DeusVult2 13 points ago +13 / -0

The root word for "Luciferase" is telling.

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Government education does not teach Trivium because the younger teachers are progressive. Trivium by definition is antithesis to our current government and to progressivism.

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well taken. I will work on that in the next few days. Effort and high energy is the order of the day! KEKs

DeusVult2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Somehow I just knew a post with "dog" in it will be posted by none other than ashlanddog. My howls in agreement to Aldous Huxley.

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice people in country clubs and hotels are few and far between? I do not go to those places. But I do know this. Trump is a nice person to Joe and Jane Lunchbucket, and he would not put up with assholes staffing his businesses.

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Clearly the DOJ is guilty. I rest my case.

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the stinking pile of shit, normal day to day category, any stinking pile of shit is worth $200 to a few thousand at least. In the District of Corruption, exists the higher stakes and it is a rarified endemic stratification of the corruption. Who knows what some of them get. $2K, $20K, $200k? They strive to reach the upper rung of low life. The greedy bastards compete with one another. And at the top of the corruption pyramid, guys like fjb get multiple millions.

They start out reaping the low amounts. Then as they get away with it, they prove their mettle to the deep state. Then they rise through the corruption ranks. We have the fjb, who we call a moron, at the upper reaches of the DC politics, and that asshole has accumulated $50 million dollars. What a son of a bitch he is with his ill gotten gains. He was no moron getting there, but old father time makes him a moron, but getting to this place he was a criminal genius with criminal accomplices. He is just the front man for the deep state. Just stating what we all know! And that summarizes my dark take on political science. A criminal endeavor by many in it. And DOJ are like the 3 fucking monkeys: see, hear, tell no evil...

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

As long as she does not grow up built like Dick Butkus, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, or Oprah Winfrey that is OK with us!

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice transformation of a tomboy into a woman! Nature takes it course. Now that is the kind of trans we can all agree on!

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Conrad Obama has ties to the Soviet Union? This validates a lot of the crap going on in the White House. It is like when Putin had to hand over the reigns of power to Dmitry Medvedev before the Russian Parliament changed the rules on term limits. Putin was pulling the Medvedev puppet strings. Obama is pulling the FJB puppet strings. I would not be surprised if the US Congress changed the rules on Presidential term limits so Obama can be selected "Our" President again.

DeusVult2 13 points ago +14 / -1

So what if it is Stew Peters interviewing her? And some may doubt Alley Carter? All I know is this world is governed by evil pedos. And the media will marginalized the victims. The tragedy is, law enforcement is afraid to do anything about it. Yes, afraid they will punished by evil pedos in high places.

DeusVult2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you heard from your friend lately? Perhaps a police welfare check is in order. Kek

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

OMG among peds because we can

DeusVult2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Real America's Voice just reported Antifa is organizing in a park near the court house. The globalists/communists can do anything in America and get away with it, because fjb and his cronies are compromised.

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Checkmate by Trump. peter delectoe mcdaniels is a loser, loser, loser...

DeusVult2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who is Alex? Did you threw some obscure movie quip out there that no one like me would know about, and that is a derogative that I possibly would not call you out on. Please explain yourself..

Honestly, there is a snowball chance in hell the Maui disaster didn't have corrupt shit happening behind the scenes to set it off. Yes, there was extremely dry conditions and wind, and it could have been one of those opportunities to not let go to waste by the elites for whatever reasons, since emergency response was none existent, and it got out of hand. Perhaps the perps didn't foresee it getting out of control like it did... One road in and one road out and people incinerated in cars needlessly. You know there is going to be coverups, and no accountability. As far as Canada wildfires, what would you attribute hundreds of wildfires starting simultaneously?

FJB and little Fidel holding a farting contest? Maybe ophra called fjb for a favor in Maui, and fjb turned weather modification wind machine on. You set the tone with your Alex thing. Setting my sarcasms aside now. Peace. Kek

There is plenty of malicious malfeasance we know about by those in control, coupled with secret American technologies we do not know about.

So is there legitimate patriotic command and control of secret technology?

Direct energy beam, whatever... It is the in vogue boogeyman soup du jour until we know better. Cut me some slack, OK?

DeusVult2 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Could this be an application of a direct energy beam or weapon? Similar to starting Canadian "wild" fires simultaneously in hundreds of locations?

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