Don't let the door smack your skinny ass on the way out.....again.
Distraction for the enemy
As far as Pelosi is concerned, closing the liqour stores is an attack on Democracy.
Is that the SECRET Secret Service?
I also believe we're coming to the end of the movie. Traditionally, the 3rd act is when you have the most fireworks, and the good guys prevailing. After eyes being opened over Ukraine, I don't see Israel/Hamas lasting more than 6 months, then a false flag to jump start China/Taiwan. U.S. troops being sent overseas is always a concern, but the way things are going this will leave even fewer at home for defence. EXCEPT for the troops who were let go for covid non-compliance. I really don't see these men and women sitting on their hands crying "Woe is me". I believe they have been preparing for the southern border invasion we all know is coming. I ALMOST feel sorry for the invaders who go end up going into the mountain country, those country-boy hillbillies (no insult intended) are seriously going to kick some terrorist ass. Yup, it's going to get ugly, but the ending has already been written.
Never said I did.
I agree with the comment on the side. "Young minds should be taught love and peace". But, until then......
I'm not saying it doesn't happen. BUT....I've never seen an Israeli stab a Palestinian in the street while yelling "praise Jehovah". And you KNOW the media would be all over that.
C'mon man! Gotta set them priorities.
Vilify an entire people? I don't thinks so. There is just as much hatred in the hearts of the non-combatants as the fighters. It is taught to them, it is drilled into them to hate Israel, the U.S., then all "non-believers" from childhood. It is taught in the mosques, in the schools, and at home. It is a shame, but that is the reality. You need generations of children to be taught NOT to hate for things to change.
Add The Simpsons, and Married With Children portrayed the husbands/fathers as morons.
Nope, just raised to be.
Gotta stop those bacon smugglers.
Toronto news more concerned with innocents in Gaza (no such thing) than victims of a sneak attack.
Generations of kids taught to hate. Families paid off when sons are "martyred" for the cause. There are no innocents in Palestine....unfortunate, but true.
I really don't believe there was an intelligence "fail", more like an intelligence stand down.
I rest in the fact that GOD is sovereign. Nothing happens without his knowledge, without his OK. At NO point in history has GOD ever looked up and said "Wow, how did that happen?" HE is in full control.
"They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."
Just told a buddy that when this pops here, it's gonna get really ugly really quick.
Eyes open on public transit also.
Add BLM and Antifa to the mix, it's gonna get real bloody real fast.
"Very specific reason not mentioned a single time" There is much that we know about Israel, and there is much that is theorized. Israel will be last because of something not one of us have even imagined. Enjoy the show.