Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree completely, and I cannot wait to see where he pops up next.

He could have had a seat in the senate again starting January, but he turned it down. I wonder what he values above even that seat?

Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know if you are a history buff, but there is something very Roman about some of Trump's strategies.

They used to move corrupt government officials to new cities, so they wouldn't have a connection to the underground anymore. They took them from Rome and sent them to outposts on the frontiers. DOGE is moving many bearocrat offices from DC to places like Wyoming and South Dakota. I laughed out loud when I heard that.

The way Trump moves the public to demand his actions before he does them, it's straight out of Julius Caesar's playbook. Somone in his inner circle is a historian, I just know it.

Deplorable_Doofus 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact he won reelection shows that changes can be made, and there are certainly many great things going on.

I'm skeptical of Bondi, but after what Trump has been through with the DOJ attacking him for eight straight years, I imagine his pick for AG was fully thought out.

He knows much more about Bondi than we do, so lets withhold our judgement for a bit. She will show her colors soon enough, and its not impossible to get rid of an AG if she lets us down.

Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like it fine!

The bug I reported in that comment was years ago. I've never had trouble since.

FUCK Google.

Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all know its coming, but I love watching the pressure build.

Allllll my liberal friends know, deep down, that the gov has massive human slavery and sex trading going on. They exist with that knowledge partitioned off behind an eroding wall of doubt, and I love watching it collapse in real time.

I'm convinced that the declas will come out in tandem with DOGE. The public will be shown how awful an institution is, beg to have it removed, and then celebrate its absence. Over and over again.

Deplorable_Doofus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not thrilled to support Putin, but honestly that was the best possible response.

A weaker man would have done little "tactical" nukes, and then given NATO an ultimatum to back off of the red line they just crossed.

If we hadn't elected Trump, there would be no way out of this one.

Deplorable_Doofus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not just rentals, a shocking number of them had mortgages too.

a 10% vacancy in realestate can cause a 50% drop in price, easily. It sounds extreme, but that would still not bring us all the way back to proper levels. Youth today have no idea that rent should cost hundreds, not thousands. We are probably close to 3x normal pricing.

Deplorable_Doofus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Former farmer here:

All RFK has to do is wipe out the MASSIVE tax incentives for corn and soybean, and the cost differences and public knowledge of harm would take care of the rest.

The department of agriculture has more employees than there are farmers in the whole United States. I fully expect DOGE to look upon up the incredibly complex and openly corrupt farming regulations, and as Ron Paul says "tear them down and replace them with nothing."

Deplorable_Doofus 6 points ago +6 / -0

The DA in Pennsylvania and in Arizona have both caught and PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED thousands of fraudulent votes. We have no idea how much is already being rolled up.

We knew this would be a fight, but I like what I am seeing so far.

Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

To get past the cheating in NJ would be amazing.

I'll say this much, they wouldn't have seen it coming. It's starting to look like their cheating is failing and being caught all over the place, so who knows what the good guys have in place?

I'm on the edge of my seat.

Deplorable_Doofus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same here in Georgia. It's a moment in history though; when we talk about how awful the voter fraud machine was, we will be able to tell my grand children what it was like seeing the Dominion logo and knowing there was no way around it.

It made it all so surreal when I was there in person.

Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get it, and I agree with you.

They must have something lined up for the mechanical cheating methods. The DA in Pennsylvania and Arizona already publicly announcing thousands of fraudulent votes caught is meant as a warning: cheaters will get caught this time.

by raxlore
Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

How hard do things have to be for Big Lots to close?!

That's the cheapest place out there, the end of the line for "substitution." If you cannot buy a product there, you aren't going to get it.

Things are BAD

Deplorable_Doofus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think the FBI is the one finding the documents anyway, they are doing this because the real source cannot come forward, so they claim they are finding them in order to gain traction in steering the narrative.

FBI is late to the party and not really a player here.

Deplorable_Doofus 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are right, but there are layers to Trump's decisions we do not know anything about.

For a time it looked as though there were waves of terrible staff choices by Trump, but those were more often calculated decisions than mistakes.

I think he is either rolling various factions of DS against each other, or white hat sleepers are also infiltrating as much as we are infiltrated.

In any event, when I see an obvious, visible pillar to put our hopes on, I expect it to crumble. The important movements are not broadcast on mass media (although Twitter does now).

Deplorable_Doofus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Delightful, 17th is more likely and still good enough.

Deplorable_Doofus 1 point ago +2 / -1

If that works, I'm going to start date fagging all over again, damnit.

Deplorable_Doofus 8 points ago +8 / -0

This "mass awakening" he speaks of, I feel like I have heard it before somewhere?

It sounds great.

Deplorable_Doofus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Phenominal comment Monomial.

Please, if you can find time, give us a post on your experiences, and what to expect.

It seems like all of S.A. is simultaneously erupting and doing absolutely nothing.

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