Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

These people are insane-so brain washed by the government and the media. That is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. I went to a farm this morning to buy eggs, milk and mushrooms. All but me were dutifully wearing their masks outside. Wake up people! Your masks prevent nothing, but do cause a lot of harm-decreased oxygen levels and inhaling your own bacteria causing dental caries, throat infections and lung infections-bacterial pneumonia!

Chloe69 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is she now a Doctor. I am willing to give her a legitimate Covid shot. I don’t call it a vaccine because it isn’t.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I were an employee, I would say, “Hell No. I quit!”

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are also Republicans in bed with China: Feinstein and McConnel to name a few. And don’t forget McConnel’s wife, Elaine Chao, her daddy is a member of the CCP.

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can bet you have politicians and businesses, as well as government officials right there with them in the name of control and money. They are all treasonous and must be arrested and put to death. Making an example is the only way people will think twice before doing this again.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

When are the police going to do their jobs and stop mollycoddling these BLM/ANTIFA people who have ZERO right to impede traffic. I can promise that if every person in a car mowed them down they would think twice. Their protesting does not give them the right to impede traffic. I for one am sick of hearing about this shit.You want to protest, get a permit and do it PEACEFULLY in a park or on the sidewalk. All lives matter not just the ones thugs try to force on us.

Chloe69 12 points ago +12 / -0

Dear God, we pray you watch over Mike Lindell and all of those close to him. Keep him safe from harm as he works to reveal the corruption perpetrated on our nation. Protect our military, police, first responders and firemen and women as they protect us every day. Watch over all of those individuals who have believed our media and government and have taken the Covid shot. Please protect them from harm. Grant peace to all who lost loved ones during the lockdowns and were unable to be with them during their final hours. Open the eyes and ears of our government officials and help them recognize that masks are doing more harm than good, as are the shutdowns. Watch over our military as they root out the evil perpetrators in government, media, business and everyday life that are involved in illegal activities, lying, theft, gun smuggling, human trafficking, child trafficking, sex crimes, torture and harvesting of body parts and adrenochrome. May you grant our military the powers to bring to justice those individuals involved in these crimes and prosecute them, whether it be death or long prison sentences. When we have our house in order, may we spread peace, love, and harmony throughout the rest of the world. We ask this in your name, if it be your will. Amen.

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Divorce is planned to somehow shelter their money before arrest.

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems to me to be common sense that the election board would not give up their access rights unless they were promised something in return, I.e. money, guarantee on fixing the win or both.

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is not fully reopened when you have to wear a mask which does more harm than good.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate to inform this ignoramus, but the flu vaccine is a guesswork on the strain that will hit any given year. Also the shot for Covid, that she so willingly took, does not prevent Covid, but it may lessen symptoms when you get Covid. It might be a good idea if this injection prevents infertility, since these people don’t seem to have a brain.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

This article never said what repercussions the spy faced or faces. When is this country going to wake up and stop importing Chinese scientists, stop relying on Chinese goods? Ban all Chinese made products, most are inferior anyway-you get what you pay for. Encourage American made furniture, lamps, light bulbs, computer chips, cars, etc.

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Trump were President, action would be taken. With Biden as a lap dog, he will look the other way.

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly what qualifications other than black and female does she have to run a country? Some people already espoused to voting for a feeble minded, weak, corrupt and ineffectual/incompetent Democrat President in the body of Joe Biden, do we really need another. I, with no business or political background, could qualify by spending as much money as Biden did in 100 days and by making as big a political mess as Biden did. I actually am better qualified because I would demand a balanced budget, just like personal households have to do, and I would make it mandatory that the government follow immigration laws. Anyone in the country illegally-deport. Wait, that actually makes me MORE qualified than our de facto, corrupt President!

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

What she did was wrong, but prison for 16 years. THAT IS ridiculous when you see papists getting far less time or those responsible for vehicular homicide. Pay a fine, say $20,000, probation for 5 years and 1200 hours community service.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Add Hospitals and administrators to this list. They damn well knew, but put money before lives. This is the only way that people will think twice in the future. Take them all down. Executions or very long prison terms are required.

Chloe69 7 points ago +7 / -0

Flu shots are not without side effects. Your immune system is lowered for up to 3 months, making you more susceptible to illness.

Chloe69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why take any vaccine when there are preventatives out there (hydrochloroquine-used effectively for malaria for years, vitamin D, Zinc, Ivermectin, budesomide inhaler-used for asthmatics, Vitamin C), good diet, good hand washing. All of these are preventatives for Covid 29 which has a 99.3% survival rate.

Chloe69 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was so touched by this story and the commentator, it brought me to tears. How true it is that the majority of people are not racist, but there are some. I pray this young man who was shot survives and is able to turn his life around. God put everyone in the right place at the right time.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you want this piece of work teaching your children? She should be fired, but she won’t be.

Chloe69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, I forget to mention that she told this officer he would never be white, he would always be Hispanic! Talk about racism. She must be a left wing liberal.

Chloe69 2 points ago +2 / -0

What this small excerpt failed to tell was that she was using her cell phone while driving, that is why she was pulled over. She had her child in the car-what a prime example she was for her child to show disrespect of a police officer by choosing not to accept responsibility for her actions. She threatened him by saying she was going to report his harassment of her to his supervisor. She tried to intimidate him by very importantly saying she was a “teacher” as if that was supposed to impress him. She also “forgot” her driver’s license at home, but had a picture of it on her cellphone. Instead of being a snooty, sel righteous Karen, act like an adult, especially in front of your child. Instead of saying, “I was going 38 in a 40 mile per hour zone, so why are you harassing me?” Stop interrupting why he is trying to tell you why he pulled you over and maybe he would let you off with a warning instead of a ticket. I Instead say, “Good afternoon officer. Can you teall me why I was pulled over? You’re right, I shouldn’t have been on my cell phone while driving. I left my license at home, but I have a picture of it.” Be polite, admit when you are wrong, keep your hands visible at all times, and act how you want to be treated. This officer was nothing but polite and exercised patience. What a bad example she set for her child. Instead she acted like a snooty, bitch who thought she was better than anyone else. I wanted to arrest her on behalf of the officer just for her attitude!

Chloe69 1 point ago +1 / -0

The companies who move out of the country should be banned by it’s citizens. Quit buying these products from traitors.

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