I remember Trump mentioning this week that the P51 is his favorite plane. "The P51 first flew Oct 26, 1940. In the Korean War in 1950 because it was the only US fighter with the range to hit Korean targets from Japan. "
I'm a white woman, I have two technical degrees. I'm very misogynistic. We can only hope that the sexual hold woman use to emasculate men is broken with this election. Men must retake their rightful place in our society. Its time we respect our fathers, husband's and sons. We need to realize they have much to offer and a little respect goes a long way.
I totally agree. I certainly didn't intend to offend. The word Mexican was in quotes meaning I didn't say it but the OP. I understand what you mean and yes, we should push back. As I understand the post was made after they culprits had vacated and the mess tended to. I can have righteous indignation but my effort would be mute at this point. I just wanted other small communities to hear about it since we often have a 'that wouldn't happen here attitude'. We can't afford to do that at this point. The illegals, no matter where they are from, are coming to our towns.
I'm thinking of the example the "Americans won't clean toilets" comment we keep hearing. It basically says we need illegals to do those jobs. My assertion is that if they leave, the business owners will have to pay someone more money to do the dirty jobs.
Additionally the money illegals make doesn't stay in our economy it is sent back to the families they left behind. If Americans do those jobs (at a fair wage) that money is used here in our economy.
Willing to work? Three points:
- if they were willing to work, they can work to fix things in their own country.
- for every job they get, wages go down and prices go up. Scarcity of workers causes wages to go up.
- if they are willing to work, they can work at coming here legally.
I think the secret is all the indictments waiting to be released.