Christine_grab 12 points ago +12 / -0

It should be easy for the feds to find illegals in California. Between 2018 and 2024, California gave NGOs $20 million a year to hunt down illegals and to try to convince them to file CA tax returns. This year, CA reduced the program to $10.5 million. Details: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=3185.

The CA tax agency has said that they are disappointed that the numbers of illegals who filed only went up by 3% (not sure what they based that number on), so the NGOs weren't successful in sweet talking them into filing. BUT the NGOs do have data on these illegals that they've been pursuing.

Also, the CA tax agency has been stalking the illegals, so the tax agency knows where they are, even if they aren't filing: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2761

And since I am ranting about how the tax agency people are creepy stalkers, they are also mining other CA records in order to track people's "diversity" information (why are they so concerned about information not related to income taxes?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBdx9MTdQSY&list=PLAkSTXk9sO0HRMy9MaiMtfn2RCBTAqclQ&index=13

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brilliant idea, but we have to do it for the RINO RNC, too. Saban/Murdoch are basically two sides of the same coin.

Christine_grab 8 points ago +8 / -0

There is an interesting Netflix Documentary called "The Toys that Made Us" that talks about Power Rangers. Saban basically stole the Japanese action figure concept and Americanized it. It didn't sell well. He decided to create a power rangers show, but was having no luck getting a network to pick it up. At the time, Fox was struggling. Saban offered Fox a cut of the toy sales if it would run their power rangers show. The show was a hit, both Saban and Murdoch made a ton of money. What is not covered in the documentary, but we all know, is that Saban went on to have a lot of control over the DNC, and Murdoch a lot of control over the RNC.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

California makes plenty of its own water. We make so much water that they used to not have water meters in Northern California. That's why it was so easy for Trump to turn on the tap after the fake water crises. Now Southern California does have water issues, but there is no reason why we should be getting our water from the Colorado River rather than from Northern California.

Christine_grab 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are multiple groups trying to split off from Sacramento/San Francisco. They all have different proposed borders and constitutions. They all want to remain part of the USA, just not part of CA.

This measure is the Deep State trying to escape from the consequences of all their years of BS. I believe the Deep State are well aware that they are about to enter the FO stage of FAFO and are hoping to escape before they have to face the consequences.

Christine_grab 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know this has already been posted, but there has been SO MUCH news that I think this tidbit may have gotten lost in the shuffle. The California deep state is panicking!!!!!!

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

California's income tax agency, the Franchise Tax Board, has been obsessed with the IRS easy file program. It's been a focus of most of their board meetings over the last couple of years.

Currently, many of California's tax rules don't comply with the IRS's, so the IRS system isn't compatible with the system that FTB already had in place. They are desperately trying to create a portal to link the IRS and FTB together so that people can just file both returns via the IRS. But the not matching rules is a hurdle they are trying to resolve. For example, CA is a sanctuary state, and CA has a program called CalEITC where they bribe illegals to file returns. The IRS also has a EITC program, but, despite the Biden administrations lenience on prosecuting illegals, the feds never went as far as to give illegals money to file returns.

One of the things that FTB said they feared if Trump was elected was that he would shut down the IRS portal or not let FTB connect to the IRS. I'm very curious to see how FTB will react to this news.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

All over the state the insurance policies are being canceled for silly reasons. There are constantly discussion on Nextdoor about how is still writing in CA.

The reality is the insurance companies are pulling out of the state because of limits on how much they can raise rates.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

Um... I contacted the Secretary of State and asked for copies of oaths and bonds: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=1472

Here is a post about the laws re: oaths and bonds: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2219

I found out there isn't really anything that can be done via statutory law as removing someone for failure to file an oath is exclusively the purview of the attorney general, and California's guy is corrupt as all get out: https://oag.ca.gov/opinions/quo-warranto. (to give you an idea of the mentality of this guy, he was pushing an infanticide bill that would make it illegal to investigate the death of infants under 30-days old: https://californiaglobe.com/articles/infanticide-or-pregnancy-loss-abortion-bill-passes-assembly-judiciary-committee/)

So I tried the common law three step legal process: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931

Unfortunately, common law currently has no teeth. There is a suit pending now over the restoration of common law courts, so hopefully, they will be reestablished soon. If so, I already have a default judgment in place and can get all the accused individuals arrested.

