Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought the whole plan as to convert as many people as we could so as to prevent a civil war. IMO this is part of the biblical portion of the plan. We need to convert as many people that we can to Jesus.

Ddrake517 4 points ago +4 / -0

F you and ur DamN Boomer comment. Hug a gd nut!

Ddrake517 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm 62yo and my mom read this to my brother and me when I was a small child. Classic and something worth reading to my grands. MAGA!

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be careful. No marriage just turns on a dime. Get some counseling and take it one step at a time. God does work wonders but not alone. Work must be done to repairs the damage done by this episode. Many prayers Fren. May God continue to bless you.

Ddrake517 4 points ago +4 / -0

My instinct is to encourage you to push your husband. However I would try the opposite. First let me tell you I was the main bread winner in my family for years. It finally started hurting my health. Men lose faith in their ability to be a good man when their wife does better then they do. Find little thing that he is doing and praise him. Dont be fake maybe its the way he speaks to the kids. Or that he didn't make a mess in the kitchen and leave it for you. Find something to honestly praise him about. Maybe it will only be once a week and maybe he won't even notice. Do fun things with the kids where he can see. If he notices the family being strong he may comment and if he does ask him to join in. Saying thank you to him also helps but if you can rebuild his view of himself it helps so much. As you draw closer as a family you can face anything. I know you are in an urgent situation but try your best to not complain in front of him. Remove all chaos front the home. Keep the house as neat as possible. Have the kids help. A two year old can match socks and feels grown up while doing it. Your family needs confidence that they are capable before they step out the door. You are the mom and responsible for your family feels about your situation. You can't do it all. Enlist help. You can't build a foundation of financial success with out you. BTW, in closing, search indeed for Enterprise jobs. My husband worked from home four 4 years. His pay was around $24 an hour when cancer ended his career. Not bad when you have no drive and arent going out to lunch or dinner (because you're tired) all the time. Above all be kind to yourself, let people think what their going to think. As long as you can look in the mirror and face yourself its none of their business. God bless you. You have a tough road ahead but you can do it.

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cant wait for that meeting Nitrojunkie72. Thanks for the support.

Ddrake517 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've unconsciously done this same move when I meet someone. I've been told by some who don't know me except in business that I'm intimidating (as a woman). It took me a long time to train myself not to do it. Can testify that body language can telegraph way more than what is intended. Trump is an alpha male. He probably knows exactly what he is doing and the message it sends.

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please don't judge everyone based on the actions of one. There are good women out there. We may be hard to find but we are growing in numbers. Bless you and prayers that after you heal you realize we are not made to be alone. God charges us find mates for his glory.

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Emphasis on AUGUST and HOT

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries fren! My first name is Darcy, so people often miss guess me. Im good with either unless the mood strikes me. Have a good night and bless you.

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well I'm a woman, so there's that 😉

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks fren! I find I can get more to think if I'm super sweet and just test their knowledge rather than force my opinion. Its actually more fun than yelling at them about how stupid they are right off the bat.

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

they think that if fewer people have access to Trump his popularity will fade.

Ddrake517 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just had a multi-comment "discussion" with some guy on the app Nextdoor. Someone posted a couple of days ago that Biden had dropped out. As the thread continued, some brainic commented about how the delegates went to Kamal. I took the opportunity to comment as a Dem and complained about the delegates stealing "our" votes. Much hilarity ensued. My God people are stupid. I even posted the Wikipedia page for the 2024 democratic convention. Which I'm sure they didn't read because they still didn't get it. All discussion from this guy, and a woman that told me thats not how it works were removed. Dispite me still pretending to be Dem with my nose outta joint and totally nice in my comments? I'm losing hope that 3-4% is ALL that won't wake up.

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

my older brother was born on an air force base in Japan. We wer akways told he held duel citizenship until he was 18 when he had to chose.

Ddrake517 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad he had his seat belt on. Could have hurt himself. /s

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