Chandler15 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’m not in denial of anything. Not sure what you mean about 14 accounts.
If you read history Stalin infiltrated the Christian Russians with people telling them the military would save them. The Military never came and 30 million lost their lives. Stalin was controlling and leading both sides. There is a reason this isn’t in our history books. We need to use discernment to make sure we don’t repeat history.

Chandler15 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have no idea...but I like you are tired of this and ready for everyone to wake up. I just know 30 million Christian Russians were slaughtered because they thought the military was going to save them. It never happened and they woke up too late. Stalin had infiltrated the Christians with people we call today Truthers.
We just need to use discernment...

Chandler15 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Just remember how the Bolsheviks killed 30 million Christians in Russia. And then continued their march to Germany...and now the US. It was a psy-ops that controlled the Christians and led them to their deaths. Here is a quote (not exact) from Stalin...How do you control the opposition? You lead them. When you begin to ask yourself why nothing has happened to wake up the masses?

Chandler15 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s the biggest WNBA trade deal anyone has ever payed any attention to!

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love this! Is there more by this group?

Chandler15 7 points ago +7 / -0

You obviously haven’t seen the asleep libtards, who at this point won’t believe anything on Twitter. Libtards hate Musk and Twitter. They won’t believe anything published on Twitter. For those who have been here through many elections and watched nothing happen, they have every right to be skeptical. The Gateway Pundit isn’t mainstream news. Until they see it on mainstream news, they simply won’t believe it. Or until Mainstream news goes down....

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our IN National Guard unit is now in Egypt. I have no idea why and makes me pretty mad!

Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would agree! Any liberal from an educational facility in California, needs to take boosters every week.

Chandler15 33 points ago +33 / -0

Well, as I tried to tell my cousin, what happened to the flu in 2020 and 2021? No one will discuss the fact it suspiciously disappeared. Instead of 38 million flu cases there were 3,000. So my cousins response was “it disappeared because we were wearing masks”. This is where our critical thinking skills are failing us.
So my response was, “with your theory, masks protected us from the Flu but allowed Covid to spread?” He said because Covid was much worse than the Flu. Ugh...Doesn’t make any sense at all.
How about because hospitals also stopped testing for the Flu to drive up Covid numbers with nothing more than another test PCR flu test.
What does make sense is those 38 million Flu cases just moved over to the Covid column. Change the name and start the fear mongering on TV. Fool the brainwashed people.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

I couldn’t agree more! The Bolsheviks sold “the military will save you” and “trust the plan” to the millions of Christians in Russia they slaughtered. Stalin controlled both sides. The quicker “We the People” realize this, and that Trump isn’t our savior, the better off we will be.

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

How much turmeric to coffee? In what ways would you say it’s changed your life?

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

No worries! Jamie Dimon is a corrupt scumbag as well. Excellent point! Thank you

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a note: Jamie Dimon is the current CEO of JP Morgan Chase Bank and has been for over 30 years.

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

Exactly! We are the only country left with the guns. But the Bolsheviks in Russia said the same thing...trust the plan....the military is coming. It never happened and they took out the good part of the military. Then they slaughtered 20 million Christians. And then they moved into Germany and took over Germany. Hitler was trying to save Germany from the Bolsheviks but they took him out and replaced him with a look alike....the winners write the history books and the question we need to ask...is history repeating itself.

Chandler15 8 points ago +8 / -0

You may want to research the Bolsheviks plan in Russia when they slaughtered 20 million Christians. It’s not in your history books. You see, they all thought there was a plan too, and they thought the military was coming too. They were told to trust the plan. Instead they all died....and then Bolsheviks moved into Germany and took over Germany. The USA is their last big prize....

Chandler15 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Bolsheviks will take over and we move further into communism. Higher inflation, manufactured shortages of food, gas prices go even higher. 2023 will be miserable. More business pull back and stop spending capital. Stock market tanks. Job loss... More vaccine deaths and injuries. The real question then becomes: what wakes up the normies, the vaccine deaths next year or the fact the economy slides further into depression?

Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

That comment, if happens, should tell us we are being played. If Trump forced us to split the vote then the Dems win. This is the Bolsheviks trick, control both sides. If we the people don’t wake up soon, this country will be destroyed. All of this is taking our eyes off Yahweh. We put our hope in false idols to save us from ourselves, instead of Him.

Chandler15 12 points ago +12 / -0

This woke up zero normies as far as I’m concerned. The Dems are all celebrating - whether they were oblivious or in on the cheating. Will this ever see the light of day? Or as Stalin said: How do you control the opposition? You lead them.
Or we are being lead to our final destruction... We the People better wake up soon.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would like to be positive but for those of us who have waited over a couple years or longer now, are not holding our breath. I’m beginning to think the Bolsheviks are controlling both the good side and the evil side, just like they did in Russia when they exterminated millions of Christians over 80 years ago....

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

When did it change from 4chan to 8chan? What post number?

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep the people tampered down so they don’t rise up. But continue communist activities and make progress with breaking down the republic. Yahweh wins in the end. 2023 is going to be very bad.

Chandler15 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel the same. If the steal happens again with crickets, our republic is gone. They have already set this up to last for days....

Chandler15 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is where we are now...the NBA will tell you what you like. People need to wake up.

by lethak
Chandler15 11 points ago +11 / -0

Our National Guard is being sent to Egypt. My vaccinated son-in-law headed there. I’m not so sure about the military saving us. I’ll pray for God/Yahweh to save us.

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