CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can’t see it going down as Raiklin claims. X and Musk would be inundated with lawsuits from each user whose name is released. If Paxton subpoenas those files as part of an investigation his office is conducting, that’s a different matter. But if that happens, he can’t release info while the investigation is ongoing and that could take months. It would be great if Elon released the files but I won’t hold my breath.

CMAnon 11 points ago +12 / -1

Let’s be more exact in assessing blame. Not the Americans and Israelis. It was the CIA and Mossad. Who has fomented war all over the planet? Not the average guy on the street. It’s the governments and secret groups within governments causing all the pain and misery. The Deep State in every country is at fault. If any of us met our counterparts in any country of the world we’d get along with each other. It’s the clowns who make money off drugs, trafficking, sales of weapons, smuggling contraband. More war, more chaos, more desperation equals more profit.

CMAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Awww, poor thing. Time for another series of boosters.

CMAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's called conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity. Congress need to pass a law regarding this and make it a capitol crime to inject any human being with a gene altering therapy under the guise of being a vaccine. Doing so without adequate testing and without fully informing potential recipients of the risks involved. Since he was a major player with Moderna in their deadly C19 jab, he should already be tied up in court for conspiracy to commit murder. In additional to the death penalty, all of his wealth, valuables in including stocks, bonds, precious metals, landholdings, partnerships, investments, etc. should be confiscated and used to compensate victims of his criminal enterprise and to educate the public and the medical community that anyone involved with storing, delivering and injecting the public with any/all mRNA products will be arrested, licensing to practice or supply medical products revoked and shall be punished in the same way as Gates.

CMAnon 9 points ago +9 / -0

He's a party apparatchik. Of course he'll try. The question is will SCOTUS step in and end the lawfare?

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make it a law that crimes against humanity is a capitol offense punishable by death and confiscation of all wealth and property. His role with Moderna and the death jab qualfies.

CMAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love that look. They wear it so well. Wait till we get those images as the hood is being slipped on. Worth framing, for sure.

CMAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh, just a mistake huh? Ya mean after Pfizer made it's $Billions and thousands of people died and were injured as a result? No, they were part of a criminal conspiracy to allow an untested gene therapy to be distributed to the public writ large in violation of the Geneva Convention prohibiting drug testing on people without their knowledge or consent. Further they conspired with media and Big Pharma to ban the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine which were cheap and widely available to stop Covid from getting bad enough that it required hospitalization. Then the hospitals and clinics became part of the conspiracy to give toxic expensive Remdesivir to patients too weak to resist that shut down their kidneys or destroyed their lungs with ventilators thus allowing each death to give these same institutions a windfall of taxpayer money from the federal government.

Sorry, the "mistake defense" doesn't fly Mr. FDA attorney. Premeditated murder and conspiracy to commit murder are the charges.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Times are changing. This needs to go viral and happen at every college campus in America.

CMAnon 23 points ago +23 / -0

Honestly, the man must have a death wish. I hope that wish is granted to him.

CMAnon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Sorry to say these “healthcare providers” had no capacity to accept diversity of thought regarding the jab but total acceptance of more than 2 genders, DEI garbage, etc. So now they must pay but it will only sink in when more cases are brought just like this. They need to learn the hard way, (think Budweiser) that get woke, go broke. We must take leftist ideology out of every facet of American life and culture which includes Big Pharma’s capture of medicine.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

European businesses bilking New York State customers because of the Dem advocates of the Green New Scam need some kickbacks pronto. I guess these companies need fresh blood since they’ve been sucking the life out of Europe.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait. What?? Greta Thunberg get your ass in here right now. You have some explaining to do young lady.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

So to solve this issue simply means take down MSM. And if you haven’t noticed they are losing market share each rating cycle. Less eyeballs means less ad revenue. Fake news is simply propaganda. More people are recognizing that fact every day.

CMAnon 7 points ago +7 / -0

What about non-citizens voting, Mr. Garland? Is that interference? And what about allowing those non-citizens into our country by the millions and moving them into states where more D votes are needed to overcome the voice of the citizens to "win"? Is that election interference? When will you start arresting the people involved in that scheme Mr. Garland? It's happening every day in plain sight.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The clowns in the U.S. have been a source of many of our problems. The same is true of Israel and their clowns,. There's a distinction between the people and the ones running the show. Trump wants to destroy the deep state here. Doing so is probably key to doing the same there. Once the government is given back to the people things will change. Most humans don't want war, they want peace. Allowing for peace to florish is key. That can only happen when conditions are right. As long as the agencies who profit from war are in control that can never happen.

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