Not sure if this is obvious or not, but the audio here is edited.
The original is from President Trump was charged, and a reporter asked him what he would be using as collateral.
His response… “Cash.”
…..third from the right…. Dave Chapelle?
Khmer Rouge* though I appreciate that your experience is from being there, and mine is from books. Thank you for your service in what I’m fairly certain is the highest risk, highest casualty field in our military. You are truly brave.
I agree with you that this is an actual problem, one that is largely caused by us. Is this piece staged pretty theatrically? Yes. Does this issue take precedence over our issues at home? I’m not so sure. But it is a serious issue, and I do hope it is appropriately dealt with in a way that does not involve shadowy organizations and/or waste.
Thank you for your insight, I appreciate the clarification.
While I hope this move accomplishes its goal, instead of making things more awful for white folk, I wish he would have just said it. Certain classes? It’s white people.
I know at this point, the media would have a field day with him saying something like that, and maybe it is for the best… but somebody needs to say it.
It’s been a blessing, and exactly what I was looking for. I’ve even started a beautiful family. Thank you, sir, and others like you.
I second everything said by TNBanjoMan.
I moved here during Trump’s first term, and while I also had some concern about not being welcome, everybody has treated me like an old friend (especially once they realize I came here to live with like minded people and not bring any commie bullshit with me).
Having bought a house within the past couple years (worst time for prices, but I needed it and it is what it is), I might have some insight if you have any questions, but good ol BanjoMan is much more well versed in these parts.
I work in proximity to this store… can confirm it would be very crowded on a Saturday, typically.
While metaphorically accurate, I actually mostly upvoted this just because it made me laugh really hard. Excellent use of language here.
Only chiming in to say that in San Diego, everyone is “dude” lol. Even my mother and I would call each other dude.
That is certainly a strong, strong man. Honestly, when they demanded all that information that he was gracious enough to provide, I would have refused and just let them take me to prison.
I’ve done some time, don’t get me wrong it’s fucking awful, but I’m not sure I would’ve had the patience this man did to endure all that.
The inclusion of “plus” in there between commas is a little weird, no? Wonder if it means anything.
No, that shit needs like a surgeon general’s warning and an ID to access as it is an intoxicant. I made it back home, but I think HR might drug test me next week.
Wow, that may legitimately be the most boring paragraph I’ve ever read. Well done… except now I have to go to work lol
I’m watching now and enjoying it as well, thank you for the recommendation. But Mr. Gibson is very, very clearly on cocaine lol.
….running against Trump is treason? This is not a monarchy, my friend. I fully support President Trump and have since day one, but suggesting that allowing opposition is a crime punishable by death is fucking insane.
Exposure to other viewpoints is healthy.
I’ve enjoyed some of the recent interactions we’ve seen from Maher, but let’s not forget what he likely is…
I can’t remember the context but fairly certain he comes up in the drops. Also, where does everybody stand regarding him being Hefner’s offspring?
Hey that’s interesting. I stumbled across Kim Clement’s prophecies in November 2017 on some strange subreddit called r/CBTS_Stream, and was fascinated. What was this calm before the storm?
The rest is history.
I mean…. Let’s be real.
I don’t know either of these guys and based solely on this video I’m not sure I support either one of them.
But that was definitely a shot at the Palestinian supporter dude. It was less, “I wish you a long and happy life” and more “Ha ha good luck not getting exploded.”
I’m gonna get downvoted…
But, that’s honestly not bad advice. That mentality will help with control of the room and help you focus on your point.
However, like User25000, it pains me to see the youth looking at her like that.
Hey I was just asking about you in another post about the floods around here. Glad you’re all right.
Anyone hear from TNBanjoMan? Hope he’s not caught up in this. Pretty sure he’s not far from me, and I’m not far from where this is happening.
Let us know you’re all right, friend.
Honestly, I’m with you here and on your other comments. We need to get to the root of the problem.
However, property damage in the millions of dollars definitely deserves some years in prison.
Interesting.. pretty sure the stars on the shoulders come from old, Russian organized crime. I’m sure there’s a hypothetical extrapolation that could be made there.
Sauce (should have provided previously):