CallMeAl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spain is like 85% Catholic. Is this one of the rare occasions that Catholics are considered Christian?

CallMeAl 7 points ago +7 / -0

So is this one of those times we DON'T believe Trump is secretly still in charge of the country?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure you meant to respond to my comment.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, guess America is destined to be resettled by illegal immigrants if things go bad. Because they certainly don't have any trouble figuring out how to travel long distances in harsh situations, with few possessions and resources.

They can cross deserts and rivers on foot, walking for weeks with little food or water. They do it all the time.

Sad that Americans couldn't be bothered to loot some stores for supplies and walk out of the cities. Survival of the fittest, I guess.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not saying everyone is going to get out. Lots of people will die. That's obvious.

But it's a false sense of security thinking that just because someone lives out in the country they'll be safe from others looking to survive.

It's ludicrous that you think people in a life-or-death situation wouldn't do something as simple as walking or biking away from the city/suburbs because it's a little inconvenient or causes some discomfort.

Look at what illegal immigrants do to get here. Many of them walk for months to get here. They cross deserts and rivers. If you're right about Americans being too stupid and lazy to walk out of cities, then whenever the US rebuilds, it's going to be mostly people from Mexico and Central America, because they're certainly able to survive harsh situations.

Seriously, if you were visiting someone in the closest city to where you lived when it happened, would you just throw your hands up in the air and sit around, waiting to die? Or would you find a backpack, some bottled water or gatorade, and a jar of peanut butter or some other calorically dense food, steal the nearest bike, and head home?

Also, I have no idea what you mean by this:

Very few people are able to be self reliant. We have millions of people in the hidden areas of our culture that do things to keep people able to complain about how racist someone is—these people do some very important work. Without electricity they will not be able to do it.

Could you clarify that for me, please?

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent question. Are we just supposed to take their word on it?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know why you believe desperate people wouldn't /couldn't walk for a few days for a chance to survive. It's just walking.

And if people just can't seem to bring themselves to walk in order to survive, I'm sure they can figure out how bicycles work.

CallMeAl 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't agree with the idea that rural people will be safe from violence.

People fleeing the cities and suburbs will be heading for the sticks after things go down. They know that's where the peppers are. They know that's where the food is. They know that lower population density gives them a better chance of avoiding violence from others.

And they'll be desperate. It's not like they won't be able to find guns in the cities.

Could you explain why you think people in the cities wouldn't be able to leave the cities and come to rural areas? Because I really don't understand that reasoning.

CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

The truly scary thing is that the same thing could happen from a solar storm and coronal mass ejections.

When it comes to EMPs caused by hostile countries, we have the hope that they would be too scared of mutually assured destruction to go through with it or WHs will be able to stop them in time.

But there is no controlling what the sun does. No hoping it chooses not to flare up. And it could take out entire continents and hemispheres at once.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

I really don't understand what the point would be to replace HRC or Biden with a clone/lookalike.

Why replace them and have them continue doing things the same way they were? And then turn around and criticize them for doing things the same way, when you're the one telling them to do it?

If White Hats are doing this, then they're just as evil as Democrats. They would be the ones responsible for all the shit people want to hang the REAL HRC and Biden for. But they're supposed to be the good guys?

It makes zero sense. Zero.

CallMeAl -2 points ago +1 / -3

What jobs did he do for his dad are you talking about? Can you give me an example?

That's pretty cool that he did a day of every job at a hotel. I've never heard that before. Did you read that in a biography of him?

Do you really think that qualifies as working a manual labor job, though?

Edited to add: I'm not criticizing President Trump in the least. I think it's cool that he knew it was important to understand his business from the ground up. And I know he has empathy and understanding for blue collar workers.

But I think it's a bit of a stretch to say he was a blue collar worker because he spent a day doing various jobs in his hotel. As someone who worked his way through college by being a dishwasher at a resort restaurant, I can say that someone doing that job for a day does not count as them being a blue collar worker. But it's honorable that he took the time to understand what everyone does in his hotel.

But no, he was not a manual laborer. And there's nothing wrong with that.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm interested in how you see us going back to a one-income nuclear family.

Even before inflation was an issue, the majority of Americans still had big money issues. And even if we got rid of income tax, most families wouldn't be able to afford a one-income lifestyle.

Rent and mortgages are the biggest hurdles in the way of families surviving on one income. I'm not sure how we would fix that. You can't force people to give people cheap rent or sell their homes cheaply.

The huge gap between CEOs and business owners and regular employees is the other huge hurdle. Unless we jack up the minimum wage, there's really nothing we can do about that. We can't force companies to not pay their CEOs huge salaries.

Just to give you an idea of how different salaries are now compared to when families were once able to survive on one income:

Today, the average CEO makes around 350x what the company's typical workers make.

In 1965, the CEOs made only 20x what the other employees made.

Our middle class is dying out. Most people are falling to lower class while a select few are rising to upper class.

And I don't see what can be done about it, really. We can't penalize people for wanting to make more money. It's part of the idea of the American Dream.

CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it's paid for by the government, it will be impossible to have it run exclusively by MAGA.

The next Dem president in office after free university is approved will put their own people in to head it up.

CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the last thing we should do, is give them an inch of what they want. They're not going to be satisfied until we pay for ALL colleges/universities. They'll argue it's not fair, since everyone won't be able to go to the free university.

CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sure that President Trump means well, but I think this is a horrible idea.

We should be trying to get the government out of the education system, not adding on to it.

If this plan ever gets implemented, the Dems will use it as a springboard to get ALL colleges and universities involved. Once the government pays for one college/university, it will be impossible to stop people from demanding we pay for ALL of them.

It's a slippery slope. Best that we keep the government out of the education system entirely.

by BQnita
CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok. I'm not sure what your point is here.

Are you saying this to explain why so many people want to believe he's still secretly the president/CIC? They think it will protect him from going to prison?

Or are you pointing out that if Trump was really still president/CIC, that he wouldn't be on trial right now? If so, I agree with you.

by BQnita
CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're saying that Trump is deliberately fucking up the country to undermine Biden?

Also, are you saying that Obama was secretly still the president/CIC during Trump's presidency?

Because that's what it looks like you're saying here.

by BQnita
CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, I don't agree with the theory that Trump is secretly still the president/CIC. Because if that was true, it means Trump is fucking up the country big time.

People that believe that theory want to attribute anything good that happens to Trump secretly being president, while simultaneously blaming Biden for the shitty things that happen. You can't have it both ways. You can't have a dual set of Presidents; one who takes the credit for the good and another who takes the blame for the bad. The sitting President/CIC is responsible for ALL that happens on his watch. "The buck stops here", remember?

So if Trump is really the President/CIC right now, that means he's the one responsible for inflation, insecure borders, supply chain issues, vaccine mandates for the military, possibly launching WW3, and getting us involved in Ukraine and supplying them with billions of dollars of taxpayer money, arming them, and sending our troops over there. Add all the other tire fires going on that I've missed that Biden gets blamed for, as well. (Note that I 100% blame Biden for these things. I don't want anyone to think I'm defending him here.)

That's why I don't believe Trump is still really the President/CIC. I refuse to believe that he would fuck this country up like this.

by BQnita
CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Based on what I'm reading, it's up to the sitting President what clearance former presidents may have. So if Trump had/has security clearance after leaving office, it's because Biden cleared him.

Information needs to be shared between administrations to continue important work the previous started. Like how GWB helped Obama's administration in the search for bin Laden by sharing info GWB learned during his term.


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