CookingGrams1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now, how about an executive order that states medical treatments cannot be refused because of vaccination status. I personally know of 2 families that have been refused to having their heart patient children put on UNOS because they refused to vaccinate their children. It is a disgrace and shows that the deep state still owns the UNOS system.

CookingGrams1 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is one of the issues that I have. I cannot support Trump on giving another dollar to Israel or to helping Israel complete their infiltration of the land over there. There is a reason why the so called Jews in that region do not allow DNA testing, simply put, that is not their land and they are not God's chosen people.

CookingGrams1 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope if all drinks go back to glass bottles that they start using sugar again instead of the high fructose corn syrup. The Cokes that you get that are pure cane sugar in glass bottles taste so much better and take me back to the 80's

CookingGrams1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Prison? Bullets are cheaper....or free helicopter rides over the Gulf of America!

CookingGrams1 8 points ago +11 / -3

There is a group that hijacks all groups, (governing bodies, religious groups, private and open organizations) and when you discover who they are and what they are pushing they make laws against speaking badly about them. Can you guess who they are???

CookingGrams1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just in case you don't know what this paradox is.....

The Stockdale Paradox is a technique to navigate challenging and ambiguous times by combining the ability to confront the brutal facts of your current reality, even as you maintain unwavering faith that you will prevail in the end, no matter how distant that is.

CookingGrams1 10 points ago +10 / -0

All I can see in my mind is Harry screaming, "Diplomatic Immunity," right before someone says, "just been revoked," upon ending his miserable time in this place in time.

Can't help myself, I love Mel Gibson movies...... :)

CookingGrams1 43 points ago +43 / -0

I spend most my days feeling alone. I have my family yes, and they are all awake to what is happening but I have lost all the other people in my life that I thought were my friends. I do not like shopping, not that I was big on it before. I don't want to go anywhere outside of my small town because I just don't want to deal with crazy libtards. I don't want to do anything with anyone except my kids and grandchildren. My spouse spouts mostly stupid stuff that drives me crazy and it is not even libtard crazy, it is the fact that they grabbed onto one thing and nothing else matters. My thing is that there is so much going on in the world and not just one thing matters. When I read that if we knew the real truth 99% of us would be hospitalized, I honestly believe it because I feel like I know a great amount of truth now and I honestly hate the world sometimes. I can only have faith that God will soon send his son to liberate us because this is not a world I want to see my children and grandchildren have to deal with, however, I feel it will get a lot worse before it ever gets any better.

CookingGrams1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why did the chicken cross the road? I love it!!!

CookingGrams1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well I will be honest, if anyone that I don't know freely walks into my house without permission, I don't care if they knock first, just walk in without knocking, whether black, white, yellow, red, green or orange, I am shooting first and will ask questions later......that little turd just walked into the mans house without invitation. He was not standing outside just knocking on the door, he literally walked in with no invitation. No invitation is breaking and entering in my state. For once I would like just one news outlet to be honest about the news and report it correctly. Oh and hey news outlets, how about the white woman that was beaten half to death by the black kids. Wish she had a gun then she could have laid waste to to them, then again that would have been reported as they were just standing in the hall talking most likely. Lying POS news agencies.

CookingGrams1 3 points ago +3 / -0

drop 55 says "Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless." Never says who will say it.....

CookingGrams1 4 points ago +4 / -0

He doesn't have to sing, hell he could go on national news and admit to everything and not a damn thing will happen and no one will do anything.

CookingGrams1 7 points ago +7 / -0

For all those people who love Ukraine so much and want to support them so badly, maybe they should all go there and live under this. I have $20.00 to donate to the pool that will start moving them all out of the US. Bet they would be crying to come home within 6 months of this way of life.

CookingGrams1 29 points ago +30 / -1

Does that mean people will finally accept the truth behind wooden doors that open to the inside and truth behind the science of how long it takes to cremate a body even now?

CookingGrams1 8 points ago +8 / -0

It would be amazing but I think that she was taken for the trade and there was so much attention that she was murdered pretty quickly. But I pray for those parents that it is her however I fear that she would have been put through pure hell if it is her.

CookingGrams1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know a few folks that are prior military, I spoke with one today that said that his cancer treatments have been pushed to an outside group, my brother was supposed to have a colonoscopy in January and they canceled on him 2 days before because they could not get him in for the pre-op blood work. Brother is unvaxxed and refused to even get it to save his job. The friend with Cancer, (Vietnam Vet) and has always been in great shape, got the jab when the VA pushed it on him early on and then developed the cancer just a few months afterwards. Then my father had his benefits cut back in October of 2021 when they dropped my mother as a dependent. He just got his backpay and got it straightened out, and there are several of his friends that are going through the same thing. There are a lot of issues with the VA right now.

CookingGrams1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Of course the rate is low, that is what happens when people stop looking for a job.

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