Alaskan here. Don't know much about canada. The lower 48 is cool, to visit. :D
He who seeks not to offend cannot be honest.
Russia to Alaska
AI will say it's Haters
u/ # coup
Anyone prescribing that ought to be unalived.
Brave browser allows videos to play in the background.
Where is the gender neutral bathroom? I gotta take a she/it.
Pavlovs dog, if they can think abstractly.
If he got pregant through anal sex, does the kid come out an asshole? /s
I do not know their given explanation; i speculate it is some form of fuckery.
Anti-semitism can only develop from semitism.
Where did the HEBREWS go? Who are these "israeli" people? Why do they trace lineage thru mothers and not fathers? Upside down world.
Nehemiah is an account of jews jewing jews. And they did eventually stop, after some strife. But also, they did it at least once, and it was documented.
"When do we get our free healthcare and government sponsored trans surgeries, comrade?"
Sounds Promising.
Kamabla is drunk again...
Well Good morning to you, too. 😆