Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

I highly doubt that Kamala will run for governor. The two candidates that have already been "anointed" by the democrats to run are:

Betty Yee: https://bettyyee.com

She changed the way people can dispute tax issues in a manner which basically ceased all rights to a fair hearing: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=6

She was sued by "Open the Books" to disclose how CA spends its money per the Sunshine Laws. She argued that she didn't keep records thus the case should be thrown out. The judge threw it out: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/01/23/suing_california_to_produce_a_state_checkbook_142216.html

She's a Chinese woman married to a jewish rabbi, so she checks the diversity box.


Toni Atkins: https://www.toniatkins.org

She was an Assemblywoman and State Senator for So Cal (she was the head of the senate for a while). She is a lesbian and her focus was on pushing LGTBQ+ issues. She has been a huge part of the spate of very bad laws enacted in recent years that "provide equity" by protecting criminals from being prosecuted -- so she's personally to blame for the increase in homeless, drug abuse, pedophelia, shoplifting, etc.

Anecdotal, but when I asked her to pass legislation to correct unethical practices at the state's income tax agency, she said pushing the right to have X on your driver's license instead of M or F was a more important issues to her constituents (they have a limited number of bills they can introduce).

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a great question. Just like with most government work, the perks build up over time. So if you've been a teacher for a few years already, you aren't going to walk away early and give up your fat retirement. You'll just keep your mouth shut, pay your dues to CTA, and retire as soon as you are eligible.

There is actually an organization that has formed to counter the teacher's union, called the California Parents Union: https://californiaparentsunion.com. They've had quite a few teachers join who oppose the policies of the Teacher's Union.

Christine_grab 8 points ago +8 / -0

For everyone in California, I have discovered that a lot of state legislators didn't have current oaths when they passed the legislation that led to the policies that this article talked about. I am working on getting all of the legislative work for the people without oaths voided, which means many of these bad bills will be voided. Details here: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931

I have a petition specifically to void Scott Wiener's (San Francisco): https://www.change.org/p/demand-scott-wiener-s-immediate-removal-from-office-for-committing-felony

I'd appreciate it if Californians would sign this and share it with others. We must protect our children.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

Back in 2020, a whistleblower warned us about FEMA's evil plans to mass-kill civilians: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aJU41dlHeI4O/. How can you get away with such a plan if your budget is subject to scrutiny?

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ann Vandersteel is the journalist breaking the story. Vandersteel claims that only 20 Congressmen supposedly know the details of this budget, which are the on the DHS' Emergency Management and Technology Subcommittee.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you! I have written posts about "my Wiener project" in the past, and the mods have stickied it each time. Here is the last one: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txobDPOK/update-the-california-state-sena/

Edit: Oops, the link above was to the second post I made about Wiener. This is the latest one: https://greatawakening.win/p/199O1iRRAH/update-2-on-vacating-scott-wiene/

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

I almost forgot to mention that on Friday, Newsom added another gas tax. Some of the sources said 65 centers per gallon, others said 85 cents per gallon, but either way, his answer to inflation was to raise gas prices.

Christine_grab 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you so much for signing! I should have warned that the donation is to Change.Org to keep their platform going. I know it deceptively looks like the money is going to me, but it is not. I appreciate that you are helping change.org to succeed, because they are helping me to succeed.

Christine_grab 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, but a large percentage of the legislators have not signed current oaths, so they can't be convicted of "treason of oath." Instead, they are considered to be foreign agents posing as a government agent, which carries three years in federal prison. Treason of Oath has stricter penalties, up to and including life. Here is my collection of oaths. The legislators are nearly at the bottom, so you have to do quite a bit of scrolling to get to the State Assembly and State Senate sections: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=1608

Christine_grab 6 points ago +6 / -0

CA stopped issuing bonds, which are required by both state and federal laws, back when Reagan was governor. This means every administration since Reagan's second term is invalid: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2219

The state legislators also seem to have a problem with keeping their oaths current. I haven't pulled everyone's oaths, but based on the oaths that I have collected so far, I believe that the percentage of people working unlawfully without oaths at every legislative session is high enough that all the legislation has to be voided going back many years. The legislators are nearly at the bottom, so you have to do quite a bit of scrolling to get to the State Assembly and State Senate sections: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=1608

Christine_grab 6 points ago +6 / -0

FYI, last week California made it legal to marry your dog. :( The ballot stated "changing the definition of marriage from being between only a man and woman," which implied it was only to legalize gay marriage (which is already legal). The ballot wording omitted the part about being able to marry anything else and most people didn't look too closely at the details of the measure.

Christine_grab 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have spent the last year trying to remove Wiener from office. I have a petition going now: https://www.change.org/p/demand-scott-wiener-s-immediate-removal-from-office-for-committing-felony.

Please, please, please sign and share it. The State Senate is panicking over this petition and I do believe we will get enough signatures to have all his legislation voided.

Edit to add why I believe the State Senate is panicking: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=3105

Christine_grab 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've made it really easy for Trump to go after Wiener. I'll be sending hard copies of these Common Law legal documents to Trump as soon as he's in the White House: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931

Christine_grab 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have spent the last year trying to remove Wiener from office. I have a petition going now: https://www.change.org/p/demand-scott-wiener-s-immediate-removal-from-office-for-committing-felony.

Please, please, please sign and share it. The State Senate is panicking over this petition and I do believe we will get enough signatures to have all his legislation voided.

Edit to add why I believe the State Senate is panicking: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=3105

Christine_grab 13 points ago +13 / -0

Shamelessly hijacking the top comment to let you know that I have spent the last year trying to remove Wiener from office. I have a petition going now: https://www.change.org/p/demand-scott-wiener-s-immediate-removal-from-office-for-committing-felony. Please sign and share the petition!

More details on why he legally needs to be vacated from office and his legislation voided: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931

17-minute Podcast that answers all the typical questions about oath laws: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=3070

45-minute podcast (audio only, so great for car rides) with more details and info: https://rumble.com/v5h7znt-christi-grab-files-certificate-of-default-against-ca-state-senator-scott-wi.html

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so flattered that you think highly enough of me to ask my opinion! This has been a crazy busy week for me. I won't have the time or mental bandwidth to analyze this until next week. I am intrigued as I do live in a gerrymandered district and would really like to figure out how to combat that. I WILL get back to you, it just may not be for a week or so.

But as an FYI, real estate agents have access to this info: "1. Acquire a list of all property owners, addresses, contact information in the county," From the address, you can easily figure out precinct... so find a real estate agent in the counties you want to tackle (they may even be able to access the whole state).

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a really interesting angle. Hadn't thought of that. 🤔

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