Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good info. Ty. 🙂

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

Unfortunately, the only response is "wait".

For a long time - 3 years - I was not seeing vaxx injuries in my circles. Either the person was older and had ailments that might or might not be the vaxx OR their illness was present before 2020 so it was difficult to say that the vaxx accelerated their death or not. It was murky.

But, in 2024, 3 cases of cancer. One is late teens/early 20s. One is 40s. And another is definitely turbo (Bone, liver, lung) stage 4.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interviewing both sides, we used to call this "fair and balanced".

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, this was in the early 90s. I did not know then. It would have saved her for a while.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

It makes sense. My cat died of heart worm (long time ago). Her heart was filled with worms and was 2.5 times larger than a normal cat heart.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no money, jackass!

by G-Anon
Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

They know RFKJ would peel the votes from the child sniffing ice cream kingpin. So they stab RFKJ in the face for a pedophile.

Good grief, has anyone listened to RFKJ's holiday address from December 2020? It brought tears to my eyes. The rhetoric he used was straight up JFK/RFK. It was an appeal to the American ideals. He spoke about how we should be able to ask questions about the efficacy of masks, where covid came from, and HCQ and NOT to have debate around this silenced.

To suggest that FJB is more closely aligned with JFK/RFK than RFKJ, throws JFK/RFK unto the trash heap of history.

But hey, apparently when saving a pedophile is at stake, the character of ANY Kennedy can be assassinated.

The holiday address can be found on childrenshealthdefense.org.

I will provide exact link as I have time.

EDIT & CORRECTION: RFKJ's message came out 10/26/2020. I first saw it around Christmas of that year, which is why I mistakenly referred to it as a holiday message.

Here's the link. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/message-of-hope-for-humanity/

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewhat. Nothing scientific. For a long time I was not seeing vaxx injuries. When I would state this I would get push back and then be told that it was just the batches. So I started asking and paying more attention to region, blue state v red state, etc.

I am thinking that some batches were immediately bad. Their effects would show themselves right away. But, I wonder about the ones we thought were just saline. Maybe these were a primer of sorts and their effects would add to a cumulative load whose total effect would not be felt until after a few shots. Now we are approaching that point of a few shots.

Horrifying to think about the other shoe on this to drop.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh my. How awful for you. I am so sorry. These are really hitting close to home. While mine are in my circle, they are still several rings out (acquaintance ring).

May I ask where you are located? I'm in mn.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are others that are sickly, but they are older (70+) range, so I've been ruling these out. It could really be anything for these and not necessarily vaxx.

Two of the cancers are young and out of the blue. The aggressive one was in remission with a different type altogether. Now the person is absolutely riddled with three different types of cancer.

Dee68 9 points ago +9 / -0

FYI. It's finally hitting my circles. For a long time I have been stating that I have not seen vaxx injuries in my church and homeschool circles. This was true until this year. Now I am seeing three cancers since February.

One has a very aggressive bone/lung/liver. 60+y.o. Another has uterine cancer, out of the blue. 40+y.o. Another unspecified (just stated it was cancer) college sophomore.

Blue state.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are correct, WTP!

JFK was in the process of having this airport given another name when it opened. He was stopped.

These guys worked on the Versailles Treaty (at least one brother, maybe both). Especially the reparations portion.

Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA when JFK fired him. JFK vowed to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.

Allen Dulles was selected to be on the Warren Commission. He ended up being the defacto head.

This is all documented in the book, The Brothers.

I teach this info in my homeschool high school US History class.

I hope it passes.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Godbless, There is no need for you to apologize. I think we are at the point where the child destruction industry should no longer hide behind polite words and euphemisms.

Child (infants!) sex trafficking, adrenochrome, organ harvesting and sacrifice are way more prevalent than most any of us imagined.

Bardsfm will occasionally speak about how the crimes of pedophilia is THE driver of profits in our 401Ks. If true, how many of us have profited from this? 🤢🤮

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

BB, excellent analysis. I concur that once it hits their pocketbooks, people will sit up and take notice.

Those of us on GA have been diving deep and been made aware of so much that is occuring. We are building our knowledge base and resilience. I personally am in a black pill phase right now and need to work through it to get to where I can help others once this hits. Airplane analogy, I need to get my oxygen mask on first.

I fully believe that we will be on the front lines when this starts to go down. I think we will have our hands full helping our loved ones make connections and stay functional through this.

I really don't care anymore about them saying I was 'right' all along. At the precipice, we will ALL be in a world of hurt. WWG1WGA. Pepes will hopefully be the cooler heads in this because they know the storm is upon us.

Normies. Blissfully ignorant and rudely roused from their slumber while trying to orient themselves in the dark, with claxan alarms blaring, and realizing that they are drowning in icy waters. I will take my black pill over this any day.

I think that most normies have heard a little bit of at least one of these things (conspiracy theories), promptly dismissed it, and went on their merry way. That will be our in with them. We hopefully have earned our moniker of "conspiracy nut-job" by now. The little bit they have heard will be the loose thread we will pull upon to help them unravel this mess so they can understand and move forward. They will be ready to hear.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, s/h/it is for aborting trans baby chicks as a sacrifice to Istar?

Who knew she was so against trans sexuals that s/h/it wants to kill them before they breathe?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched the first 3 episodes. Started the fourth, and had to stop for a while. It was making me sick.

I kept remembering how our children's ministry director at church brought in a group that billed itself as nickelodeon-like entertainment for churches.

This director also switched out the children's bibles to one that was gender neutral. She had to switch them back after a lot of parents complained.

She also wanted the church to actively reach out to the trans community to build bridges between the church and this community. She was unsuccessful in doing so.

The director "stepped down" a few years later.

The whole thing may be innocent coincidences and there was never any hint of impropriety but truthfully, I think we dodged a bullet.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

According to the article, he drugged his neices and nephews with double the adult dose of benadryl before molesting them.

He chatted/text about planning to sexually abuse his infant son.

This goes way beyond having child porn.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

🙂 or awake minds do. 🙂

It is so obvious what they are up to now.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are no coincidences.

It is the same shirt as in the mental health awareness BECAUSE her having cancer is a psyop on your mental health!!

Reason, they want you sympathetic to her plight and afraid YOU might be next.

Next step, unleash a cancer vaxx.

Wake up. It's all bs people. Big pharma is doubling down. We have been playing royal hide-n-seek so more people would be paying attention when "Kate" finally resurfaces.

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