Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

He’s a weapon. An asset. They give him a target or mission and he goes for it. There are a bunch of guys like this. He’s probably more dangerous than he looks. He’s got that “survived behind enemy lines” look.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had just said this about an hour ago. This is why the assassin didn’t off himself but rather got caught. He’s working for the same system that’s gonna charge him. He’s not worried. Hand him over to a Russia, then you’ll see him perk up.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Affidavits used to mean something. Over 10,000 signed for the stolen election, when usually 1 or 2 is all that’s ended to get life in prison. So nowadays when I see the word “affidavit” used against the government, that’s not even as good as a strongly worded letter. Could compete with a mean tweet maybe? Sad but true.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

But, who enforces those laws? The government? The very ones who are breaking the law. We hope the military. Although their checks are from the government as well. I would say the people. But, the people have shown their ambitions. COVID showed that. To many fall in line. Like cattle headed to the slaughterhouse. Many will break off, but those numbers will be very very low. We would need a real precipice to show signs of strength from the people. If we don’t turn on each other.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

When has a Republican candidate ever been able to pick their moderators and or news channel? It’s never happened. They have to be left leaning or it doesn’t happen. Democrats are smart to make this the norm. And then the Republican candidate is labeled a coward who won’t face resistance. Sick of all this crap. Trump is gonna get hit in this no matter what he decides. If he agrees to any debate, it will be worse than what just happened. Heck they’ll add another moderator just so trump has to face even more people. And if he says no, in any fashion, he’s afraid.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean from a “soldier” standpoint…he was amazingly successful. Did his job and continues his mission even today, I assume. The military got clowned by this guy and our enemies. I mean, we as citizens are asked “when is enough enough?” Well I’d like to ask the military, when is enough, enough for you? In less than two months we’re gonna find out. Well, maybe not two months…as I 99% believe they WILL steal this election in November, it’s what happens before January that I’m interested in. But if she is sworn in, our military was never apart of this. And was defeated years ago.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I’m not mistaken Rasmussen was “the” poll gathers Rush mentioned as very good.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is interesting that any poll would have Trump winning, but in all honesty, when did we start believing in polls? Someone pointed out in another thread that, really it’s only the liberal, hate Trump media polls that give me a brief moment of pause…and a wonder why? Do their audience really feel Trump won? Did MAGA zerg their polls? So again, I don’t give much to polls anyways. They don’t give a purposeful assurance of winning or losing. Not sure they ever did. But it is something to hype yourself up with I suppose. Just be careful about putting much credit to polls. Even when Rush Limbaugh was alive he mentioned there are only about 3 polls nationwide that have actual credit to the work they put out in them. And out of those 3, only 2 were heavyweights. And that’s out of hundreds across the nation.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Getting almost assassinated on live tv will bring more security, even if it’s from your own pocket. That’s what I see.

Cyberhawk 15 points ago +15 / -0

She should know. She was the first to attack Trump on stage in the debates iirc. And her career went south haaaard. Chick was like the second highest paid on tv before that night. How the mighty will fall. They always do. I didn’t watch the debate because I know better. Could’ve wrote down the script before it happened. And the outcome was easily predicable. I’m really hoping for a surprise in November. I see this going down the road of the usual BS. And the people will suffer the most, as usual. It’s not that “will we ever learn?”…that’s what people will say the day after. And the sad fact is, no, they won’t. As I said, I hope for something different. We now know how are elections have always been ran. And it sucks. We know how our nominees are chosen. And it’s sucks. We know the people have zero to do with deciding how our country is governed. And it sucks. We’re down to only one option, as far as man is concerned. And if they don’t engage this time…then we will then learn again, a sad truth.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Her road has but one end, and even then she will kneel before God. As we all will. I hope she reconsiders her choices. I hope to have Jesus as my advocate as I stand in judgement before the Father. Without Jesus, you have no chance but to end up in a sinners Hell for all eternity. She really needs help.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Life WAS empty until I accepted Jesus into my life. Everything else doesn’t matter near enough. Not vacations, not walks at the park, now even coffee and a blanket. Just Jesus. Only He will bring you peace. And keep you sustained. Ive tried many other remedies, nothing else works.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

