Wow! F’kin-A Cassandra!!
Umm I think that’s a green screen
Controlled? Blackmail works for whoever holds the goods.
I’ve already stopped paying…
Jokes on them. I don’t pay taxes to unelected usurpers.
Two home births for my wife and I. Best decision we ever made!!!
Same!! Thank you friend.
How do you defeat the babbling cabal without allowing their system to implode? It’s gonna be on them. YOU WERE WARNED! Fucking prepare now and quit your bitching. Get ready for the flood Noah!! There are places to store your money outside fiat. Wake up.
Wow that’s amazing. Good work my French.
Nah there will be reciprocity. Read about apartheid specifically truth and reconciliation period. We must have it to heal as a country and world. Not sure when, I just know it has to happen.
Coffee is a good one
Still not good for you.
Not true. Especially when it’s been heated up. They lie about everything. Olive oil is not good for you.
Seed oils are actually being shown to have highly inflammatory properties. Use beef tallow instead.
Owning stock in a good company with good values is valuable even without a squeeze. It’s a safe place to store wealth during massive economic upheaval. Don’t get me wrong, I am not putting all my savings in one basket but it’s a good choice as one hedge against a crash.
The answer for both is the same, there are counter parties that secure the risk. Once the dominoes start to fall the unwinding will be automated. I believe resetting the financial system is part of the overall plan (not much of a plan of not). How better to redistribute wealth than avoiding picking winners and losers amongst the people?
Thank you bud will read this week !
Don’t have any DD ON FAZ… happy to read some if you would be so kind as to provide some links my good man.
I meant Patriots in control of the mechanism’s of their (banking cabal) destruction.
By the 22nd
Unless… patriots are in control. How do you destroy the banking system and start anew without massive upheaval? Massive wealth redistribution. That’s how.
Keep in mind that the banking cartels must be destroyed. There will need to be a new system that is DECENTRALIZED… the debate is really over with DEFI.