Pretty much my sentiments. Tired of watching the stolen elections. 2024 will be no different. Nobody of interest has gone to prison or been hung in the streets. Just biding time while the Great Reset goes into effect. Soon everyone will be pushed into CBDC's... more and more children in this generation are being indoctrinated into the trans agenda. The World is fucked. Traditionally "white countries" are being overrun by colored immigrants. And media nonstop pushes interracial relationships. Soon, the entire world will be a melting pot of mixed races. Traditional art, culture, food will no longer exist. Also no need for countries when everyone is just mixed and the same. The destruction of national pride and religion will give nobody a reason to fight to preserve anything. The One World Government will take over. It's pretty obvious. I'm often looked at funny for defending Hitler, but he understood the importance of preserving national pride and culture and he clearly needed to be stopped as that thought process couldn't be allowed to move forward. I don't think we've been given the correct details of what really happened in WWII and the events leading up to it.
This is the kind of quality police officers you get with diversity hires
Lol... wait... any of you thought this would be any different than the previous runoffs two years ago?
I mean, these "it's habbening" things that keep dropping are things we knew about years ago. If we know them, people in positions of knowledge and power know them. Yet, nothing ever happens to anyone. The ones being played are the people that believe in this 'white hat' nonsense. Even if it is true that there is a group of "good guys"... what evidence is there that anything good has happened in the last 10 years? Seriously... do you think everything happening is part of the plan? The deaths, poverty, inflation, crime, white genocide... do you think we "have them where we want them"?
Are you sure the Jewish hate isn't warranted? Not saying an entire group of people should be condemned, but what would you prefer they be called? The evil Jews are responsible for most of what has happened for a long time now. Their white genocide plan is pure evil and should be called out as such.
Churchill was one of the biggest traitors of all time. Bought by the Jews
By 'he'... I assume you mean they/them. 😁😁
One must think of the possibilty their old system was breaking down anyways and a newer and better system for them is to be implemented. Whatever is happening, their goal is to bring in some sort of digital ID/currency/surveillance. They have no need for media propaganda once they have complete control. We would have no ability for resistance under this system.
That's actually not a swastika. It's an aswastika, which means "not good", "hardship", "unhealthy". A swastika is a symbol of good. I'm sorry media has led you to believe otherwise.
The 2 times I've seen him for an extended period... during the cyber symposium in 2021 and for 20 minutes or so before Trump's announcement last week... he came off a bit like a clown and I think a lot of people would have a hard time taking him seriously. He seems like a good guy and may very well be great at the job... it's just that if he got the job, the Dems and media would bring up his past and it may not give a great look to the RNC. Whether that matters or not, I have no idea...
Same, I come here for my news. Obviously it takes a bit of weeding out of the shills, but I find this forum has better news than anything anywhere else. This entire forum COULD be a psy-op for all I know but let's hope not. Happy Thanksgiving American frens. Let's keep our eye on THE BIG LIES.
Are we sure this is a good idea one way or the other? Not that I like Romney... but surely there's someone more qualified than the pillow guy.
To nobody's surprise, this individual looks like a dumb cunt.
omg... just release it. While I don't dislike what Project Veritas has released over the years... what they have released has never amounted to anything besides some clicks and some laughs. Always overhyped and underdelivered.
Plenty have. Nice try.
There was no holocaust
Cool. Wake me up when something happens other than hype. Been listening to hype for years with no payoff.
Yes, these numbers should be way higher. At least 80%. Gotta let those evil Talmudic Jews know that we're onto them.
Whenever the people need a hero, we shall provide him - Albert Pike, 33rd degree freemason
The Jews started WWII knowing many Jews would die. They don't care about their own if it advances their agenda
This seems to go against lefty ideology
I think it's safest to operate under the assumption everyone we see is on the same team working towards the same goal. That goal does not benefit the average person and it's all a charade to hide us from the real truth.