So for immediate remedy, I am now trying a public humiliation campaign... hence the above referenced petition. The public humiliation campaign is helping a lot with exposing corruption and getting the perpetuators to be less obvious, but still hasn't brought resolution. I'll keep you all posted about my successes and failure.

Christine_grab 8 points ago +8 / -0

There was a scandal a few years ago with Nestle. Southern California was having a drought, and Lake Arrowhead cut off water to the residents. However, Nestle was allowed unlimited water for their Arrowhead bottled water.

An investigation by a local paper revealed that Arrowhead Water had gotten a permit decades ago to bottle water from Lake Arrowhead. When the permit expired, it was never renewed. Nestle sent in their renewal fee every year, and it was $624 per year. And the water people just collected the $ and continued to let Nestle take all the water they wanted without issuing a new permit.

When the scandal was exposed, instead of cutting Nestle off and giving the water to the residents, the water district formally renewed Nestle's permit -- though they did up the fee to $2,050 per year: https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/environment/2018/06/27/forest-service-grants-nestle-new-three-year-water-permit-california/740154002/

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

They used election rigging to get Newsom and the rest of the democrats into a supermajority. Now that they have no opposition, the laws they have been implementing are shocking. They have made it clear that they don't care at all about serving the constituents.

Christine_grab 5 points ago +5 / -0

This video is excellent and worth the watch. A mama bear did a dig into the Trevor Project and, when she found out that it's actually a grooming site, she tried to get it removed from her school's website. She wasn't able to because California passed a law MANDATING that schools tell children about the Trevor Project: https://californiaparentsunion.com/ca-mama-bears-attack-with-cpu-founder-and-moms-for-liberty/

Shameless plug: CA State Senator Scott Wiener is behind these evil laws pushing pedophelia and eroding parents rights to protect our children from pedophiles. Please sign my petition to void all of Wiener's work since he was knowingly working unlawfully without an oath. Laws like this must be wiped off the books: https://www.change.org/p/demand-scott-wiener-s-immediate-removal-from-office-for-committing-felony

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for checking in. I'm in San Diego, a solid 2+ hour drive (with no traffic) from the fires in LA. All seems to be okay for now in San Diego.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

This issue hit home this year in California with the passing of SB-1414. The goal of the bill was to make purchasing a child prostitute a felony for all (shocking it already wasn't). However, the legislators gutted the bill so it only protected some children in some circumstances, not all children. The justification? It isn't equitable.

Most people think equity and equality are the same thing. They are not. Equity = equal results. Equality = equal opportunity.

Since gay people purchase more children than straight people, they would be convicted at higher rates than straight people. The legislators argued that since there wouldn't be equitable results, so the rules had to be changed to ensure that the same conviction rates amongst the various demographics of color/sex orientation.

The focus was about protecting perpetrators. The children didn't matter to the legislators. The fact that sex trafficking children is a violation of the 13th amendment didn't matter to the legislators.

This is how the democrats deceive people into going along with policies that lead to a loss of opportunity and open the door for more people to be victimized. The call you an anti-gay homophobe for wanting to protect kids.

More details: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=3016

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know! I was really excited about what he said. 🙏 that 2025 is the year we turn the government around so it serves the people instead of the evil empire.

Christine_grab 13 points ago +14 / -1

According to Merck's internal manuals from the 60s and 70s, viruses are microscopic parasites. So an anti-parasitical should work on a parasite.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've tried him a couple of times in the past, but I'll try again after Christmas. Thank you for the suggestion.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did, but no response from him. I do feel like this is a calling from God and I know that sooner or later it will get attention, all in God's perfect timing. I'm trying to be patient.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been screaming for years now about how I've caught California's income tax agency overcharging taxpayers via embezzlement/racketeering schemes. Now that taxes have gone up so much so fast, a lot of people are going to get ensnared in the same schemes that I was. I am hoping to spread awareness of these schemes so other people can stand up to the tax agency, too. I am also hoping that people start paying attention to the "off the books" account that the temporarily embezzled money goes into. Details: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=3141

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