Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

to be fair...shredding trucks are common place in both private and public sectors. It being seen is far from unusual. Corporate and government documents are littered with sensitive information.

Let us not forget, the deep state does its best work after dark. If a truck is seen outside business hours, that's the news story.

Drift_Striker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taking Paxlovid eh? Tell us you will get rebound covid, with telling us you will get rebound covid...

Drift_Striker 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. If justification documentation of EUA/Approval from pharmas to the FDA support their use and safety, it would be spammed out and freely available. It's not and actively being suppressed which tells you everything you need to know about their testing and study results.
Drift_Striker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, pharma wants to make sure no one has an advantage against the coof. There have been studies from early on in the pandemic (late 2019) discussing nicotine efficacy in preventing. Its not even hard to find. A simple DDG search below


Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

The specific question from the hospital/health system (answered first) was:

"What is the sincerely held religious belief or practice for which you are seeking accommodation?"

I did not see the colleges' questions because my wife reused/rephrased the original answer I had supplied to suit.

Drift_Striker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I authored a response on behalf of my wife for a religious exemption for multiple workplaces. She is an oncology nurse at a hospital/health system (regarded as top in the US), university lecturer/teacher (largest student body in the US), and community college lecturer/teacher. All successful.

Personally, felt that it would be best to stay away from Judeo-Christian belief systems, as thy are too common and hard to defend when their leaders endorse the jab or when teachings (outside very orthodox application) do not support adversion, uniformly. It's uniqueness made it believable and supports exemption requirements. Shinto/Shintoism.

I answered the stock questions for each employer with a brief narrative. Only he university requested a follow up, here was that reply:

"What is the religious basis in Shintosim that prohibits the COVID-19 vaccination specifically?"


"Thank you for your interest into a deeper understanding of Shinto. However, there is no centralized doctrine, sacred scripture/text, or fixed dogma in its practice. Shintoism’s guiding principles are in the natural state of purity of human beings and the essence of spirit present in all things (nature).

Illness occurs when one’s immune system is weakened due to impurities of the spirit, mind, and body thereby creating imbalance. Preventing and overcoming illness involves returning that balance through physical and mental purification. Such remedies include naturopathy, kampo, diet, meditation, prayer, yoga, breathing, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. The introduction of non-naturally occurring or artificial additives, chemicals, preservatives, etc…is counter to maintaining balance and inhibits holistic healing."

My wife wanted to reply with something more colorful which amounted to GFY but I had to be the voice of composure. I hope this provides some help in crafting yours.

Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's 2 bottles into a sixer of Rolling Rock beer, "33"

Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I may, I suggest finding whole food vitamins rather than obtaining synthetic vitamins. A bit more money but they are naturally occurring and absorbed by the body in a more meaningful way. e.g. Vitamin C derived from berries vs Vitamin C "as" Ascorbic Acid

Drift_Striker 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a global war, fought on the digital battlefields everywhere. This is bigger than the just the US. The vast majority of the world uses DMY or YMD notation allowing for monthly "mirrors" through 2028 and many through 2031. This fight will continue well beyond he short term.

The Great Awakening is a marathon, not a race.

Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no document fuckery afoot. Original document was released and then updated, likely after the faux pas was discovered. Direct links to both documents on canvass50.


The original document properties shows Liz Harris as the author and a created/modified stamp of 9/7/2021 8:03:04 PM

Original Report


The updated document properties shows Liz Harris as the author and a created/modified stamp of 9/8/2021 12:29:56 PM

Updated Report

Drift_Striker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wording is everything. Contracts and other legal instruments use precise language for a reason.

"conducted on COMIRNATY and a similar vaccine termed BNT162b2"

"similar" used here is not oversight, it's deliberate. If it were identical, it would say it.

Amino acid sequences can still have different protein expression depending on differing external signals even if identical.

Drift_Striker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Correct. It's Chinese carrier, J-15 Fighter

Drift_Striker 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is definitely a Chinese Aircraft Carrier, it's the Shandong CV-17 with a Shenyang J-15 Fighter on egress

Drift_Striker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Newsom is a good bet. Selling his 5.9 million house in CA. Selling high and move residence to Navel Observatory

Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trust is earned and voluntary. There is nothing that requires me to trust something/someone, it's a choice. Provide trustworthy supporting input, receive trust in return taking in to account risks, benefit, and reward.

Drift_Striker 6 points ago +6 / -0

When this site seeks "Autists" we specifically are looking for the high-functioning sort. You are at the opposite end of the spectrum. Sorry for the confusion. Go cool off, make a few dirt mudpies, screech a bit, come back when your episode is over.

Drift_Striker 8 points ago +8 / -0

Credentialed cyberpede here....just tell me where. I love the smell of unencrypted network packets in the morning, smells like victory...

Drift_Striker 6 points ago +6 / -0

My daughter is a hairdresser, was instrumental in helping convince my wife (R.N.) not to get the jab. Wife works for Mayo Clinic, what also helped convince her was that Mayo refuses to administer the vaccine for anyone. I am reading between the lines, if pharma or the government isn't accountable, that leaves the providers. Likely too much risk and they know something.

Drift_Striker 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are correct, my fault, did not fully read to see the verbiage on affidavit of service, knee jerk to the pleading format. Thanks for the checks and balance.

Drift_Striker 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not dooming but that's a motion, not an order (subpoena) to appear...I can submit a motion to depose anybody I want, doesn't mean it will be granted.

Drift_Striker 21 points ago +21 / -0

Drift_Striker 9 minutes ago +2 / -0 It gets better...check his caption of the video. Good chance he is on this forum. You are now our 'basedest' fren. THANK YOU.


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