And let the memes flood. Man I've been waiting for this. Trolling Trump is best Trump.
If there is no election and we DON'T march we will be willingly submitting to communism. Do you want your kids to live under totalitarian rule?
Me too, or use that data for how many to print.
Yea If there's not an election we will be marching on DC armed, so, either way, I'm not voting early I don't want the Dems knowing how far behind they are.
Yea I have had far worse allergies since COVID than ever before, doc says your body changes over time, but idk. Mind you my doc is not a vax pusher either, she actively told people to not vax their kids.
I've actually thought that it "could" be possible if medical science got out of hand. Didn't think it would happen in my lifetime though, but now I wonder. Glad I played a lot of Nazi Zombies as a teen. I'm sure Commie Zombies will drop just as easy.
And stack ammo and non perishables
I mean, most people have yet to admit that much, they think we "saved Europe" so, baby steps.
Ok, The Government^TM has been on the wrong side this whole time.
To note- we've been on the wrong side this whole time. here's a video that dispels much of the exaggeration of nuclear Winter. I don't know a whole lot about this guy but he seems to know his stuff. Honestly I just don't care anymore. I'm far more concerned about having to fight a civil war if they steal the vote again. Or worse, living in a world where nobody was willing to fight that fight.
That may be, but nothing in use today is remotely close to as powerful as even the 2/3 charge Tsar that was tested. The sarmat 2 carries 10 charges that are each 750KT (according to what we know) These are certainly devastating for a few hundred meters but no, there's no way it can take out all of France. What it could do, possibly, is take out 10 very strategic targets that would be devastating to France, but not wipe it from the Earth, nowhere near that.
Most likely, yes, people in power like to keep up the "nuclear war would end the world" idea to keep the public afraid, and make threats like this seem that much more serious. I mean, you could say that nuclear war would end the world as we know it now, but not actually, literally, end the world. A Tsar Bomba at full 100MT load could take out DC and it's suburbs and bordering towns for like 50 miles, but the idea that 4 could take out the entire US is insane nonsense.
He is risen indeed. Feel free to do your own research, but I can say my opinion has been formed by watching a nuclear engineer on YouTube who often posts about all the unfounded lies surrounding nuclear. Basically, the powers that be do not want nuclear because it would provide such cheap energy to us, and they prefer us poor. Chernobyl was terrible, so was 3 mile island and Fukushima, however, the things they taught us have made modern nuclear extremely, extremely, safe.
Thankfully, contrary to popular belief, there aren't even remotely enough nukes in existence to end the world. Nuclear Winter theory is complete bs. If the Ruskies nuked the libtard filled cities they would be doing us a favor. 48hrs indoors and then clean up the mess.
Who cares? They cheat, we shoot them. It's not just our right it's our duty.
It infuriates me that the British gave up our Christian Holy Land to those Christ deniers. And that our churches have been subverted to teach the lie that these Canaanites and Khazarians are "God's chosen" which would be a lie even if they were real Hebrews. Under the New Covenant all those who follow Christ are God's people.
Yes a stock. It's traded around and it's value is totally speculative. The only acceptable replacement is backed currency.
Crypto is nothing more than a stock. It isn't a real currency, it has no physical value, and nobody is entitled to accept it. Don't get distracted. Ending the Fed is priority number 1.
The entirety of what we call the "Jewish race" traces back to the Pharisees. Boggles my mind that so many Christians have been convinced that these traitors somehow retain their Old Testament "chosenite" status.
Yuval is hated by far too many to be the antichrist. The true antichrist will have overwhelming global popularity. Same reason I laughed at the folks who thought it was Obummer.
That's true, but, this name is such a same-ism that I don't see it being a big issue.
Yea so, this doesn't matter in the slightest. With the power of the Internet it will take all of a day to let everyone know what the new term is.
As someone his age I think the majority is strong enough to make that statement. Even when you see a group of us in a room with TVs, most of us have our phones out instead. Nobody I work with under 40 watches cable news. They might watch pieces of it on YouTube but they don't sit down after work and turn on the TV like our parents did. We hop on our PC or just watch something entertaining and maybe scroll our phone sometime before bed to check for interesting headlines, or posts here in my case.
No not me, we, en masse. Everyone who isn't ok with totalitarian government. We would take the WH and prevent anyone from using extreme measures from the war room, and then we would organize a new election and ensure it's carried out fairly. We are talking about a hypothetical situation where they try to cancel the election. That is way beyond the red line of tyranny.