Deaf_MAGA_Pede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes it works on Duckduckgo, Brave Search, Yandex and I'm pretty sure it works on many other search engines.

I've done this for many years on these search engines including Google (but I've stopped using Google since 2019 or so).

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

What distro? I'm on Fedora 40. I am thinking of switching over to CentOS, but not sure yet.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm also on social security disability benefits and I've been thinking of getting a few shares but I was concerned that Social Security will cut my benefits due to me owning a few stocks.

I do file taxes yearly so I was wondering if there's any issues with me owning stocks while on social security benefits and whether I'm supposed to report this on my taxes yearly?

Like you, we're tight on money and if owning stocks like GME, will lead to more money issues, then I rather not do something like this.

I'm positive about the future but I do not want my family to suffer with a lot of setbacks due to us owning some stocks, if you know what I mean?

I hope I made this clear?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I tried to load the website and I saw what you were talking about, the disappearing of the page.

I reloaded and stopped it from attempting to reload further and I was able to force the webpage to stay up for a while.

I looked into the browser's console to see what's going on. Apparently it's trying to load some additional stuff like ads and whatever else for the webpage, but they are getting a lot of 400, a few 403 errors and one, maybe two 404 errors.

400 simply means the URL is typed out wrong, or is the wrong URL and when the website is trying to read it, it can't understand what the URL is pointing the website to.

403 means the access to this page is forbidden as in they don't have the permission to access that webpage.

404 means the page can't be found at all.

You can see my output here:

1 of 3

2 of 3

3 of 3

Apparently, Graphql is the main offender here and it looks like it generates queries for the Economist, I believe.

When I go to the Economist's website for Graphql, it opens up a sandbox interface where you can type in queries and such. On the upper right corner, it says, "Server cannot be reached", as you can see here:

"Server cannot be reached"

Either The Economist is having server problems or it's the archives.

I don't know but my analysis was done in 5 minutes so I may be wrong on some things.

Hope this helps!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

No problem. I forgot to mention in my previous comment, that it will be a month or two months before you get your package so plan accordingly!

I've noticed HCQ got here in just a month but when I stack it with something like IVM, it got here in like 2 months, IIRC.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why are content creators on X asking for what state you are living in? Isn't that data harvesting or something? I find it suspicious when they do something like that, as if they're working for the three letter agencies?



Chuck Callesto


Additionally, I hate those "What do you notice?" and "If you can bring (X) back, who will it be?" tweets. I understand that they're trying to have healthy discussions to lighten the mood, but again, it feels like they're data harvesting for AI or something like that. If they get enough information from you, they can hack into your account.

This is why you NEVER give the correct answer to these security questions like:

"Where did your parents meet?"

and if your real, correct answer to the question is something like "Main Street, USA", you should put down, "Hicksville" instead.

Due to social engineering, people can ask you, "Hey, how did your parents meet? and where?" and you say, "Main Street, USA and they met at the [name of bar]."

Then they take that info and try to change your password. They will most definitely get hit with the "Where did your parents meet?" security question and they will put down, "Main Street, USA" then the system will tell them that's the wrong answer.

After a couple tries, they will give up, realizing it's the wrong info or they're not putting it correctly. The system probably will lock your account then asks you to reset it the next time you login.

So with the tweets asking for what state I'm voting from, I live in etc, I simply say:


Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've ordered from AllDayChemist and they're great!

So far the orders I've done have been small orders due to my budget. I don't know about making a large order, but so far with the small orders, I've made small orders 5 times so far, I believe.

I've had one issue so far with getting my package. It got stopped at the local post office cuz it needed my signature, which is a bit odd since it was pretty much the same thing I've ordered in the past.

I've ordered HCQ, IVM, Doxycyline and Propranolol. Some has been consumed but most are for when SHTF and for emergencies in case a family member needs it.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's fine for you and everyone who used to be able to hear.

For me, I have not been able to hear well my whole life. To be able to hear again, will definitely cause a lot of problems for me.

Conditioning the brain to understand what sound I'm hearing, headaches to follow, and perpetual confusion until I finally get hearing under control. Probably a lot more issues here than what I just mentioned.

I think I'll pass on the ability to hear again as I've been fine being deaf my whole life. There are benefits to being deaf over having the ability to hear like me being attentive to things around me because I rely on my eyes more often, for obvious reasons.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like Rapamycin, the supposedly miracle drug that reverse aging and greatly heals most, if not all, ailments.

I remember reading about this about 25 years ago, about a 78 year old man who took rapamycin and he felt like 25 years old and can do pretty much everything a 25 year old man would. He could walk again, run and lift weights better than he could prior to rapamycin.

Another one was about a man who had an aging dog who was going blind. He heard about the miracle drug and fed it to his dog. All of a sudden, the dog is running around like a puppy and it's vision came back.