That’s the movie I always think of as well. The Hunt for Red October. Great movie. I let it play in the background at home all the time. James seemed like such a cool guy. Rest in Peace friend.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

The same state that had counties with a 93% error rating on machine ballot counters. The red line is 3%. They reevaluate at 1%. So naturally they find more methods on how to cheat.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Telling the truth isn’t dooming. The military is THE only way this gets done. Just because you can’t see through the hype, that isn’t my fault. I was there once.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh I kept up. I watched countless hours of election legislation meetings and conferences after 2020. The thousands of affidavits from witnesses, from all parties. Was inspired by the firm voices and the pointing of fingers from state’s legislators. Do you wanna know what came from all that….I could tell ya, but you already know. Now here recently there have been some of the biggest laws passed and methods in place to target election interference. So here it is….do you think we had election laws before 2020? Of course you know this. Do you think passing a few more is gonna change anything? And even then, whose gonna enforce these laws? I can’t wait to hear this answer. Don’t say the law. Don’t say police officers. Don’t say election watchers. So who? There weren’t there in 2020, Will they magically appear in 2024? That’s why I said military. That’s my answer. What’s yours?

Cyberhawk 14 points ago +18 / -4

In an honest election absolutely. But that’s not what America has. I see nothing meaningful that tells me Harris won’t win this. all they have to do is cheat one more time and done. They went in hard in 2020. It will be full send in 2024. Won’t matter if it’s visible. Won’t matter if they get caught. Whose gonna stop them? Whose gonna enforce the law? Military appears to be the only way. Now, how much you wanna bet they are gonna intervene? My gut has been right more times than I would like it to be. Sadly. I really hope I’m wrong.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea Asmongold is filthy rich from what I hear. Doesn’t look like it or live like he does. He still has he’s old Ford mustang last I heard. The thing is a piece of junk! LoL.

I’m not familiar with Concord. I play a PS5 if I game anytime. But never heard of this. I generally nowadays stick with foreign game developers, because they are non woke companies. Mostly Korean.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

People don’t hate Trump, “they” hate Trump. The deepstate. But, I agree they will find them. It’s never to big to rig when you’re in control of the election system. Yea “they” may have lost some battles recently on the voting battleground, but enough to lose in a cheat? I don’t think so. Although, a lot can happen in 2 months.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are these the DEI hires for the space mission recently or something? I barely look in that direction of “space” news anymore. I thought I remember something awhile back about some “never before” going into space. If this is then, stuck in space….wUtDoWEdU???!

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’ll know when you see a real Hell’s Angel member. As my dad put it, scum bags. Criminals. Nothing to associate with. When he was younger he would see them on occasion in and around Chicago. Bikes looked like crap. Broke poor. Would kill for a dollar. Nothing to place faith in. So I doubt these are real Hell’s Angles. But for their sake they better be. Because of a real one shows up. He’ll kill the fake one for his bike and rape his wife for good measure. I’m only saying this from people I’ve known who knew a few.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man I’ve been saying this for yeeears. Doctors, of any kind, are only “trained” in what book(s) they were made to read/learn. Outside of that, it’s nothing. It’s like a trained monkey. I have this, you do that. I have this and this, you do this and that. Rinse and repeat, and hope for the best. It’s not a real doctor. It’s a trained program. Now some medical people go above and beyond and keep learning outside their “practice”. Better ways to help people. These doctors are either going the pharmaceutical route or the opposite direction. In most cases they just learn to give out more medicine. But not all cases. So mathematically, about 75-80% of doctors are nothing more than a medical program, shaped and moulded from the universities. All bought and paid for by big pharma. A shame really. They are usually intelligent people. Just smart enough to never think outside the box.

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