The very first thing that every 'communist' gov. in history has done is, Disarm the citizens. The very next thing they do is, Whatever they Want to do, because the citizens have Nothing to say about it. The person that said the pen is mightier than the sword, did not know how to use a sword.
Tell her White people did Not bring 'them' here. JEWS owned the slave ships and they BOUGHT the black slaves from BLACK rulers in Africa who sold blacks like sheep. Do you suppose this Racist would shut up is you told her this?
That means the actual 'support' for gun control is about 4% and all of that is NY City, DC and the far west coast. They try and hide the Real results of gun control, Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year, but only a moron does not Know about it.
Only morons refuse to accept the Truth. soros/obama/clinton destroyed the Dem. party years ago. That is why 50 million working Democrats are now MAGA and have elected Trump........Three times. Working Americans will never become liberal communists and accept socialism that they are have to PAY FOR.
At some point, liberal/communism will have to admit that the criminals obama/clinton/soros have destroyed the 'Democratic' party and Most Working Democrats are now part of the MAGA Trump party and have elected Trump....three times.
BS. Where did they 'poll'? NO ONE with an IQ. above 60 actually believes a 'ban' has Ever stopped a criminal so their poll must be in the moron areas that voted for harris and the liberal/communist Lie of big Gov. Control.
I would suggest this rabid killer be sentenced to live with every lying MSM talking head for a month and then move to the next one. Maybe he will cut Them a break and not rape and murder each and every one of them?