DJT4MoreYears 5 points ago +5 / -0

• Tested the area with 5 different unvaccinated people and the BLE Scanner app showed no signals at all.

DJT4MoreYears 3 points ago +3 / -0

They need to.

The diamonds are missing. Everyone knows they're missing. So the criminals who stole them have to deflect the blame onto someone else.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, when did these big tech/globo-homo clowns care so much about "fringe conspiracy theories"..we've been talking about flat earff, big-foot and aliens for decades..why all of a sudden now you shit-bags?

Oh, is it because our theories are actually exposing all of your evil deeds and horrendous crimes? I see you shit-bag criminals are scared shitless.

DJT4MoreYears 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jeez what an evil cunth. She basically advocating to kill random people and it'll just be the luck of the vial spin as to whom it will be. I say, GFY.

You could force feed peanuts on everyone and thousands would die. AND THAT'S A FCKING FOOD!!!!!

These people are evil, sick and stupid.

DJT4MoreYears 3 points ago +5 / -2

And they all have a super huge gay orgy..cuz they were all fags to begin with.

DJT4MoreYears 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, amazing news!!!!

So now do you think with this news that the rest of the brain-dead sheeple in my area will remove their face-diapers? Mmmmm......I doubt it. Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.

DJT4MoreYears 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are more than 2 made-up circle & arrow symbols and names for them sure. Any mentally ill clown in Clown-World can make that up.....but in reality, there are only 2 actual genders.

DJT4MoreYears 2 points ago +2 / -0

I fully agree. And the idiot sheeple would say but, but..killing peoples is wrong, bla, bla, bla.

You know, doing this would actually kill LESS people than the way it is now. Right now children and women are getting raped, abused and even murdered because OBiden told them our entire country will pay for their every need. Gave them an open invite to come get amnesty before he leaves office.

You put the first wave of these invaders down with suppressing fire and I GUARANTEE you they'll stop coming. The word will travel back to their native lands so fast it'll make your head spin.

No more invasion, no more rapes, no more murders, etc. Very simple.

DJT4MoreYears 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dear ChatGPT, make a tweet that bashes Trump supporters about stoves being taken away. Also, make it clever if you can.

DJT4MoreYears 6 points ago +6 / -0

sure there is... if a trans-dude goes in for MEDICAL prostate exam, it AFFIRMS his GENDER is a male. See? Just "affirmed" it.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

..and................................the coverup continues.

Why not have a full open-aired documentary on the place? Get video cameras in there..go through all of the underground tunnels(don't fool yourself if think there weren't any), corridors and dungeons so everyone can see what went on there.

Expose it all.

DJT4MoreYears 22 points ago +22 / -0

This Marine is a HERO!

Fck these stupid activists that want to bring charges against him. Shows you that these people are evil minions for their true overlords. I guess they would rather have this Neely guy continue to assault and terrorize people. These people are sick and evil.

Your classic FAFO

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't. I can't seem to look at anything else but the 1st picture.

DJT4MoreYears 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course. How'd I do? Someone believe it was real? kek

Although I didn't tag it as a Shitpost because technically the jab IS kinda like poison and is killing people. So..not really a shitpost then I guess.

DJT4MoreYears 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why not have a FAKE vaccine passport for a FAKE vaccine?

These shit-bags are corrupt and evil. They steal an election then try to stamp out any chance of the candidate running in the future with BS charges. Sounds like the US.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

They need to make a video from people collapsing from 01-2020 to 08-2021 (same time frame...about 1 year 7 months) and have the video be about 30 seconds long with MAYBE 3 people dropping over on camera(maybe from just regular heart attacks or somthg)...then compare it to this video that's 38 minutes long.


You can have both of the time-frame videos in the SAME video(side by side)..so when then 2020 to 2021 video stops(from people dropping) ..the 08-2021 to 03-2023 video keeps going..and going..

Also show the actual number of people dropping dead..as a ticker on the screen or something.

DJT4MoreYears 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we need to set up lawsuit fund against the drug companies for these poor people watching their colleagues collapse and die right in front of their eyes..these poor traumatized people. See how they jump and are frightened? Poor souls.

DJT4MoreYears 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you just shoot a spitball at me???? Where's my shotgun at? KEK

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