BurnNewHistoryBooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Love him.

He did a great podcast recently with Sam Tripoli (Tin Foil Hat) which is well worth a listen.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got booted from X for noticing, in other words pointing out facts.

This is a spiteful and hate filled message, which won’t be censored or reported.

I wonder why that is?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

It fascinates me that Hollywood since the days of B&away have portrayed the mafia/ organised crime as being Italian, Irish etc.

No mention of the jewish involvement. Strange that.

Does anyone have a breakdown of the % of mafia per nationality?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 11 points ago +11 / -0

That issue is now being openly debated, look at the very palatable 911 semi expose Candace did recently.

Most people need to be shown the cohensidences by someone acceptable, a well spoken black lady is the perfect counter to snake oil salesman obama.

The Zionist movement has done so much damage to the western world through migration in particular. For humanity sake it needs to be stopped.

BurnNewHistoryBooks -5 points ago +1 / -6

JFK Jr is a green is the new red climate commie.

He even said something along the lines of “ we should throw climate change deniers in jail”.

That’s not very freedom loving is it?

He is also a career politician parasite.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 12 points ago +12 / -0

Painful to watch.

Pity he will be too confused to understand what is happening during his trial for treason amongst the many other crimes he committed, including sexually abusing his own daughter.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Civil service mentality, “import them, they will work and pay our pensions”.

Nobody actually thought “what if they just parasite welfare?”

None of these demons believe in freedom or sovereignty as they have mostly survived their entire nonproductive worthless lives off taxes stolen from those that produce wealth.

There is never a consequence for them, it’s what I call “the magic ATM card”. Their card works every time, by magic.

Our cards only work if we do something productive.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

One person died from saline?

What I am reading from this is that the “test subjects” must be pretty desperate to get involved in this testing, so probably physically and emotionally weak, most likely due to financial difficulties.

Big pharma and government proving a lack of morality and ethics once more. Anyone involved in this needs to be charged with attempted murder of those that survived and premeditated murder of those they did kill.

If you are testing a drug on humans that may kill them, that’s premeditated murder in my book.

God will not be kind to these satanic money worshiping demons.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tried that, not there.

Doesn’t really matter, as I said I use KeepIt app.

Thanks anyway.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got up to 2500 followers, then bye bye.

Account suspended, no explanation.

It’s definitely an algorithm, my followers grew too quickly, mixed with key words and that was that.

I denounced the talmud too many times. (Why does Apple want to capitalise an anti human degenerate book of satan, and his name?)

BurnNewHistoryBooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got booted two months ago for intensive noticing.

I have no intention or reinstalling that app, I wasted hours every day spreading red pills, not sure if it worked or not.

It’s still a woke Zionist cess pit in my opinion.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m up to date and don’t have that option. I use “KeepIt” which is great for saving and sorting.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Silly question, how does a lifetime bureaucrat with zero military knowledge end up as chief of a military organisation?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 10 points ago +10 / -0

If they expect anyone to believe a man who always looks tippity top and is meticulous about cleanliness and detail would except national files and records of the country he loves passionately being stored in this manner.

They really are scraping the barrel now, all while being paid with taxes stolen from citizens.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree with this.

The yahoo article written by a member of our greatest ally, seeds the narrative using “former” this that or the other “sources”.

In other words it is highly likely fiction.

Pompeo had to present an image of anger after one of the seven dwarves (CIA servers) was breached. This is what Vault 7 was, a CIA super computer/ server.

How many of them are left?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s worse on a second reading, the Jewish author actually accused Trump of seeking his assassination;

Some discussions even went beyond kidnapping. U.S. officials had also considered killing Assange, according to three former officials. One of those officials said he was briefed on a spring 2017 meeting in which the president asked whether the CIA could assassinate Assange and provide him “options” for how to do so.

“It was viewed as unhinged and ridiculous,” recalled this former senior CIA official of the suggestion.

It’s unclear how serious the proposals to kill Assange really were. “I was told they were just spitballing,” said a former senior counterintelligence official briefed on the discussions about “kinetic options” regarding the WikiLeaks founder. “It was just Trump being Trump."

Of course, former this that or the other “sources”

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Paraphrasing, “during a meeting with the president, it was discussed if we could assassinate him” or something along those lines.

Suggested Trump wanted to assassinate him.

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