Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. As in Christians, , not just a small child. I’ve never seen a place where the “millstone statement” get so incorrectly interpreted than here. It’s crazy.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +5 / -2

Here’s a hint for you. You own nothing. Anything you have belongs to God. You’ve created nothing. You’ve invented nothing. And to this world you are nothing. Jesus loves you. Without Him…nothing.

And so now the Bible is wrong. God’s word. Bold statement.

Cyberhawk 9 points ago +9 / -0

LoL, that last man was genuine. Hope he can see through the propaganda soon. Would love to sit and just talk about Jesus with that fella. 👍👍

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you. These folks posting “mines bigger than yours” are gonna get rolled on by a leftist. Crowd size doesn’t matter anyways. Biden “won” with like 20 people at his gatherings in 2020. I watched this live on Benny’s channel last when Joe was talking. Around 10:30pm. Place was packed. Of all a person has to diss the Dems from last night is crowd size….you’re not doing a good job. Policies. Positions. And current administration woes. These are your talking points. Not crowds.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

One week he, or it was rumored, wanted a position on Kamala cabinet if she won, now endorsing Trump. Guy is all over the place. Wishy washy.

Cyberhawk 13 points ago +13 / -0

To me, with the Bible teachings…absolutely nothing can stop what is coming. Everyday is one day closer. Doesn’t have anything to do with an election year, or a country. Has to do with you, and me and all who know Jesus and the gospel from God. Do you who reads this, have a personal relationship with Jesus? Are you saved? Are you ready? The Bible is clear. Want to know God’s plan for you? Then look no further than Jesus Christ. God sent His only son, to die for you, to save you, forever. Have you, who reads this, took advantage of this? It’s free. It can happen today. Right now. NCSWIC. And it begins with Jesus. Not to be treated as a spare tire, for emergencies. To be in the drivers seat. You have to ask yourself, what do you give more attention to. The world? Or God? What keeps you up at night? An election year? Or your actions and thoughts before God? What does God want you spending more time with? The world or Him?

Seek Jesus friends.

Cyberhawk 0 points ago +2 / -2

LoL. So now I underestimate the power of God? Wow. Ok, you need to unplug for awhile. The precipice is headed in your direction, and you need to be prepared. Mentally. I’m gonna be great either way because I have Jesus as my savior. These people will never rule over me. Any of them. Seek out Jesus friend. Find your faith. This game is easy to see when you don’t have anything riding on it. I have nothing. Yet I have everything. Satans games are pathetic. And you’re caught up in then to much. Take a break.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn’t matter. Paid, bought, kidnapped. Imagery is all they need to steal/win keep Americans in the dark. AI didn’t work. They need butts in the seats, for all to see how popular they are. I expected this. Was hoping it wouldn’t happen but, here we go. Now they cancel the next debate..which is smart. New strategy. Siiiigh. Hate this election crap.

Cyberhawk 0 points ago +3 / -3

You’re severely underestimating “their style” of momentum. They don’t need Americans to get this done. They can fake this all the way till November. Comon, don’t be naive. You know how this works. Fake it to you make it. Last night’s crowd gave their sail some wind to push forward. That’s called momentum. This is why they canceled the next debate that was just a few weeks away. New strategy. This is all they got. And with how the media will assist them, and Hollywood. It’s all they needed. That crowd size will suffice. If they get the same crowd tonight, expect the hear about it soon.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

He was already speaking at 10:30 central. Arena was packed. I posted a video/time stamp pic to show it.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

People need to stop posting this. Your gonna look foolish when they prove you wrong.


Skip to 2:30:42. This was Benny Johnson’s live feed. Don’t watch any of it or you’ll get brain rot.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not actual momentum…their momentum. That crowd last night will be used to cover any “people don’t show up for them” from now on. Joe had ZERO moments to help win an election. They are gaining for their steal. Anything equal to Trump makes it good for their image. That’s why Kam cancelled her debate this morning. The September 4th one. They are gaining momentum…the kind they need to steal and make people think they could’ve won.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to stop with this coping crap. The arena was full to the brim last night. They are getting the numbers for their “image”. But don’t let numbers fool you. Stop using them as a means to whose gonna win. Trump had the biggest rallies and parades in 2020, and Joe “won” from a basement. That area was shockingly filled last night as I tuned in on Benny Johnson live feed. Was when Joe was speaking. I was surprised that many people were there. I guess the free stuff offered worked.

Cyberhawk 0 points ago +3 / -3

They are smart not to. They don’t need debates to steal elections. They are building momentum and a real debate would only hurt them. Joe stole the last election from the basement. Kam will steal it with fake popularity and AI, with the help from the media. This is America now.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was filled to the brim. This is an early shot. I tuned in last night towards the end on Benny Johnson live feed. When Joe was speaking. Place was packed. I was kinda surprised how many were there to be honest. As Ive already said, they have the numbers to cheat now. All they have to do is show that area last night and say that they have the numbers.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see this a lot. People trying to come up with ideas using solar panels. And the real problem is the solar panels themselves. They are what needs upgrading. It’s like the first computer. Size of an outbuilding, powered down to the size of a wrist watch today. The innovation of the solar panel needs attention. Not ideas using a square wheel.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Russia is, again, gaining the upper hand. Wheel of Justice are TERRIBLY slow. But, it’s playing into the hands of Russia, as it should. When his “enemies” learn that Russia was never the enemy, what will be compensated? Maybe just agreeing on a solution in a few months would suffice? Germany found out. And if I was Putin I would msg then and say. Do you understand now? Do you know who your enemy is? It was never Russia. Let’s work together. ❤️❤️

…throw in them little hearts, lol.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Questionable picture. First pic of guy has a buzz cut. Second pic the guy is bald/shaved. Shall we dig?

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably found those pictures on Google.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m like Donald….see those tens of thousands of people at your rallies? Close your eyes and throw a piece of candy into the crowd….that person will be better than almost anyone you’ve ever chosen for your administration. Done.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

But he had nothing to do with stealing the election. His actions were for self gain, and doing his job poorly….this is the investigators own words. So add others like him who…..what? Steal money? How’s that fix elections?

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well if I was a betting man I would absolutely bet they are going to steal the next election. I feel Trump doesn’t have a chance against this corruption. It’s what happens afterwards that’s interesting to me. It would’ve been much better if Biden was still there, but the deepstate removing him is almost a guarantee win for them this November. No one would’ve believed Joe could win. But her…or anyone else. Between the zombies and the media, and now AI. It’s a lot easier for them. Don’t see how they could lose to be honest.

No one wants to say “when” but in my view, this November is the “is there a plan” comes to fruition. If they steal…we’ll ok. Then it’s January. If the deepstate gets sworn in. Then there never was a plan. Well, maybe for them perhaps. But for Trump and America, the only plan at that point was all deepstate, imo. And we all got played. It’s just a few months, we’ll know.

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