I think [they] happens to be the journalist’s insert. I know what it means on the chans, but it’s also typical in journalism to place brackets around a word the interviewee did not actually say. Common in sports post-game articles to make the sentence structure of an exasperated athlete - who just wants to get home and away from the microphone - more coherent.
Hakeem is an un-American, hypocritical hack? Woah!
Sounds real to me. I wore a shirt that just says ‘breathe’ yesterday, and the retail worker, a kid, complimented me and got into ranting about the situation and people who still mask. This, while the other customers behind me were masked. Honeybadger don’t care.
Good things DO happen.
They are so glued into a sex mindset... stuck in the second lowest chakra, and lowest frequency next to fear. And intense pride - a sin.
Their minds and hearts are imprisoned by these vices - like a vice grip!
They pretend to have hearts of gold. But the only thing we find inside their chest, is fool’s gold.
And I don’t know if I’m making it worse by highlighting these things...
“Crying for unborn children that could have made me complete”
Wow. Our soulmates could have been aborted. Hits hard.
Certainly seems that way in my experience. When people get greedy, sell to them. When people panic, buy from them. Generally.
It was also announced the beta would come out in weeks, not months. Good reason to expect upward movement just the same.
Good long-term hold.
Abortion is a 100% chance of death to another.
Spreading COVID is a 0.1% chance of death to another (including vent + remdesivir induced).
There’s a clear difference here. My body my choice - without harm to others - works for #2, but not #1.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I’m starting for feel a bit better about the situation :)
Many people live to eat, sleep, and occasionally have sex. Throw in fanaticism for a certain sports team or television series for a shallow ‘identity’.
If you choose to date someone who fits that bill, she will use you to accomplish those things. They take money. He will too, albeit a different distribution between the three, which is no better.
The challenge is finding the one in a million who lives for more. Since you’re on this forum - I’d suggest someone who seeks out truth. She exists.
But can you match a person like that? Are you looking in the right places? Can’t expect to find a book worm inside a bar!
P.S.: People who give unsolicited advice, tend to say to others what they also need to say to themselves. We learn best through teaching others. I’m with you!
Thank you! Have you found anything, such as Shungite, capable of reducing waves when you compare/contrast on your meter?
I understand that, just looking to keep things as natural as reasonably possible given my circumstances. Need some intel on reducing waves.
The post is about health.
Know anything about LTE as a comparable? I’m trying to figure out how to reduce frequency exposure.
Pycnogenol, or pine bark extract, is great for preventing clots. I take one with garlic everyday.
The Magic of Believing - Claude M. Bristol, 1948.
An argument against setback, is that the many proofs we’ve seen since would have been much harder to orchestrate. I think we are right on schedule. All ‘plans’ end with God winning.
To be honest, only going on this information, he sounds like he enjoys trolling/riling your family up and being a contrarian. Pushing the envelope to see your reaction, like a little kid. Did your mom/dad ever give him a reason to rebel?
All work and no play? Controlling parents with high expectations? Forcing a kid into piano lessons will make him hate piano. Was he ever sternly restricted from doing something he found fun, and took it to heart?
Like teaching styles for students, or coaching styles for players, sometimes brothers require different parenting styles to equally thrive.
Many kids who are forced to act like adults, become adults who act like kids. Like catching up for missed time.
There had to be signs of this personality switch progressing, no?
For someone like him, to turn him back, you may need to use his strength against him. Operation Warp Speed style, or pulling someone’s haymaker into a takedown, or escaping the classic chinese finger trap. Or maybe he needs unconditional love.
People are more complicated than any one explanation, but something made him this way. How could no one in the family notice the gradual change? Maybe it is just a cry for attention. He did call you, on his birthday. He must want, but also value, your attention.
Well played. Hahaha.
Buy an older car.
This seems okay, until we see it’s conflating Trump with ‘trick’... I wouldn’t share it.
Funny - Iceberg has been in the news recently, as the name of the short hedge fund attacking his stock. Then backing off, due to how aggressively Trump will promote Truthsocial.
Shares are stolen on the stock market similarily to votes in the election.
I can only say that it’s a bit coincidental for them to change their name within a week of the news about Trump’s Truthsocial.
I’d make a comment about the NPC’s being really gross, but I’m too encouraged by the video to dwell on them. Good job parents!
Thank you - with meaning.
These people are stupid. They think a wall means he wants to divide people. It’s our border! A boundary that should have been strong to begin! Have they never learned the importance of personal boundaries, as a screening method to ward off parasitic relationships? There are individuals, who when given any answer other than no, will deem our country weak and to be taken advantage! We do not want those people. We say no!