the comments are pointing out exactly what you are saying and there is hardly any excitement. Compare this to just a few months ago when Jan was the latest hot thing. One thing is for sure, we as a whole are much less sheepish than other communities.

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