ACB will be hung out to dry if that happens. Kash should look into the adopted children of both her and Justice Roberts. Something doesn't smell right with that vote to compel payment to USAid whereas a lower court judge has the ability to over-ride an executive decision clearly within the President's purview.
Well the governor just killed his chances for re-election. Time for a well qualifed, well spoken, MAGA to the core person to throw his hat into the ring.
This is the problem if Trump does away with income tax. States like PA will simply raise theirs higher thinking their citizens have a windfall they will tap into.
Time for Kash Patel to re-open the case of Ellen Greenberg's death in Philadelphia. Everyone knows Shapiro will run for President next election. Watch this and get the word out.
Yep. We should pull out of NATO, the UN, all the globalist clubs like the WEF and see how they do. That includes kicking UN headquarters out of NYC. Send all their asses packing. They act like they're above us in stature so let's pull out and see what happens next.
Each day that goes by and people like HRC are still walking around free is a day longer that justice was not served. Another day they got away with crimes that would have put the rest of us behind bars long ago. How many have committed unthinkable crimes against children that are public figures, yet they are still walking around free?
Most of us see Epstein Island as a Mossad operation to trap and blackmail the rich and famous. But I seem to recall journalist George Webb saying Epstein was a pilot and involved in gun running in Central America which at the time implicated him with our own clown agency. What are the chances that the island operation was run by our own intel agency or jointly run by us and Israel?
All I know is nobody has been arrested yet besides Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell. Why is that? Justice delayed is justice denied and with each passing day, criminals are getting away with things we could never get away with. I would hope that our faith in Trump is not misplaced. Personally, I wish there was an arrest of the day taking place each day complete with perp walk, mug shot, court cameras. But instead each day brings another day without the satisfaction of knowing and seeing justice in action.
Wait till it reaches the limit of its citizenry's patience. There's a big, big change coming to Europe. I can sense the frustration of people sick and tired of their leaders giving away their national treasure over some woke agenda. No sooner than you overthrow the yoke of communism, you get pulled back into allowing unlimited muslims into your countries. They drain your resources and then Zelensky comes begging. Again, your leaders give away your money. Maybe they'll come to understand the big picture of globalists pulling the strings to keep them poor, divided, bitterly arguing with each other. Just like here in the U.S. The difference is we have Trump and they've got squat. But they do have Fico from Slovakia and Orban from Hungary that have their heads on correctly. It would do Europe well to follow their lead rather than keep going until the French Revolution looks like a childs tea party.
Trump shouldn't take the bait. He should go full bore on finding rare earth minerals in our own country. Go full bore on Greenland. I think they have lots of rare earth and other items like gold and gems. Let Europe protect Zelensky and give him money. Watch how fast the citizens of Europe revolt against their leaders who opened the doors to Muslims and gave them money to now giving more of their money to Zelensky.
I think you're correct and here's the confirmation. Notice how RFK, Jr. was treated like crap by the Democrats? You know for sure that the party of his father and uncle is not this Democrat party of today. If JFK were alive, he'd be in total agreement with Trump. The one today is nothing more than Communist with a thin see through veneer of socialist on top. They are the enemy of the USA. They've tried to destroy everything from the economy to the military, the schools, the news media, politics, religion, our heathcare, everything. They want to bankrupt the country, weaponize politics, destroy religion, dumb down education, emasculate the military, control and propagandize the media, destroy our morals, and take what they didn't earn. They rather give away our taxes than help storm damaged victims in NC. These are evil people that wear the Democrat label. The good ones like RFK, Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk etc. have left leaving only the sickest, most evil vermin. Time to call the exterminator.
Trump could make a lot of members sweat if he mentioned that a "number" of people in this room have done some very bad things at Epstein's Island. Lot's of evidence was forced out of the SDNY implicating many people.
Then watch who squirms the most.
We knew Nuland was involved with Benghazi and many color revolutions. Being part of the assassination conspiracy against Trump is something new. Since it seems she was always aligned with Killary, does that mean HRC is a member of that group, too? Also, why doesn't General Flynn hold an office within Trumps White House?
I'm neutral on Bondi. I can't think of any AG that would be able to handle the kind of workload we MAGA people would want. Just imagine how many corrupt politicians are sitting in congress as we speak. How many like Comey and Cheney are no longer employed in government but would be targets of a probe. There are many hundreds of people that conspired to rig the 2020 election. How many people involved with child trafficking in and out of government? I think it's almost impossible to tackle all that unless you have a huge army of MAGA friendly assistants working on individual cases, interviewing witnesses, digging through bank records, conducting grand juries. Is that happening? If so it's the best kept secret on the planet. What is happening is work on the Epstein files. Maybe that will lead to a big group of people that will ultimately be arrested over the next few years. So, we might have some sense of justice being done but it won't be everything we want. As for Bondi or any other AG, what more could we reasonably expect if everything were to be done by the book?
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