Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Grant Pharmacy is the one that Dr. Lee Merritt uses.

We tried it. First transaction went through just fine.

On the second, our transaction got blocked. Said that we needed to contact our bank to release the funds.

Transaction was using MC. Contacted MC, they had no record of this. Ended up just canceling the transaction.

Now we just use Reynoldmeds.com. No issues. He does not carry the first med I got from grantpharmacy. Will check the others for it. Thanks.

UPDATE: Tried a third time. No issues. The second time must have been a fluke because I did not change anything. u/20-guage

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Against the military. They would have been acting against our duly elected government. It would have looked like they went rouge.

The items you mention pansexual, pedophilia, wide spread degenerate scum were not as widely known then as they are today. The levels of corruption in our institutions are being exposed. That was NOT happening then - a few knew sure, but we did not have the growing support like we do today. It would have looked like an attempted coup by our military.

I think that this is a big part of why the people need to be awakened. Without the people being awake, they get in the way.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Katie, you cheated.

People are going to talk about. Deal with it.

If you don't like it, clean up the voting process you over saw, resign, and clean up your behavior going foward.

You are just digging yourself in deeper with this and going full tyrant.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guy I know had COVID. So, he has natural immunity.

Decides to take the j&j shot. Reasoning is unclear, but I don't argue because he's already taken it.

Then says he got myocardits from it. Freaks out. Swears off anymore depop shots or boosters.

Now claims his doc has now told him his myocarditis wore off and he doesn't have it anymore.

His story does not make sense to me and I don't believe it.

Took a long look at him. Dead man walking.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reynoldmeds.com. Based in India, ships out of Singapore.

I get my ivermectin and hcq from him.

I noticed that he is also selling amoxicillin and doxycycline on his site, no prescription.

Will link another post that lists overseas pharmacies for ivermectin, these may also sell antibiotics.

EDIT: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IXWi1Pr4/repost-for-visibility-sources-fo/

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. Somebody quick get her a tampon! It's a gusher!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hold up a sec. I believe you.

We typed our blood in h.s. biology class - public school - regular biology, not AP.

It was a pretty simple test iirc. Just a pin prick to obtain a drop of blood. Wiped it on a strip of paper. We were able to find out our blood type during a class period.

Is there more testing that is needed when donating for a surgery?

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am so sorry.

I worked with high school youth at my church a while back. Our church draws from a number of school districts, so the kids do not attend the same school.

One girl told of an incident at her school where there was a group of 4 guys who were all good friends. Within a matter of 5-6 weeks, 3 out of the 4 committed suicide.

The girl was pretty shaken up.

I let her talk and asked clarifying questions only. Basically, she drove the conversation.

Once she said everything she needed to say, I started guiding.

My first concern was that her faith life was still intact. So her knowing that she is deeply loved by Jesus and his salvific work on the cross has washed away her sins was paramount.

Next, we talked about them choosing a permanent solution to a temporary problem(s). This is never a good idea. Empathy, not judging, is how I used my words.

Then we talked about how dark life can seem at times. It is in these moments Satan chooses to strike to trick us into thinking that suicide is the only way out. We need to remember how deeply we are loved by Jesus and that this is temporary.

Lastly, we talked about the boys.

For the 3 who committed suicide, I stated that we turn the matter over to God, trusting in his wisdom, goodness, love, and faithfulness to do what is right. We do not, cannot, know ALL aspects. God does. The matter is in his hands, not ours. Be at peace.

We prayed for the one remaining boy. For him to know the love of Jesus. She was not sure if he had a saving relationship with Jesus.

Shortly after this, we went into COVID lockdown and then my life went in a different direction so I do not know how it turned out.

I hope that this helps. This is kind of tersely written, when speaking I use a much more softer approach and use sensitivity in my word choices. The message is identical however.

Again, I am sorry for your loss. Blessings upon you and your son and your conversations.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love Krisanne.

Her teaching on the genealogy of the Constitution is pure gold. Her noncompliant film is very good as well. I use both when I teach my history class.

I am monitoring her podcast to see how she addresses the WHO medical power grab attempt. Have already heard a guest speaker on HRR. I want to see how hers compares.

Will give this one a watch/listen when I have a chance. Thanks.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fellowship at it's finest.

We would try to do this as well in years past when we were not traveling. It never worked out though cause they had family in the area. This was pre-covid.

Maybe it's time to try again.

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hang in there. I am sorry.

Keep in mind the opportunity this presents.

Look at it this way, for most, it's a 4 day weekend, during which time you can build a new normal.

We are facing that this year. All parents have passed away - not COVID or vaxx. This is the first year we are truly obligation free (mom passed away last Christmas).

Holding a film festival might be fun. Ditch the turkey, bring on the Spaghetti and Lasagna, and make it a Godfather mafia movie marathon.


A game weekend. For us, it is just me, hubby, and 16 y.o. son. Board games, video games, etc.


An advent kick-off weekend. Get the tree up, lights on the house, nativity set up, and advent calendar ready. Enter into the Christmas season with leisure.

Our closest family is about 4 hrs away. I am really looking forward to not having to travel. 😊

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

RFK Jr. had a recent podcast about this very topic.

From what I gathered, RSV was brought about by the polio vaccine which was grown on chimpanzee tissue.

Basically, it's a cold. For the vast majority, it's harmless, like a cold.

Sometimes, it turns into more, pneumonia etc. Sometimes, if it is bad enough, a baby who has it will die.

PCR tests are involved. So is fear porn. All to sell a triple vaxx (flu, COVID, rsv).

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Open it up for debate. Truth wins. But then again, that is what HHS fears. They cannot defend the depop shot, because...basic math.

A 99% survival rate eliminates the need for a "vaxx". So they hide behind studies.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's at war with itself.

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