..... Wayfair?
Did you miss the 2020 election?
No one is winning any elections ever again. If Trump doesn't act and clean this shit up, the whole world will regress into a dark age where democracy is "white supremacy" along with truth and justice.
Listen...i've been dooming pretty hard the last few days. Like, the longer it goes on (the appearance that they won) the more people belive it and fall in line with the expectations. Masks, etc etc etc.
But i think you're right. I think they had no plan. or their plan was for a full blown civil war with ORANGE MAN BAD their rallying cry.
they have been denied this and Trump is out golfing. "Have fun with the mess you made." basically.
What you say makes sense. How to do what they TOTALLY don't expect? Let them win. Let them have it and let theme expose themselves. It fits. Fully. But the damage being done to normal people who won't or can't see what's happening is massive.
I hope we get a massive reversal. I hope trump destroys these people in a way that they will not be able to recover.
I hope my faith isn't misplaced. IF it is, we have been placated during the most important time to be active. I don't know what else we could have done. The left want violence, and the right want peace. Not giving the left what it wants is paramount, but so is having unity and western values reasserted.
i hear you. I hope you're right. After the 6th i thought for sure we'd see movement between then and the 20th. Nothing. Now, it seems like the world has moved on. Elections are stolen, if you're conservative you're a white supremacist and all that shit. It's fucked, and i see no real ah ha moment coming. I hope i'm wrong and you're right. Seriously.
They're trying to make stolen elections into the new 9/11 or birther / birth certificate thing. They're trying to make it so that even the suggestion that Trump won and Biden cheated disqualifies you from any conversation. Just like if someone said "well you know 9/11 was an inside job...." Right? Think back to 2008 and if someone said that it would not go well. bla.
This is from 2020?
Why is this stickied?
I'm not a dooming shill. I just don't see a path to victory.
I agree. I don't think we've been larped, i think that we lost. Trump tried. He put his people in place, but it wasnt' enuogh. He wanted to sign the insurection act, but the joint chiefs or whoever wouldn't let him. The outcome is the same. We're here now and we lost and we wasted nearly 5 years on it.
And, we're losing this war worse than we were in 2015. And we were losing then as well.
Seems like we lost, guys.
I mean, I've been around since pizza gate broke. WikiLeaks drops that knocked Hillary off the winning path.
But at this point it seems like we lost. Biden is sworn in, lots of irregularities on that, but he's in the white House. Trump is gone for all intents and purposes.
I'm all about keeping the faith etc, and it's not my timeline. But at this point I think it's obvious that we lost.
I'd be happy to be wrong, but waiting 20 years with nothing but destruction doesn't seem like a good move.
These bullshit "decodes" need to stop. And George news is nothing more than a shill.
No outside comms.
Honestly. Looks like this whole thing is done.
board slide. not q related.
I can't wait to see the next x22 after he's watched this. Holy smoke. lol.
They also outlined that not dealing with this is the road to tyranny. They get the stakes here. They're not fucking around.
Well shit, that was a ton of fun.
all of the catchphrases.
It's actually quite fun. Popcorn. You're going to want a full rewatch. I would rewatch in 2x, but this is great.
Followed by a clip of democrats talking about fighting. And it's set to music. Which his interesting...
The best is yet to come...
that was like...all the catchphrases!
these clips are chosen very specifically....
"joe, you're fired, get out of here...."
How do you get rid of America First!?
that was good.
That's a rational ledge to be on. If nothing happens by March 4, go on with individual planning, Trump lost. That's my view.
I'm not a daily podcaster? Do you watch my show? Lol
I have mispronounced Michelle Remples name. I watch politics. Lol.
You're mistaken.