When I heard about that, I was hopeful for the future because I lost my mom to cancer. I was hoping rapamycin will prevent a lot of diseases, cancers and any other ailments while allowing us to be able to live better without obstacles like bad knees preventing us from being able to walk up/down the stairs or kneeling and many more.

But now I see rapamycin is being heavily suppressed, obviously due to BigPharma. Last I read about rapamycin is it's like $1,000 per pill. A millionaire bought a couple and he had a similar testimony to the other stories I read.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah did not know that. I just happened to find this on my feed. Before this video, I had no idea who Steve Cortes is.

Thanks for letting me know so I'll be wary of him from now on.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trying to understand this as I'm not familiar with what this is all about.

Is Trump implying that because Biden is white and he was "there" (I don't know where exactly "there" is), there apparently isn't any issues with "white supremacy" since they elected a white person to be "president"?

Or is there something else to this that I did not mention here?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 4 points ago +4 / -0

OK thanks for the response. I will post at a later date with my results once I start this regimen. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm about to start this regimen but I'm curious. Will this also treat bad cholesterol? I have a somewhat elevated LDL that my doctor is trying to get me to go on statins, but I refuse to take them. I'm trying to change my diet but I am thinking this regimen will help me jumpstart on taking care of the bad cholesterol faster before my next dr. appt,

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm wondering if Musk left the water pistols unchanged on twitter.com but changed the emojis to actual guns on x.com.

What we're seeing is stuff that's coming out from twitter.com here on GAW and if you are on a computer, you hover above Elon Musk's profile or on any of the links on that tweet, it will say, "https://twitter.com/elonmusk?..." but when you click on any of the links inside the tweet, it will redirect you to "https://x.com/elonmusk?..."

So I'm guessing the change hasn't gone into effect on Twitter domain, but already in effect on X domain?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone on 4chan predicted something like this: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/475097886/#475098798

Here's the screenshot for those who don't want to click on that link above: https://files.catbox.moe/0jd0fw.png

Not sure what to make out of this but it's just like that other anon who predicted Covid and vaccines on 4chan, warning people not to take the shot, otherwise millions will die from the shot.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

-Trump did interject Elon a bit too often for my liking, but luckily Elon did a great job navigating that, and was able to maintain the flow, which improved as the conversation went on.

That's just Trump showing everyone who has the bigger balls here in this discussion. Elon is also showing the world that while Trump have the bigger balls between the two, Elon also have big balls as he's able to withstand the interjections then carry the conversation just fine, unlike many soyboys who will just cower in fear and walk away, feeling embarrassed.

This could also be a foreshadowing of what's about to come -- Trump will interject Cumala Harris many times, forcing her to say, "I'm speaking!" often but Trump will shrug and continue to talk, undermining Cumala's so-called "authority"!

Thanks for the analysis, I wasn't able to listen in but I'm always looking out for analysis and summaries on whatever I'm interested in.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably not as she stepped down back in 2023 I believe and the new leader is now a Indian, yet another Indian person in America's tech along with Microsoft, Alphabet, Adobe, IBM and many others.

His name is Neal Mohan.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah just saw this before I saw your comment:


"Wait, is this post an ad or a regular post? If you check his page, it shows that his last post was a mugshot or unless hes getting ready to come back?"

People are saying this might be an ad, despite it not showing the "ad" part next to the tweet or wherever it's supposed to go.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 7 points ago +7 / -0



Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I may not be accurate with this, but "4-6% will be lost forever"

So think mirror and remove the hyphen: 46 -> 64

I don't know if that means anything but 64% is a lot but that depends on how large the pool is.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was going to suggest in the daily thread, that we should compile a list of remedies that worked well, i.e. IVM for cancer, Fenben for parasites, etc because of course, most of us on here have children and we need something to pass down to our children so they can pass down to their children if medicine of the future does not change for the better (still using chemotherapy for cancer, etc).

I'm hoping once President Trump returns, he will have something for us that will finally do away with Big Pharma like a panacea of some sort. But until then, we need a document holding all of the vital information for us all to refer to at any time.

This document will go to the sidebar for ease of access, of course.

EDIT: Of course I'd research some of the stuff I want to learn on my own but the problem is, there are sites online that may lead us into thinking X is good for us, when it is not and Y is actually good for us. It's really hard to find trustworthy sources nowadays, especially for me as I do not know where to start, hence the idea for creating a document full of proven methods along with maybe testimonies and personal anecdotes.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

No I haven't read that book and I'm not familiar with the author.

I understand where you are coming from but maybe that's exactly what that woman's overlords wanted her to do -- be pushy and attentive to Musk cuz they knew how much Musk likes it so he hired her so she can report everything to her overlords and they can plan accordingly.

Just saying...

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