DisbandTheCIA 2 points ago +2 / -0

No he’ll just say they’ve crushed it. Why put to waste good political capital?

DisbandTheCIA 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s actually kind of amazing that I saw other countries as dangerous imperialists while I learned about war after war my own country started on the other side of the planet.

DisbandTheCIA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Completely true. A hedge fund is just skimming off the top on everyone else’s investments. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this concept, just the entire stock market itself.

The idea of “ownership” for the average stock holder is all but totally out of the equation, the most “investment” the companies receive comes ultimately from devaluing investors purchases and ownership by issuing new stocks or selling what is essentially nothing for market inflated prices.

Those prices are inflated by things like people’s retirement, work compensation, savings.

Basically in my view if you’re extracting value from the labor of others without their consent then you’re stealing from them. The entire concept of an exchange and stock market is an elaborate theft mechanism.

You could even say Ponzi scheme - what would happen if everyone sold their stocks at once? Your pitiful $200,000 becomes almost nothing instantly. Your mutual funds go to fractions of what they were. There is not enough real value or money to support the fantasies of the stock market.

The hedge fund managers, CEOs, and big traders know this. They are just looting as much as they can before the wells dry up... Then they’ll find other resources to exploit. Bitcoin taking off was anything but an accident.

DisbandTheCIA 4 points ago +4 / -0

Haha look at us we are the news now. Returning power to the people!

DisbandTheCIA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes that’s right it is only meaningful to the individual making the decision.

Which is also sort of the basis of language, a bunch of individuals coming to agreement on a particular meaning.

The word “cult” isn’t useful for any logical description or categorization of a thing. The only purpose of it is to draw a line between the more believed and less believed, the accepted or ridiculed.

Scientology isn’t a cult to scientologists, and if they took over the world they wouldn’t be a cult to you either.

DisbandTheCIA 0 points ago +1 / -1

And how’d the romans feel about Christ cult?

I think you missed the point.

DisbandTheCIA 0 points ago +1 / -1

Religion is the usual, cults are the unusual.

The real difference is number of followers. If I have 1,000,000 armed zealots and take Virginia, we’ll make sure Virginians call us a religion.

DisbandTheCIA 2 points ago +2 / -0

For now.

This is a classic tactic - The absurd thing is passed off as a normal thing while they “debate” over an outrageously absurd thing.

She supports the commission that will eventually pack the court, not the bill to pack the court immediately.

So when we go to argue with leftists about it they’re going to repeat lines and articles “proving” that Dems don’t intend to pack the court while simultaneously supporting the actual effort to pack the court because “it’s not court packing it’s just a commission to improve the court.”

And if you want to get this through to a leftist you’ll have to convince them that the commission is actually a cover for court packing - Which they’ll never believe because Dems “rejected” court packing. So as far as they’re concerned there’s never going to be “court packing” even if there is court packing because by the time the courts are packed Dems will refer to it as “justice.”

It’s all misdirection and word games. The fucked up part is that it’s impossible to point this out to a leftist because to them the misdirection and word games are reality itself. You could get them to agree that “court packing = bad” but you’ll never get them to call court packing “court packing.”

DisbandTheCIA 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is clown world. Tell us who your friend is we need to gently question them.

DisbandTheCIA 6 points ago +7 / -1

That’s why you drop the bombs conduct surveillance from an aerostat

DisbandTheCIA 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’ll take any dirty shit straight to the veins.

Trump could take a dump that weighs in grams a q post # and I’ll consider it a sign.

DisbandTheCIA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Arms and legs are very good for finding leverage and capitalizing.

People get their idea of fighting from action movies or sports when it really is more like animal planet.

A real fight to the death is never graceful and you’ve got to break things to really disable a human.

DisbandTheCIA 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Would you like to donate to the China Virus Justice Fund? $1 buys 1 .223 FMJ, delivery included!”

by BQnita
DisbandTheCIA 3 points ago +3 / -0

First contact day, an end to scarcity, and a psychological ascension.

Humans aren’t ready to live without a survival purpose - the evidence is in the left right now they are mentally unstable and unable to separate reality from fantasy.

Being vulnerable to reality is how humans comprehend it. This is one issue and constant struggle with government, nobody can determine value better than those that create it. Experiencing scarcity is how humans find purpose and remain connected to reality - Without it people will explore unrealistic possibilities until they find scarcity again.

DisbandTheCIA 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly I’m done trying to convince my family of anything. They’re about to give it to my great grandma. I’ll miss her.

DisbandTheCIA 7 points ago +7 / -0

“Why would you ever need 30 rounds?”

DisbandTheCIA 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is totally possible to do if you made an aerosol that would resonate with the radio frequencies. Basically like how a microwave oven works.

Idk that it would take 30 years to refine, maybe to have the “need” for those frequencies? The 30 years seems like an odd fixation.

Now suddenly I’m scared of someone making a transmitter that effectively kills people... that is also technically possible. One could amplify and focus a powerful microwave burst. ...I started going into more detail but maybe I shouldn’t.

DisbandTheCIA 4 points ago +4 / -0

No shot, no muzzle flash, no gun recoil, no reaction from the suspect or his clothing. They both stop for a fraction of a second and it sounds like someone says “boom” then there’s a “click” like noise then he drives off immediately after this pause and cue.

Maybe that was the gunshot? Really odd situation all around..

“I will TAZE you!”

DisbandTheCIA 0 points ago +1 / -1

Obviously you are. Sheep gonna sheep dude no forum or awakening is ever going to change that. These things are fine, and I applaud your contribution.

DisbandTheCIA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Random thought because I got your reply at the same time.

“History is written by the victors.” used to make me think of primitive societies where truth and reality were denied for all manner of terrible reasons.

Well here we are.

DisbandTheCIA 3 points ago +5 / -2

If you really expect that a bunch of random internet people have clairvoyance idk what to say to you.

DisbandTheCIA 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is not new. Hospital did the blood draw, Floyd died 25 minutes later.

This is on the autopsy report before the toxicology.

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