Your headspace is rent free to us... REEEE!
Haha! They left out a very particular "benefit" of being EOD in that, if you get it wrong it will suddenly be someone else's problem...
I figured this out when I opened Google Maps, from my "invisible" computer and it pinpointed me within 25 feet. Not always, but more frequent than not.
God, I hate that music just as much as Putin. I bet having Bono out in the open made him salivate at the thought of a missile strike.
Mother's Day for the omni-trans community must surely be confusing... LOLZ!
This is absolutely hilarious! They're trying to vilify everyone within a scope of conservatism and religion! Despite the overwhelming majority! WITH THE US CONSTITUTION!!! OPEN THE FLOODGATES!!! NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!!!
Testing loyalty has been common practice since the idea of military became. But, the ones that took/take the Oath seriously aren't gone...
Idk, but in 30+ years of fixing, I can honestly say I've never drilled anything shut. And that's all the attention I'm giving this evidence of the effects of the dumbening.
One had their "life" changed a couple of days ago closing I-10 EB with 3 dead.
California has more miles of power line per tree than anywhere else in the world. It has been determined, by the State of California, that the State of California will cause cancer.
(in my best Beavis impression) FIRE!!!!!!! hehehe
Reeeeee reeee reeee reeee!!!
As featured in Disney's "Cruise of the Caribbean"...
That account only exists to down vote stuff, otherwise there's no login to view everything.
I'd pay more attention if someone said her head will explode from sniper fire in two weeks...
Great point, BUT... Who or what determines the just desserts? One's own self does that when they can sleep at night knowing full and well that what they did is good.
The Dims aren't concerned with geographical states. Only the State of Mind. They somehow think they can place everyone in a specific "state" of belief and govern over the "Land of Confusion". There will never be a complete state of chaos or anarchy without calculated control. Human Resolve wins every time.
I can't afford to stack anything but skill, tooling, knowledge and comms. With these I can barter for fuel, flour, water and precious metals.
You might wanna be careful flying over the cucu's nest...
Sounds like some new-fangled I.C.E. age. I'm all for it, being a 17 yr. master mechanic aaaaand some knowledge of big holes and pollution of increased surface area and leeching. NOW YOU KNOW WHERE THE CARBON CREDIT GOES!!!
They had masks to reduce chances that YOU would see outsiders, but I'm happy knowing you saw through the bullshit.