This isn't really a long term solution, eventually we must have a Speaker.
But, I'm from Texas, we only allow our State Legislature to meet every two years, they must conduct all our State government business for the next two years in a few months' time and then go home. We do not want them sitting in Session dreaming up ways to bend us over, you see. We give them a very limited amount of time to perform a limited amount of Duties and then we expect them to go away, to quit existing on the tax payer teats.
Considering how much damage Congress and federal government has done the last few years, considering all the treasons and failures to perform their sworn Duty and honor their Oaths to defend the Constitution, considering the damned poisons they try to genocide us all with, it is not going to hurt us AT ALL to spend a couple months trying to sit a Speaker. Congress cannot hurt us while they are in limbo without a Speaker...
And that includes shutting down the government too, they do not need to pass any spending CRs or anything, essential government will still operate.
In short, let it all rot for a while.
Why, is there a DA in Kentucky who needs to be fired?
Yeah he would.
Yeah the military observes holidays but the Mission is supported 24/7, or used to be in the 70s when I was in. As a single guy I used to take holiday duty so the married guys could be off, when possible. Wasn't always possible, the Mission is why 'you' exist after all.
Training and stuff that can be delayed or scheduled around holidays is done as possible , but everything Mission related is supported still.
I'm not a skilled analyst, only kinda thing I'm noticing is a sparcity of military aircraft airborne. Usually there are more flights up, many more, but I don't keep spreadsheets so anecdotal is all I got.
Along your line of thinking then.... Trump aligned himself with Traitors, Mitch and Lindsey and yadayadayada. He said of the manufactured riot in Charlottesville that there were good people on both sides, claiming the terrorists on the left were good people.
He signed CRs after telling us he would not do so unless Wall money was attached.
By your logic we cannot support Trump, either, so who are you shilling for then?
Yeah he scrambles but no matter the deals he makes he is still not the right person.
It doesn't really matter, this Congress is as corrupted as the others the last few decades.
Buy the dip... bye, the dip.
As President Trump has intimated, the onliest damn we give is that now we should see biden's, Pelosi's, obama's, Madmax's, and yadayadayada.
Happy New Year, hopefully.
The problem seems to be the Zelensky Model is running, but not enough bitcoins were sent in or something, need moar.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah that'll keep you busy.
Yeah, scheduled outages are elective, absolutely. You just were not informed of the reason.
Exceptionally stupid story, no lawyer can help you with that shiite.
If he spit on people he needs jail after he leaves the hospital.
I disagree with Ollie here, not the first time.
Ronnie Raygun was trying to help freedom fighters fighting against organized state sponsored terrorisms, that is in fact diametrically opposed to what Ukraine is doing.
In that sense Vlad the impaler is closer to Ronnie's model.
Nah inforwars alex stole it from Britain.
Yeah it's another Deep State clown idea, everything 'you' need should be within 15 minutes of you if you're in the city. Travel passes if you must leave your 15 minute slice to enter another slice of the city....
Dreamers dreaming.
I've never seen it and don't need to, watched the BLM terrorists rioting tho.
That has never been verified as being from 'Q'.
Oh fer fooks sake.
Might be, I've talked with people who have experienced what seems to be quotas being enforced against them.
It isn't a new thing, in the late 70s an international company in the energy business told me straight up they had to hire a black man, even tho no blacks passed the tests. After three days of applying and testing the guy told us too bad, see ya.
Found out later the tests were eliminated long enough to get some blacks in there.
A darth vader mask with voice changer built in.
We have to ponder all media accounts of everything with a certain analytical eye, I cannot think of a single outlet or news group which is trustworthy.
So collect perspectives from varying sources and compile... then it'll sort into a pattern you might more comfortably accept because 'you' developed it.
Newsmax does seem like the same old controlled opposition at times, they all do. They push ukraine war for instance, seem to support nazis, have a 'lot' of leftists on smooching up with the leftist lawyer twit Greta.
Collect different perspectives on every thing you want to know about, not any single one. They are all biased, we truly have NO Free Press.
Not a musk fan but he does know how to troll the morons don't he.
Strzok's Thot...
A covid booster you say, is that a thing to enhance the chinese flu? Because that's what you said doc.