DaesDaemar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meesa don tink so. ;) (sorry, it was in my brain so I had to share it.)

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Princess Di definitely had an impact on society. We'll see.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody should buy a Prius, that's for sure.

Another downside of solar is it is continually getting better so 2 years later your fancy new solar home is less efficient than the new stuff. It's like having a 10 year old iPhone on your home you can't easily replace but are still making payments on.

I mainly like solar for "free" power in SHTF situations where you can't get access to fuel. People should also have a propane tank and generator out back if they're really trying to prep.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your username is well chosen. V8's reportedly have lots of vitamins, enjoy.

DaesDaemar 4 points ago +4 / -0

IMO it only makes sense if you have solar + powerwall in a sunny area for a commuter car. You still need gas to not take forever on a trip.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those turbo powered electric cars are so sexy. Especially driving down a mountain road, you can make it all the way down the hill on regen and turbo generator alone. Take that fossil cars!

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha I misspelled as well, that definition is what I was struggling to say as well. :)

I suppose I'd say I'm a free-will predestinationialist. :) I believe we have free-will but God controls the main threads of time and has mastery over time and space and has perfect knowledge of every individual in that He can get done what He wants by arranging things to yield the desired result.

What is salvation and sin if we don't have free will? What is God if He can't get what he wants done?

But in the end, it doesn't matter if I'm right or not on how God does things. What's important to me is that I'm willing and follow Him as He leads in my life.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can believe in predestination and still be based. However, Calvinists are typically more "fundamentalist" in the sense they're really conservative and not as open to new concepts. To be honest, a lot of new ideas have gotten this country in trouble, so there's something to be said about it.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Golden handcuffs he broke free from when he left.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Collateral damage means unintended losses during combat, so yeah. Fortunately people weren't forced to take it at gunpoint. I risked losing my job, but thank God I did not. Others did though, instead of taking it. Not taking the vax was much easier than taking the mark of the beast will be, from Revelation. This was practice. If people failed, they have an opportunity to wake up and say no next time, if it comes in our lifetime.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's basically a room vault that passed a lot of different security requirements used to work with classified data.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Disabling GPS and major comm satellites would be crippling indeed. I would be surprised if the US didn't already have something to do this.

DaesDaemar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting, as Russia has their own GPS system. People may want to add paper maps and a compass to our prep list.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see it as a multi-pronged attack on the DS. Yes they'll probably destroy Wall Street, but it needs overhauling anyways. Yes they're playing dirty tricks, but they're screwed with GME. Wall street may go down, and they'll go down with them. Fixes will be made, preventative measures will be taken, and apes will get paid with government money set aside to cover this stuff. Do you think Trump and the patriots will be against paying those who played the ultimate game of chicken with the DS and won? If every ape got $1M per share, and there are 4M shares, that's only 4 Trillion.

What kind of money does the US spend in the black budget? Corrupt and bad deals, etc.? Way more than that I'd imagine, each year. This payout would be once and would be paid in part by liquidating those who caused the problem.

I get being skeptical, but even then I'd have at least a single share DRS'd just in case.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Leverage? More like careful organization and planning. And MAGA is the wrecking ball.

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