The deep state needs to give us a few pointless victories as to not cause a riot. Things like California they simply couldn't lose, for obvious reasons. It's a strategic wing of their operation, and without it their whole enterprise collapses.
Bullshit. Every. Message. Board. Has. Porn. Problems. Yes, even CP. I've ran several message boards, and periodically you'd get Feds posting child porn with honeypot links. It's sick. This has been going on for decades. It's the combination of an open image platform and the discussion of politics that draws them in like a bright light to flies. Again, this is why reddit, twitter and facebook are sole monopolies on the internet up until now. I think it's a miracle sites like this have been up for over a year, and I do believe white hats are at work.
I think Hotwheels made the mistake of "defending" child porn in a media interview. It was obviously a bad interview, but I have never once seen or witnessed any child porn on 8chan and I've used it quite extensively back then.
Background: Hotwheels is Fredrick Brennan, founder and owner of 8chan, who, at the time lived in the Philippines because he couldn't afford to live in the U.S. due to his medical conditions (thanks big pharma/tech! for all of the regulations!) This was where most of Q's posts are found. Of course, not that long after this was posted, I believe he sold the website due to pressure. Then he was kicked out of the Philippines due to other legal bullshit that was through NO fault of his own. Last I checked, he is now back in the U.S. This unfortunately happens to just about EVERY English language, free speech, online message board or platform that gets over a 1000 active users a day. The owner either is forced to sell, or gets arrested because one of his users posts child porn or something illegal, and then the FBI uses that to shut it down despite being no fault of the owner. This is PRECISELY why Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, are the sole authorities on people congregating on the internet. Their monopolies were paid for by unlimited financing of the federal reserve and through killing all competition through the enforcement arm of the US government shutting everything else down. This is why we are in this situation right now!
The same can be said with all of these Cease and Desist orders that lawyers like to throw around from large companies. It is NOT against the law to "violate" copyright, trademark, or even patent law, assuming you actually are, when Fair Use is a protected right. The only copyright violations that can get you arrested are piracy, as in distributing media illegally, and counterfeit products, cheap copies posing as the real product. Of course, they only go after you if you distribute pirated Hollywood media, not an individual's music or artwork which happens very often.
Alex Jones got into trouble for making a Pepe the frog T-shirts. The reality is, he can do this regardless, mainly because it was a reproduction or re-imagining of Pepe, but that didn't stop the corrupt leftist judge. But regardless, even if he did straight up copy it, he just would be in trouble for monetary damages, which, like an unpaid credit card bill, he has no obligation to pay.
This is great advice!
Another thing we could experience is an even worse chip shortage. So it's good to keep your old laptop or phone around for redundancy, in a scenario where technology becomes completely scarce, but food and other essentials remain available. Almost all of our electronics production is based in Asia. We still actually have factories fitted for production here in the U.S. mainly for repair, or special orders, but this would not meet the demand by any measure of 300 million+ Americans.
The first thing we learn in Economics 101is that you cannot have 100% of anything. You cannot have 100% purity with gold. You cannot be 100% free of arsenic in water. You cannot have 100% customer satisfaction. You cannot have produce 100% of your products without any flaws. etc. etc. This is just another example where 100% is just impossible without violating every civil rights of the people as possible.
hate to say it, but this is the most plausible explanation. It may not be true, but it's the best explanation that makes sense. It's actually the conspiracy theory to believe he has to fly out to California for no other reason. The media really are the conspiracy theorists at this point with all of the dumbass lies they keep peddling that make absolutely no logical sense at all.
This smells like a trap or set up now. Let's do some math here, we don't know the long term effects of the vaccine are, but we know short term, it straight up kills at least 1% of those who take it. There is still a 99% chance she could be still alive and just not talking.
I'm glad people are still looking into this, but let's not make it the center point of the monstrosity this vaccine is and how many people it has been verified to have killed.
#3. This is why it's important not to focus too much on this. They did with the Obama birth certificate and the whole thing with Comet Ping Pong Pizza. They even did this with the Kennedy assassination, where people focused a lot on that ONE photo of Oswald, claiming it was fake, when it never was. But we all know he was set up and we don't need one stupid photograph to prove all of this, however the damage was already done.
"Please keep your wife's death secret. If it comes out she died, more people will die if they don't get vaccinated! It is for the best."
I don't know what mental gymnastics they had to go through with this. A simple staking out at the hospital she works at with interviews of people there can confirm if she's still around or not. This can also be a trap or a set up but that video was pretty damning. No way she was the same after that.
Democrats abandoned the Unions long ago. The sole reason why they moved manufacturing overseas, particularly China, was to kill off unions, and it almost worked. The problem is we still have hundreds of industries China still can't compete with even with devaluing their currency and enslaving their people further inland. Sorry, but when you enslave someone, the quality of their work isn't going to be that great. We've learned this a hundred years ago, and the real reason why slavery was abolished all over the world.
It's funny because almost all pilots I know are ex military, or native-born Americans and not brain dead stupid immigrants who have no understanding of individual liberty and freedom. and I say this as a son of an immigrant who understands immigrants come from a country and culture with no history of freedom.
I really hope we're only going through all of this, and the reason why Trump is promoting the vaccine.... is because the deep state straight up has nukes and missiles ready to slaughter Americans as a last resort plan. A good 1% of the population will die from the vaccine, at minimum. Maybe this has been going on for decades already? Who knows. The truth needs to come out.
Even in 2016, I thought the stock market would collapse even with Trump in power during his first term and it would all be blamed on him. Somehow he was able to convince the Fed to continue pumping out more money and not let the elite buy up America wholesale like they did in 2008, 2001, 1991, 1984, 1978 etc. When the collapse happens it will ultimately be blamed on Biden as the scapegoat. The real question will be, will the elite be allowed to buy up everything when this happens while everyone else suffers? If this happens then I don't see any white hats.
The collapse needs to happen, and true value needs to come out of LABOR. Not property, not stocks, not companies that barely make back their market capitalization to a factor of 100x. It's got to be labor that needs to be rewarded. We know damn well these elites don't do any real human labor themselves, imagine if inflation hits labor, while all of their assets like property and stocks go to nearly zero because that's what they're actually worth? They'd be completely out of power, and the power would return back to the people as it had in the 50s and when the country first emerged in the early 19th century as a global power.
This is worse than being denied medical care for being black... which almost never happened in the 1950s, but if you ask a Leftist they'll tell you it happened every hour of every day back then. What we're facing is bigger than WW2, significantly bigger than the civil rights movement by a lot.
Mostly a photo op. Still badass! Most RINOs wouldn't dare be caught dead doing this.