We are not a democracy. Freedom and prosperity for these United States! Globohomo no more.
Dude is absolutely infatuated with and totally amazed by his own mind. Insufferable.
So roll over and die.
Work more: make more. Seems simple to me.
#3. No more blood for consumption/iV.
Adrenaline junkies are shriveling up.
I thought young kamala sounded more like gargle gagging noises.
You rock, clearly!
I tried clicking through to the tweet, but it says "does not exist". Not having an x acct, usually I can still see individual posts, perhaps not this one?
Glad for the twimg link, that's a great clip.
Tweet is already gone. Wowsah
Reminds me of the simpsons episode with radiated cross-breed of tomatoes and tobacco: tomacco.
How big are the turtles?
Gravity is a theory. 🤡
They cry out in pain as they strike you.
How canadian of you.
Infection will cure that problem.
Kek. So was "noticing". My how the times change.
For dead rigger storage? Kek
Manbuns feet never moved even shoulder width apart.
Learn to code.