I’m with you, no subscription plan.
Also, it may be you are more likely to catch COVID and have serious disease when vaccine is waning than had you never been vaccinated at all.
We will know for certain if that is true soon. All eyes on Israel for that.
Hard work is good for you. Being productive and having purpose is good for you.
You can't be abused at work. You have to be treated fairly, honestly, and with human dignity.
How you feel about what you do, caring about the quality of your work, is more important than how much you make. Live within your means and be prudent, especially if you are buying something on credit.
You were created to work and be productive, it's central to who you are, it is part of the essence of who you are.
Get all the above in line and you can work your ass off, Brother, which is a very American thing to do.
That's our history, that's how we got to where we are. We outworked everybody.