One of the best films I've seen in a long while. My husband actually found himself rooting for the demon. Why? Because the demon was actually stating the unvarnished truth and exposing the lies of this clown world and those who believe the lies.
Think about this, we are surrounded by evil and so many lies that the demon, while evil - make no mistake, is the character I think based individuals will best relate to for his truth telling.
This film is disturbing because I do believe in Jesus (my savior) and Satan (father of lies). I believe in the supernatural realm and the war being waged there. Watching the film reminds me of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, where one gets a glimpse of how the demonic side operates.
Available for streaming now. Rented it on Prime.
Trump has picked up the RFKJ talking points. Love it!!
This is an issue that needs to be addressed. According to RFKJ, the NIH and/or the WHO has been refusing to do the studies.
I love it! Two presidential candidates from different political parties BOTH calling for this research to be done.
Yes. My mom had cancer (not vaxx), she lived alone at her home. My brother would take her to the chemo appointments. The tumors were shrinking, but it was too much for her 80 year old body. She wanted to discontinue treatment.
She was put on hospice (2021). My brother, sister, and I did her care by taking shifts so some one was with her 24x7. She was at her home. A nurse came in once a week to check vitals and an aide came in 2-3 times during the week to help with showers, etc. Pallative care only.
We did 3 months at her home like this. After that, my sister took her into her home full time. Nurse visits increased to 2 then 3 times per week.
Mom passed about 2.5 months later.
The entire time was considered "hospice". If she would have gotten strong enough to be fully on her own again, she would have lost the hospice status (hospital bed, commode, wheel chair, provided for home use; nurse visits at home, etc.) Evaluation for this status is every 6-12 months.
Many times if the person does not have someone avaiable or willing to care for them, hospice is done at a nursing home or care facility.
Excellent interview. Bring the troops home. End the proxy wars. Secure the border. Test the 72 childhood vaccines. Second ammendment is part of the constitution - investigate school shootings and the role of SSRIs have played within each. Generally does not like snitch laws.
There is alot to like here.
Medical freedom. Sounds like a woman's right to choose until there is a viable fetus (3 months). Note: Three months was his statement.
EDIT: clarification, there are not 72 separate vaccines, but there are that many shots given as part of a child being vaccinated. RFKJ is calling for this all to be rigorously tested.
It's like putting an NRA sticker on your car window or front door window. It signals that there are not soft targets inside and you may be met with deadly force.
To a would be attacker, just move on to a target rich environment instead, it's safer.
No. He should not do this. What's to stop Biden from doing an EO against those who affiliate with Q and Anons? Q/Anons are living in an alternate reality and a danger to society.
Do you see where this is misguided thinking?
And another thing, can someone please point to EO in the constitution? What gives the Executive branch the authority to Legislate?
Very good advice! Know your store, if it looks unkempt, I either pass or buy only hard goods. Similar to rummage sales.
I am a big thrift store shopper. 30+ years. I have never had a problem. Of course, I always wash or wipe down the clothing, toys, books, games, kitchen wares, towels, etc before I use them.
I even bought my artifical Christmas tree there last year. That I couldn't really wipe down, however. 🙂
Am fortunate that I live in a more affluent area. Not super rich by any stretch, but affluent enough that people are getting rid of items after several years of use and they now want new. Saved a ton of money when my son was growing up.
Also, watch the rummage sales in the rich areas/subdivisions. These can be a fantastic source as these families are the ones who get rid of items after a year or less of use. I do not live this way, but in the mom's group I used to be in, the moms would actively plan their summer around these city-wide sales (Twin Cities have some very rich areas).
Soft furniture and stuffed animals I usually steer clear of because you might be bring something home - though again, I have never had a problem.
Second hand stores for clothing (and other goods) work as well. We have a network of about 10 stores that are in nearby towns in my area. A portion of the profits go back into the communities they serve (foodshelves, teen centers, etc.)
Be careful though, Goodwill will ask you to round up your check out total for needy people. When you dig into exactly where the donations go however, it is LGBTQ affiliated organizations.
You are dying? Really?
Your car does not work and you don't have any cash. You are complaining because mom and dad have a different opinion than yours. They are letting you live at home. And still, you are complaining that they are not giving you an allowance and fixing your car for you.
You think your only option is to be homeless.
Sounds like you need to grow up.
The military will help you do that. Find a recruiter and join today!!
Is George actually a woman? I see boobies and womanly hips. Still ugly, though. Hair style is not all that flattering.