Elseebee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exposing these demons.

Dismantling the world-wide cabal.

Freeing all the kids.

Worth it to me, but whew. What a ride...

I can only imagine what it's bee like for those on the front line.

Elseebee 7 points ago +7 / -0

From a datacenter PM, this is unheard of.

It takes perfect coordination from so many teams, it's hard to put into perspective, but I'll give a high level.

General categories of teams engaged in this effort.

  • upper management from each discipline to approve each facet
  • accounting
  • finance
  • contracting
  • legal
  • regulatory compliance
  • security
  • risk management
  • cabling (fiber optics, dark fiber, Infiniband)
  • network gear (switches/routers)
  • network planning
  • capacity management
  • infrastructure - site prep
  • infrastructure - permitting
  • infrastructure - power
  • infrastructure - backup power (generators, kinetic reserves, battery reserves)
  • infrastructure - earthquake mitigation
  • infrastructure- fire safety compliance
  • infrastructure - floor load review
  • infrastructure - security hardware (cameras, armored fiber, door locks, biometrics, etc)
  • infrastructure - on site office space
  • infrastructure - floor layout
  • infrastructure - cooling
  • logistics - vendor review/approval
  • logistics - schedule of deliveries
  • logistics - communication plan
  • logistics - storage site prep
  • logistics - inventory during install
  • logistics - install plan
  • logistics - customs
  • logistics - heavy equipment (lift HVAC components)
  • personnel - rack/stack/cable/label crew
  • personnel - on-site electrical engineering team(s)
  • personnel - site operations
  • personnel - PM cadre
  • personnel- on-site networking support
  • personnel- on-site hardware support (NVidia)
  • personnel - warehouse workers
  • personnel- HVAC
  • personnel- janitorial
  • personnel - food vendors
  • personnel- security officers
  • personnel- site supervisor(s)
  • marketing - customer engagement
  • marketing - advertisement and corporate branding
  • support - Tier 1
  • support - NOC
  • support - portal
  • support - security

Now, keep in mind that some of these team names represent entire departments, so this list does not cover every stakeholder group.

Also, keep in mind that we haven't even talked about anybody necessary for the actual programming of the software.

All this is just to stand up a new DC.

Ive been doing this for 20 years at Fortune 100 companies, and I have NEVER heard of such a feat. This speaks not only to the skill of all people in each and every department, but to an organizational structure that allows for such rapid work.

To say this is impressive doesnt begin to tell the tale. This is monumental. Shocking.

I'd love to see the finished product.

Elseebee 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm cautiously optimistic with him.

He has the verbal ability, but I need so see how he demonstrates his actual positions going forward.

Been burned too many times throughout recent years.

Elseebee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes sense.

I posted this for discussion. Looks like mission success.

I still wonder what the situation on the ground really is.

At this point, I'm not convinced that anything we are fed is straight.

The union boss has a huge mansion, drives a Bentley, and made a video with threats sure to damage collective bargaining in the US.

The timing of this and the switch over to the new uniform transfer interest rate.

The timing of this against the Diddy revelations.

I tend to question everything.

Elseebee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ehh.. makes sense.

On the other hand, even if the strike has nothing to do with this, it does beg the question; surely longshoremen must have heard of,and some heard (personally), right?

I wonder what the actual situation is.

Elseebee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe, bit I thought it was fun.

The role of anon is lonely and stressful.

I'll take a chuckle whenever I can get it.

Elseebee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hah! Wouldn't that be a trip?

If THIS was actually THE "2 weeks"?!

Elseebee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Better and better!

Thanks, fren!

Elseebee 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a super close up of his butt.

Elseebee 6 points ago +6 / -0

I wonder if these folks are the white hats, or if the white hats are still serving in an official capacity.

Elseebee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does he look..........a little salty?

.....I'll see myself out.

Elseebee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone who is paying attention knows that the Dems/Deep State/Cabal are willing to do anything to keep him out.

I can't wait until exposure!

Elseebee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish he had put up a jar with the US, and EU populations to show just how many people are expected to support the 5.whatever billion poor in US and EU territories.

It would show what our lands would look like if we did take them all in.

Total wipeout of our native populations.

Elseebee 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple of problems here.

  1. There's so much, and it's not exactly indexed well.

  2. Such gritty detail, I'm not even sure who I can possibly share it with. I'm not sure I want to scar my friends/family.

Elseebee 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's fun to hear them say that though.

Elseebee 2 points ago +2 / -0

He called himself "Jamie"!


Love that guy!

I really hope this leads to Act Blue having their funds frozen!

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