Forget about vote switching, all you need to know about these machines is they ratio the vote. Ratio the means a decimal point. So 1 vote does not always equal one vote. 1vote can equal 0.62 votes or 0.88 votes. You get tge idea. Once that info was released all the machines should have been made into toasters
So we all know Kamala was being fed answers somehow during the debate. Normally she sounds like a 10 year old giving a book report on a book she never opened. So obviously she had an audio receiver on her, possibly the giant pearls on her ears. Although I noticed a few odd peculiarities I have never seen her do. Go back and re-watch the debate and see if any of you cyber sleuths can pick up what I am putting down. Look for:
- Glints of metal on her back teeth when she turns to face Trump (Kamala is far to vain for lead fillings, I looked at multiple videos of Her open mouth cackling episodes and no metal dental fillings)
- She has a sudden lisp or a long drawl when saying words with the letter “S”
- Has She always had an underbite 50 percent of the time when talking?
- look closely on this one, when She is not talking it looks like her lips are shut but her teeth are not together, as if something is preventing her from biting down.
- Why does she swallow do often? Nerves maybe or perhaps to much curry for dinner. Or is it possible that what is in her mouth is causing her saliva glands to over produce like her kneepad days with Willie Brown. Now check out patent #US8433082B2
I typed this on my phone so any spelling or grammar errors you find please send a report to Blow
Here is another angle. Politico put out the article last week about voting machines could be hacked. Dems on tv we’re seeding that narrative as well. What if the Communists are creating false flags that appear as if Republicans are cheating by changing vote totals. Graph 1 shows a subtraction of blue votes then a vote drop for red. It would be interesting to see if the vote reduced and the vote drop totals are similar in number? I’m sure it’s fine, I’m just spitballing here
Every time I see her on tv, she answers in such vague generalities and never really says anything. My take is, she will be fed to us Pleebs as a return to sanity in. 8-12 years. Trump 16-scared the left Biden 20 - assaulting the right Trump 24- attempts to crash and burn the swamp Heavy D 28- really scares the commies (Trump like but polished)
Then the cabal will prop up Tulsi as the unifier. Demon in disguise
I did a post on natural gas and oil refineries-platforms-tankers as well on Truth social. Globally in 2020 4 explosions. 2021 I found 14. So far this year in 3 months there has already been 12 explosions. Hard times are coming lads. Off the charts Fuckery!
You are forgetting the base factor in human existence. Mankind throughout history has sabotaged its own existence by a simple emotion. The compulsion to be right. Humans bathe in the intoxicating power of supremacy, entitlement, class system, “to be better than”. It has run freely throughout our timeline. It’s in each of us, from the elites who feel they they are simply born better, to poorest of people who can turn their nose up in disgust and say,“look at those(insert whatever) people”. Why do we behave that way?” Our species needs community, to belong. lAs you succinctly you said, a cult. Most people will follow anyone or anything they are told, even if deep down they know it is wrong, just to not be seen as the other. Most choose to maintain the superiority of pointing at the crazies in judgement. It takes courage to break from a group and we are weak. . I’m sure this is not exact but I think Mark Twain said “it’s easier to fool someone than get them to admit they have been fooled”. Sorry Samuel, I’m sure You a cringing in your grave.
What if it is true cand Fire Marshal Bill was actually trying to tell us the truth through all the so-called Biden old man gaffes? Remember the assembly of the “Most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of american politics”. Just one example of dozens to think about. Hey maybe the Pet Detective is a freaking Hero!! Let let that thought split your wig.